Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 628: X-Q Two Zombies

Li Xiangshuang looked at Wang Shishi: "Let's go out now, it's too dangerous. And if we go out, we probably won't have the chance to return."

Wang Shishi muttered: "If you don't go, just forget it. I will try to go alone."

"Okay, okay. I seemed to like that feeling a bit after I was in the first half of the year. This dull job is really not suitable for me."

The two discussed how to get out.

"Why don't we go and buy the ropes and go down? I took a look around here without losing." Li Xiangshuang found that the amount of zombies had decreased a lot.

Wang Shishi nodded: "Okay. Let's buy together."

The two went to the store.

"Boss, do you sell any rope here?" Li Xiangshuang asked.

The shop owner nodded: "Rope, yes. What rope do you want?"

Li Xiangshuang said directly, "Give me a rope of at least fifteen meters. Be firm, you can tie me up."

She estimates that it should be a wall of about 10 meters, but a few meters more secure.

The store owner listened to Li Xiangshuang's words, and then looked at the medical equipment, but also a rope to tie her: "... the young people really can play. Hemp rope should have it. But when binding yourself, attention . "

Li Xiangshuang: "..."

Wang Shishi: "..."

After the two had finished shopping, they were so embarrassed to stay, and went to the hardware store next to them, and bought something similar to a hook.

After everything was done, the two brought some food and water, carried their bags, and were ready to leave.

In case the mask isn't Zhang Ye, at least he can find it.

If you do n’t bring anything, it ’s not easy.

Then I bought a laser sword, which is still available in Farah.

Just have money.

Firearms require a firearms license issued by company T to purchase.

The influence of company T is very large.

"Go! We can go!"

The two went to a high building and fastened the ropes.

"Go down one by one. You know?" Li Xiangshuang instructed.

Wang Shishi muttered: "I'm not a kid again, I know. You go down first. I'll come right away."

The two tied a knot on their bodies, in case they were dropped by accident, so as not to fall.

Many people in chemical protection suits were holding weapons and patrolling nearby.

"Report, coordinates 332, 161. Someone was found over the wall."


Many people whistleed to warn Wang Shishi and Li Xiangshuang.

Another chemical service staff member said, "Forget it, leave them alone. Let them go out anyway. There is no difference between being outside and finding death. These people are looking for excitement."

Chemical defense personnel found the warnings useless and simply not over-the-top.

After Li Xiangshuang came down, Wang Shishi also came down.

With a little excitement, the two ran towards the direction of the white mask.

"Zhang Ye! Zhang Ye, are you!" Wang Shishi shouted excitedly.

A group of people rushed forward to stop Wang Shishi and Li Xiangshuang.

Zhang Huan motioned them out: "Why are you coming out?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Shishi was even more certain that the man was Zhang Jian.

"It's you! Zhang Ye!" Wang Shishi smiled.

Li Xiangshuang smiled, but said nothing.

Everyone looked at them in confusion. The savior was Zhang Ye?

Zhang Ye smiled: "You should be inside, be safe. Wait for me to clear the zombies. You can come out."

"Ha? Are you cleaning up the zombies?" Wang Shishi froze.

Li Xiangshuang longs for Zhang Ye: "Hey. Bring us together."

"It's dangerous. It's better to go back." Zhang Huan advised.

Li Xiangshuang looked at Zhang Ye: "How many zombies did you kill in half a year?"

Zhang Jian said a moment later, "Well, quite a lot, I really can't remember the specifics. There are no more than 100,000 and there are 70,000 or 80,000."

"..." Li Xiangshuang was startled by the number.

This is too great!

Zhang Yan shrugged: "So they called me the savior. I'm also speechless. Go. I've basically cleared the zombies around here. There are still some areas left behind. I plan to visit today."

"Together, together. I like this exciting feeling. Before I was a nurse, I used to go bungee jumping and camping adventures." Li Xiangshuang said.

Wang Shishi just laughed and stood there stupidly.

"Okay, then you pay attention. Try not to get too close, I can fix it, you may not." Zhang Ye had to agree.

When they came out of Farah, it was clear that they were determined. It is not very useful to persuade them to go back.

Zhang Ye walked all the way.

Many people in the poor cellars waved their hands towards Zhangye, with some excitement.

"You are very welcome." Li Xiangshuang envy.

Zhang Huan shrugged: "Maybe it was because I gave them hope. You look at them next to me and say they want to follow me."

Li Xiangshuang looked around, no less than forty or fifty people.

It looks like a class of people are following Zhang Huan.

That posture.

Really mighty.

The slum dwellers began to build fences and iron gates.

This gives the best habitat for yourself.

Where Zhang Ye went, there was applause and cheers everywhere.

"Just give me a long range, but don't aim at me. In case of a crook, I'm not bullet-proof." Zhang Huan joked.

Now my own free points are added to the strengthening of the arm strength. Although it is not possible to fist hard bullets at this time ~ www.readwn.com ~, the damage of bullets is greatly reduced.


Zhang Ye's gaze fixed.

Dozens of zombies came slowly.

Uh uh uh

嗬 嗬 ... 嗬

Zhang Yan rushed forward, picking up the laser sword directly was a one-size-fits-all!


split into two!

Soon, Zhang Zhe was cleaned up.

"The action is fast!" Li Xiangshuang looked at Zhang Ye, feeling Zhang Ye seemed more flexible than half a year ago.



Basement of company T.

Dr. Avery pulls out a set of data.

"The number of zombies has fallen sharply. According to the calculations, this data is abnormal." Avery's mouth slightly stunned.

"Send Team 17 to the outskirts and catch their so-called savior! I suspect he is the one with the mutation." Dr. Avery twisted his waist and turned on the projector.

A sunglasses man appeared on the projector: "Why, Dr. Avery, what do you want me to do? You rarely find me."

Avery took a report and gave it to the projection: "I need you to send X-Q2 Zombie Aid Team 17. According to the current data, the mask man is the genetic mutation we suspect."

"If he is caught, we can study the existing structure of his DNA to break down the sequence code. This genetic mutation can be made in batches."

The man in sunglasses said for a while in silence: "I can promise you what you said. Prepare the" FireWire MF "plan. If it goes well, your authority should be elevated to level 6 authority."

"Okay, I'll follow up here. Wait for my news."

The projection disappeared, and Dr. Avery looked at the set of data and was extremely excited: "I want to order this set of DNA!"

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