Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 633: Mother zombies?

The city of Fara is divided in two, but not on average. The sizes are not the same.

The fence is as high as dozens of meters and it will not open all year round.

Used to prevent people and zombies from entering the city. Hardly open.

The only time he opened was the time when the savior was arrested, that is, the time when Zhang Jian was arrested.

Now open the door again!

"Come on the savior again? Defence!"

Sixteen defense forces came out directly. Each team is equipped with 21 people.

七 There are seven people on each floor. Seven Shield Guards, seven output, and seven close-ups.

The scale of hundreds of people is equivalent to the entire force of a school a grade. There are many people.

Everyone is equipped with equipment, it really fights, thousands of people are not afraid.

Many people mistakenly thought that it was time to arrest Zhang Ye, and they were ready to block it directly.

After the gate was opened, a large crowd was found in the gate of the whole city of Fara. They fled in horror.

Some even went straight through the group of Zhang Ye.

Zhang Zhangye stopped a person: "How come you all went to the periphery, there are still some zombies on the periphery, which is more dangerous."

The city of Jaffara is in an absolutely safe area and has previously been a sanctuary for these people.

"No, Farah has fallen. We will all die!" The man looked at Zhang Ye in a mask in horror.

Zhang Zhang wondered: "What happened?"

"About half a year ago, the chemical control personnel of the company t in Fara City evacuated one after another. And there was always a strange bite in the city.

"This kind of wound is almost the same as the wound of a zombie attack."

而且 "And those who have been bitten will disappear for a while and reappear."

Zhang Zhangyan frowned: "Similar to stealth?"

"Yes. That's it. This zombie is terrible."

"Sometimes you can't even catch the shadow."

Zhang Zhang's stealth is completely different from zombies' stealth, which is due to his passive skills. And upgrade system. However, the zombies are invisible, which means a lot to others.

很难 Zombies that had been so difficult to get rid of will disappear.

Very difficult to attack.

I didn't even have a chance to respond.

"Here!" He ran away!

Zhang Zhang looked at the design behind him, but it is not finished yet, and he must guarantee it completely.

I turned around and looked forward.

A crowd came in front of me, and some zombies could be seen.

These zombies are completely different from the ones they have ever seen. They are pale and look like they have been soaked in water.

And it's all the same face, it's a woman, a woman's face is not too scary. But everyone is exactly the same.

The needle thread can still be seen on the hand, and the woman's body is slightly hesitant.

"Not a lot!" Zhang Hua rushed out, picked up his laser sword, and chopped it directly.

刀 One knife at a time!


These zombies still ignored Zhang Huan and attacked the crowd.

Zhang Ye is no more than killing a full six months, even if you kill chickens, you have the skills.

Everyone joined the battle.

Zhang Zhang found that the guards he had formed were not unable to resist in front of the new zombies.

I finally wounded and killed only two people after fighting these strange zombies.

After the two were bitten, there were no obvious characteristics.

"We decide on our own!" The two resolutely decided to die, and they did not want to be a walking dead.

But I really want to do it. They hesitated for a long time before finally doing it.

Zhang Zhang is a bit strange. Why is it that these zombies look exactly the same?

Is this a replica?

Or did you hide something else?

I blocked a wave of zombies.

Someone took the initiative to close the gate of Fara city.

Slap and hold things up.

"What are you doing? When you do this, people in Farah cannot come out!" Someone growled.

The man sneered: "It's better not to come out. We stopped us on the periphery. Now it's inside and want to run out?"

"How can there be such a good thing in the world. It is all us who are at risk, and they are all who are safe." The man said.

The rest did not stop him from closing.

There are even people who support such operations and close the door.

Zhang Zhang knows the current situation, there are zombies inside. There are also zombies outside.

I just have the zombies inside, which are such strange female zombies, even the face action is exactly the same.

I really doubt this is a copy of the same zombie.

But I really want to let that kind of zombies run out on a large scale.

It is estimated that the entire area will fall before the design is completed.

这样 Now, there must be some danger in Farah city.

But at least not all fall.

"Continue, make this plan quickly." When Zhang Jian saw these zombies, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

工 No work continued at night.

Everyone sits and rests.

Suddenly the lights went dark.

It was dark all around.

"What's going on?" A man was smoking and saw it suddenly turned black. Some dissatisfaction.

Another said, "It seems that there is a problem with the line. Who of you has lighting?"

"I have a flashlight. It works. Should we go and see?" Said the man.

Zhang Zhangye stood aside: "I'll go and see."

A few people watched it several times in a row without seeing anything unusual.

"It's not convenient at night. It's just tomorrow."

"It can be. But there is no light all night. In case of zombies, it is really difficult to handle."

Someone suggested: "Or else, let's prepare something. Burning fire? Fire is also a good thing."

Some people are looking for something that can be burned nearby ~ www.readwn.com ~ Soon the fire was burning beside everyone.

Everyone is sitting here, leaning on the fire from the fire.

Crackling, crackling, the flames rang.

"What's going on with the zombies today? Why are they all the same?" After sitting down, everyone simply expressed their doubts.

Wang Shishi thought: "Will it be a copy?"

"I don't think it is possible. I seem to have heard before, these people were assimilated after being bitten." Li Xiangshuang directly denied her claim.

Who would copy something like this?

向 Li Xiangshuang looked at Zhang Huan: "Will you split the mother and the infected body?"

Zhang Zhangye heard Li Xiangshuang's words and seemed to remember something, and then thought of closing the basement entrance of company t that time.

It seems that something is really wrong.

I was just a zombie like this, Zhang Ye knew very well that company T had the ability to completely destroy it.

However, company T's move was to evacuate here.

Obviously, the situation here is no longer controlled by company t. In other words, company t is preparing some special plans.

Zhang Zhang added wood to the fire: "Mother? I think your statement may be closest to the truth."

"So many identical zombies must be weird. We must finish construction soon. I don't know how long the city of Fara can last." Zhang Ye was slightly worried.

Following this, all the internal and external problems in Farah City are zombies.

"It's time to speed up." Zhang Huan took a deep breath.

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