Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 634: A bit awkward

For the next half a month, the project is constantly accelerating.

Everyone is busy.

Zhang Zhang was relieved to see that it was almost finished today.

On this day, the sun shone on the earth in a gentle way, reflecting Zhang Ye's white mask.

"Almost finished. Ready to store food! Would you like to come with me to bring food into this building?" Zhang Hua asked.

Many people waved and wanted to go.

Zhang Qiang waved his hand: "There must be several teams left here."

Choose one to go through, Zhang Huan took five teams and searched directly towards the inner area.

King Wang Shishi and Li Xiangshuang were left in the building.

Building is a kind of constructable body, that is, building is similar to building. It's like crossing a chain bridge in the abyss, and you can constantly build wooden boards in front.

This kind of building is also the same. However, in the building, there are some special ways to expand between buildings.

Continuously extends space.

If you want to describe this building as a whole, then this building is a hive.

工具 There is a tool connection between each cave so that you can go to another area.

Zombies who are so stingy that they cannot use the tools cannot reach another area.

Therefore, there can be enough safety space for everyone in the hive.

The current honeycomb can only allow everyone to inhabit, and can not be placed in various things, such as electricity and so on.

Maybe in the future, but at least not yet.

And now.

Zhang Zhang and others went very smoothly, clearing the road and the zombies.

"It seems that there are not many zombies outside." Someone said.

Zhang Zhangye nodded: "Well, it is indeed. Be vigilant, don't care."

They also nodded in response.

Everyone searched for food all the way, and found everything they could find.

As for the expired ones, I also took them.

If it's time to run out of food, at least there is something to eat.

The next time, some monotonous, is to constantly bring food to the hive and eliminate ordinary zombies around.

Finally arrived one day!

People were horrified to find the huge wall, and a big hole appeared unconsciously.

"All back to the hive!" Zhang Huan shouted.

Wang Shishi and Li Xiangshuang went to their hive.

A large number of zombies swarmed from the inside.

Zhang Zhang took the laser sword and rushed directly to it.

It seemed as if an overwhelming army was swarming from Fara.

The entire city of Farah is considered a second-tier city.

Even the second line can solve millions of people.

杀 Killing one by one takes at least decades to resolve.

More and more zombies are appearing, which is shocking. They are all the same.

I still look like that stitched.

Zhang Zhang was like a general, rushing into the soldiers to kill and kill.

"There are too many." Zhang Huan's scalp was already attacking.

Zhang Zhang can see a zombies that are absent and look different.

The corpse is much larger than normal zombies.

The average zombie is 5 to 7 feet.

And this zombie is 9 feet full.

The height conversion of one foot is 33.33 cycle centimeters.

In other words, a huge zombie two or three meters high.

While she is huge, she is quick and fast.

"What monster is this !?" Wang Shishi's pupil enlarged.

向 Li Xiangshuang is also a bit surprised, this monster's shape is too special.

"Will it be a person with giant disease turned into a zombie?" Li Xiangshuang remembered it in his textbook.

The pituitary gland is a factor that affects the height of the human body.

Ye Wang Shishi also heard it, but felt something wrong: "If it was tall before death, it should be the same as other zombies."

向 Li Xiangshuang also realizes this problem. These zombies are almost all out of a mold, and the zombies are not the same.

"You mean, this is their king? Or is it the mother?" Li Xiangshuang looked at Wang Shishi.

Wang Shishi nodded his head: "Well, I guess this is very likely."

"Do you say there is wisdom in this zombie?" Li Xiangshuang was not sure.

Everyone is not sure.

"That might be the king of zombies!" She reminded.

Zhang Zhang suddenly realized that this zombie was the shadow Barbie in the impression!

"I don't know if this king has wisdom." Zhang Huan shook his head slightly, now it doesn't matter to him.

Passive effect, so that these zombies can not find their existence.

Then I can attack the zombies.

Even if the other person is wise, he cannot find himself.

Zhang Zhang took the laser sword and rushed towards Shadow Barbie.

巨型 The eyes of the giant zombie with white hair, her eyes seemed to move down for a while, and looked in the direction of Zhang Huan.

Zhang Zhang was startled, "Isn't it to find me. Impossible."

For a long time, stealth from zombies and stealth from humans has been his biggest hole card and support. If it fails, it will be very troublesome.

Then, Zhang Huan found that he was thinking too much. After scanning the direction of Zhang Huan, the zombie raised his eyes to look elsewhere.

原来 "Originally, I can't see it. I worry too much." Zhang Huan felt that the zombie had a strong sense of perception, and it was certainly not an ordinary glance.

Is likely to be perceived.

Zhang Zhang took the laser sword and waved violently at this zombie king!

挥 waved towards her neck!

He was like a gust of wind, attacking like a thunderbolt.

Shadow Barbie Wang shrunk his neck and dodged at the same time.


Shadow Barbie flew straight out with one hand.

"Good sense." Zhang Huan quickly opened his distance.

This Shadow Barbie King has only one arm and growls.


The rest of the zombies gathered towards her.

Uh uh uh

嗬 嗬 ... 嗬

She devoured other zombies directly, and the broken arm recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye ~ www.readwn.com ~ This zombie cow. "Zhang Ye was also stunned, and he could recover by devouring other zombies.

Zhang Zhang rushed in again, picked up the laser sword, and attacked again at the zombies.

From the perspective of the others, Zhang Huan was like a lone general, rushing into the interior with a weapon.

Waving attack constantly.

Everyone admired Zhang Jian's bravery.

多 For more than half a year, everyone also found that this savior does not seem to be attacked by zombies.

I have never been attacked by a zombie.

They call it the power of the Redeemer.

Zhang Zhang waved his laser sword at Shadow Barbie King!

"Capturing the thief first captures the king! I don't know if it's useful to you now!" Zhang Ye jumped up, a laser sword, and pulled down from his head position!

Shadow Barbie looked up again and looked in the direction of Zhang Yan.

Instinctively reached out and waved toward the air!

Zhang Zhang can see that the other party is a blind hit.

I could not see where I was at all, and I was very brave.

Zhang Zhang's backhand destroyed the hand that Shadow Barbie had just grown.

And waved directly towards the head this time.

As a result, Shadow Barbie disappeared in front of Zhang Ye.

"Actually?" Zhang Huan looked around without seeing him.

He immediately saw a figure in the distance.

From time to time, a cloud of gas appears behind him.

Is a bit like Jing Jing playing games.

"Is this a zombie?" Zhang Huan looked embarrassed.

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