Unlimited Extreme Live System

: 635 Lightning with Sparks

Zhang Huan shook his head, and rushed towards the blasting zombie.

"Sparks all the way with lightning!" Zhang Ye took the laser sword and rushed towards the shadow.

Shadow Barbie Zombie King panicked.

闪 Flashed around.

Zhang Zhang sneered, "I see how long you can hide."

This kind of stealth with gas, as long as you pay more attention, you can still find the trajectory.

He and his invisibility are not a type at all.

Zhang Zhang took the laser sword and chased all the way.

After a short while, Shadow Barbie Zombie disappeared.

Revealed the prototype.

Zhang Zhang can feel the expression of fear in the shadow Barbie Zombie.

"You should be over!" Zhang Ye started off with a knife and broke off!



The krypton laser sword stuck to her neck, and the bones were very hard. Can't cut it.

Shadow Barbie zombie jumped and fled quickly.

"..." Zhang Ye has an inexplicable sense of joy. mmP.

Holding his sword around his neck, he even ran away with a leash.

"Run your sister!" Zhang Huan picked up his old man, which was the old iron rod.

I followed the shadow Barbie Zombie directly and picked up a black iron rod.

She runs, he chases!

I chase after.

"Get well!" Someone threw a laser sword switch instrument directly at Zhang Ye.

Zhang Zhangye caught it.



I fell off the ground and didn't catch it.

It's a little awkward.

Zhang Zhang quickly picked it up and put away the black iron rod again.

I again took the laser sword and rushed towards Shadow Barbie Zombie.

Shadow Barbie Zombie seems to be physically fit.

The pace of sprinting gradually slowed down.

"Hahaha. I see where you are going." Zhang Huan was very interesting.

I took the laser sword and slammed it towards Shadow Barbie's Zombie King.



I was stuck again.

Two laser swords were stuck around the neck of Shadow Barbie Zombie.


Zhang Huan this time.

Shadow Barbie Zombie was completely resolved by Zhang Ye.

"This zombie is really resistant to fight." Zhang Huan was silent, and the other zombies hit one by one.

It took a lot of effort to kill such zombies directly.

"Zhang Huan look!" Someone shouted!

Zhang Zhangye turned his head.

After discovering that the shadow Barbie Zombie King had died, a ray of data appeared on all the zombies.

"What is this?" Zhang Huan was puzzled.

I saw this for the first time.

光芒 A light radiated from all the zombies.

Then all disappeared.

Is like evaporation on earth.

"... this is the sequel to the elimination of the boss?" Zhang Huan was aggressive.

Zhang Zhang feels that this is far more terrible than the series of biochemical movies that I have seen. It's the end of a technology.

Someone is using technology to disrupt the world.

Uh ...

I lost these zombies. The talents slowed down.

I began to vent in excitement and escaped from my death again.

However, Zhang Huan's brow was tightly frowned, despite the mask, no one saw it.

King Wang Shishi watched Zhang Ye motionless: "What's wrong with you?"

"I was thinking of something. How did these zombies come from the earliest?" Zhang Huan asked.

向 Li Xiangshuang was silent for a while: "I don't know. I was still working in the hospital at that time. Then I heard strange sounds in the ward."

"Walk in and find out that there are a lot of strange people inside. They don't have any blood and rush towards me."

"I was scared at the time. But, what do you ask this for?" Li Xiangshuang looked at Zhang Ye.

Zhang Zhang said: "I have a bold decision, if all zombies can be solved in this way. Is it representative, is someone behind control?"

"If I can get this person out. Does it mean that everyone can be restored to a peaceful age?" Zhang Huan experienced these things and had a thought.

I am always dissatisfied in the original place.

It's like people have gone far and may lose their way.

Zhang Zhang had thoughts before. If zombies run rampant, this world does not have any rules to restrain itself.

No work or work.

Don't do something you don't want to do but have to do. Just survive.

I do n’t even do anything, at all costs.

Human nature, morality, rules, no longer continue.

When I experienced it myself, I felt how simple and immature this thought was.

It is because of the pursuit that talents become different.

Zhang Zhangye, want peace.

I looked at the people from different positions behind me because everyone came together at the end.

He lived and died, witnessing the departure and change of many people.

I know more about life.

Awe of nature will be loved by nature.

"I want to destroy company T." Zhang Huan said affirmatively.

Wang Shishi looked at Zhang Ye in surprise: "We just suspect it is related to it. There is no evidence yet."

向 Li Xiangshuang said: "I don't think any evidence is needed. This is very sufficient."

"Since the earliest beginning with Yang Fan, we already have some doubts about this side. This time, the dynamics of Farah City are enough to see. Certainly it can't be related to them."

"If you are going to destroy company t, I will go with you, too." Li Xiangshuang said.

Zhang Qiang shook his head: "No need. You are here, be safe. What I will, you will not."

"You go, it is likely that something will go wrong." Zhang Ye felt that it might be better to be alone.

When the two met, they knew that what Zhang Jian decided would not change easily.

"Be careful then," Wang Shishi said.

Li Xiangshuang looked at Zhang Ye: "You can go, but do you know where company t is? They have all evacuated."

What she said was a very important point. The other party evacuated, and Zhang Ye could not find the new location where the other party was.

"So I decided to take a look at where they evacuated. Maybe there is some clue."

"You are well in this hive. The food here should be enough for you to live for a long time. Wait for me."

"If one day you don't see any zombies. Most likely, I succeeded."

"If half a year later, I haven't returned. Just treat me as if I'm gone. I probably have failed."

After Zhang Ye said these words, said goodbye to everyone, and then went inside Fara.

Everyone looked at the back of Zhang Ye's departure, and some could not speak.

Zhang Zhang threw the mask away ~ www.readwn.com ~ and left.

Uh ...

Uh ...

Ps: To say a little off-topic, there are several problems in this biochemical writing. Without opening the harem, the opening portrays women.

However, the way of dialogue is a bit problematic. The second problem is that Zhang Ye ’s person setting is a bit problematic. I've been researching DnD recently, but I won't write in the short term.

Because I don't think I can control it, this DnD is very interesting. DnD and Cthulhu still have a certain market abroad. China belongs to the niche. I mean running teams. It takes a few thick materials to get started, I'm afraid this scares some people. But really understand, this is really interesting.

I really like dwarves and elves, and start a series of adventures for the goals of their lives. Chase the goddess Rose, towards the drow elves of the chaos camp.

Wu Tianying and Tianying.com, a 30-foot dragon, and a 15-foot dragon soar in the air and launch an invasion into the town.

In the moonlight of the tavern, the exiled half-elf sat at the window and stared up at Haoyue. Looks a bit lonely.

Uh ...

When I think it's almost there, I will write a real fantasy game. There may not be as much fantasy in the audience in China as fantasy.

One is because of the character's name, which is difficult for everyone to remember, and the other has a poor sense of substitution. Therefore, most authors who can write fantasy fantasy will consider how to solve these problems. Of course, there are other problems. I will not say much.

The plot of this zombie is about to end, and this book should end at the end of this month or next month.

Thank you very much for your support.

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