Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 636: Largest laboratory

Zhang Ye left for the area where Company T had originally deployed.

Because of the death of this mother zombies, this kind of shadow-like zombies has been declared completely disappeared.

Entering Fara City, the city is already a mess.

At the time when the first shadow appeared like Barbie's zombies, the crowd chose to let the peaceful ones still be selected.

I also experienced a life of being trapped in a city full of zombies.

I even blocked the door.

烨 Zhang Jian did not feel any fluctuations in the choice of slum areas. There was neither stopping nor standing on either side.

Capricorn followed the wave of emotions.

Exile humanity.

Zhang Zhang is a little bit sloppy. This kind of slapstick is not action, but heart. An experience of the last days, no moment is more profound than today.

来到 He came to company T. The company only had empty tables and chairs, and an abandoned computer.

All information was evacuated.

As expected, nothing was left.

Zhang Zhang thought for a while, and now his only chance may be the place where it was blocked.

With the disappearance of the mother zombies, there should be no shadow Barbie in this seal position, right?

"Are there any activation devices?" Zhang Huan was brought in when he went before.

How the other party operates, I ca n’t know for myself.

I looked around, and the only thing I could find was a black instrument. But there was a scorching smell from above. The circuit boards are burned out.

Obviously, relying on the right direction, you cannot enter it.

"I have to find something and blast it here." Zhang Hua made a bold decision.

After half a day of searching, I finally found something that could detonate.

Gas tanks, and some nitric acid, and carbon stones.

I can put it, Zhang Ye put it in the entrance position. Began to lock all doors and windows and deflate. A small gap is left on the periphery. This gap has a primer.

If you played firecrackers when you were a kid, it ’s not a gunfire. Similar to the kind of Chinese New Year. It should be clear. Some people ignite the primer and fling it.

Slightly courageous, or safer, is to hold a scented candle in front of you, the scented candle should ignite more than the primer.

Then the incense candle will continue to burn and spread downward, just like a candle, the more it burns, the more it burns down.

After putting it in place, people just have to go far.

When it burns to the position of the primer, it will explode instantly.

After Zhang Ye made the timing primers, this area is the principle.

"It should be fast." Zhang Huan estimated the time.

next moment.


There was a loud noise, and many things blew directly around.

Crackling, crackling.

Drop the ground.

Sparks were still spreading around the puppet.

After Zhang Zhang entered again, the company's basement entrance had been blasted.

At the same time there are many sparks around.

Zhang Zhang took out the prepared black instrument and stretched out a rope.

Go slowly.

Very deep.

Zhang Zhang can feel that he has been down for at least 20-30 meters.

Is the height of a story.

I finally reached the end.

仪器 This instrument was originally used by Zhang Ye and others who left Fara. Can also serve as a laser sword.

解决 After solving the mother body, naturally took it back.

After entering, Zhang Ye looked around.

I found that I had fled here hurriedly, apparently leaving a lot of information behind.

Zhang Huan found information that surprised him.

Among them is a report on the shadow Barbie mother zombies.

This type of zombies has some ability to be invisible and is invisible to humans.

It has certain injury-free and self-healing ability for bullets.

Very strong infection.

Puppets usually launch a surprise attack with a bunch of similar zombies. With a close attack, Shadow Barbie will enter the riot phase, and the genes in all aspects have greatly increased.

"No wonder he will evacuate." Zhang Ye did not feel how difficult it was for Shadow Barbie to kill.

However, it is difficult to fight. Chopped several times.

And his arm strength has reached 10 points. Only hacked.

In this way, it is really difficult to get involved.

Zhang Zhangye saw a lot of important information.

"There are still a few helicopters below." Zhang Hua discovered that there was another locked channel.

总部 There is a headquarter locator on this plane.

"Headquarters, I'm here." Zhang Huan's eyes lightened slightly.

Uh ...

Uh ...


巨大 A huge underground laboratory located in Los Angeles, Magnesia.

面积 The area of ​​underground labs here is larger than anyone thinks. There are hundreds of sounds. Some basements are even under the lake.

Constructed from special materials.

And the entire basement is full of various alarms, which will defend the invaders in various ways.

The alarm system will automatically defend when the local lower chamber suffers an illegal invasion.

Besides that, the entire basement is very tightly laid out. A laser net and a laser gun were built around. quarantine area.

Experimental room. Studio, office, action area.

Waiting zone and so on. Various people are arranged in various places. There are also strict monitoring equipment that implements 360-degree no-dead-end surveillance. Equipped with infrared thermal sensor.

As long as it has the characteristics of life, it will dissipate heat. This comes from the body temperature.

Will look very clear under the gaze of the instrument. Like a prey in the eyes of a rattlesnake.

Dr. Ellie was detained in a smaller laboratory.

"Avery, I said long ago that you can't fight me." Another red-haired woman laughed.

The woman had short hair, but her red hair was a little heroic.

Ali sneered: "Relax, I will be released soon. Do you think it's enough to grab my little braid?"

"Sakdi's plan is also under my control. It is only temporarily that I am detained in a small black house. I am the one who has the core. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Avery looked at the woman provocatively.

The red-haired woman seemed very calm: "I have deciphered your plan. The new type of zombies that I have invested in will be more suitable than you. These zombies can obey our instructions. You make only defective products."

而且 "And I have to tell you. Our satellite detected all the zombies in Fara City." The red-haired woman looked at her slightly provocatively.

Ali knows what this means, which means that someone under the protection of Shadow Barbie has completely solved the most difficult Shadow Barbie mother.

"Impossible!" Dr. Avery lost his voice. She knew exactly how difficult this was.

Face a group of infected bodies that will protect the Lord, as well as stealth-resistant mothers, unless heavy weapons are used.

And once it has not been completely killed, it can still recover by swallowing the infected body.

Is almost immortal. It is very difficult to solve it completely.

The woman smiled: "Nothing is impossible. Your strategy to evacuate Fara is wrong. The group decided to downgrade and monitor you. Your future is not clear now. So you still worry about yourself."

Ali stunned: `` It was the mutant? ''

"I'm not sure. However, there is a helicopter in the basement towards our general part. Because the radar system is installed. We can feel it." The woman turned and left.

Dr. Ellie looked at the woman with short red hair: "What are you going to do?"

"I've passed Wicom. I think he should be interested in the mutants." The woman with short red hair left the switch room.

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