Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 634: Card machine and loop

Wycombe is a transformed special presence.

He does not belong to man, but he does not belong to machine.

Belongs to a mixture of the two.

The biggest difference between the nature of machines and humans is whether they can have their own ideas.

机器人 When a robot has its own mind, it is no longer a simple robot.

They will think, have their own thoughts, and have feelings.

At this time, this robot can be called half human.

Wycombe is like this. When he received a genetic mutant who came by helicopter, he was a little excited.

I'm so excited that I can finally prove my worth.

Although Wycomb has his own thoughts, there is a program in his brain. That is absolute loyalty to the t-virus company.

As long as he can serve the company and complete the specified tasks, his value lies.

"Received." Wycomm squeezed his fists and creaked.

According to the information received, the person who came should be called Zhang Ye, who is a person with a genetic mutation. May have some special ability. The specifics have not been determined.

Is very valuable for research.

Wycombe's task is to catch Zhang Ye alive and not let him leave.

Even if I am disabled, I have to stay.

However, there must be no killer. It is of great significance to the entire headquarters.

Can even be said to be extraordinary.

Zhang Zhang was sitting in this helicopter, which made him a little uneasy. The reason is simple. The helicopter is suspected of having automatic control.

At first Zhang Ye felt that he was operating and would not drive, driving as if he were driving. I thought it was difficult to start, but I didn't expect it to really go away.

If this is okay, but Zhang Hua gradually found that the helicopter seemed to be heading for a fixed place.

This is a little bad.


Is this ready to be used as a drone?

Or where did you control yourself?

As soon as I thought about it, Zhang Jian became a little scalp.

I watched in a helicopter, and Zhang Ye looked down, flying across the sea.

"..... I don't count, returnees." Zhang Ye smiled bitterly, entertaining himself.

Helicopter drove faintly.

Zhang Jianding looked around and found that there were many people around.

"I think I should hide in advance and be safe." Zhang Huan watched the helicopter getting lower and lower.

I looked up.

I have a monitor.

Zhang Zhang shook his head slightly, raised his **** at the monitor, and scorned it severely. Pick up your iron rod and smash towards the monitor!


烨 Adding arm strength attributes, Zhang Jian smashed the monitor directly.

Seeing that the monitoring was gone, Zhang Ye quickly used his own ability to hide.

Disappeared into the helicopter.

Wycombe's eyes were equipped with infrared and thermal sensors.

The original helicopter had heat source induction. Instantly, the heat induction to that person. Disappeared directly.

"All vigilance. The target disappears again." Wicom sent a message to the people around him through a small headset.

I had a lesson from the past. Dr. Airy reported a record while in Fara.

记录 At the time, the record target suddenly disappeared.

I do n’t know if it has anti-detection ability, or it has magnetic field response, or it will disappear.

准确 There is no accurate data and evidence judgment.

However, it is estimated that there are no less than ten among them.

This information is recorded in the brain, very clear.

Helicopter landing.

Hesitated and the door opened.

Zhang Zhang stomped his feet and got off the helicopter.

In my heart is stealing music.

"Ye is right next to you, but unfortunately you can't see it. 啧啧." When Zhang Huan found stealth, it was quite interesting.

Wycombe first got on the plane to check it, but did not see anything.

Full of doubts.

What about people?

Zhang Zhang laughed and followed behind these people, at least to see where the entrance was.

Wycombe always felt that someone was following, but nothing happened.

Continue scanning.


I walked for a while and continued scanning.

I was constantly tangled in my head. Where is man?

Why does it always feel like someone is around.

Gradually, Wicomb's head smoked .....

"....." Zhang Huan 愣 这, this guy, no.

会 Does it smoke?

Funny pen?

Hey wait, that's ... no, it's not a normal person.

When I saw Wicomb smoking, many people rushed out.

"What's going on with him? It's been all right, why is there a problem today?" One person quickly supported Wicom.

Wickham's head is cold and sweaty DC: "It may be a problem with the thinking process. Perception has entered the infinite loop."

"Are you a human or a robot?" The man was able to test whether Wycombe could recover normally.

Wycombe is also aggressive, just like how a mental hospital proves that he is not mentally ill.

Very difficult.

Drunk people say they are not drunk. How to prove that they are not drunk is a problem.

For a moment, Wycombe got stuck too: "I ... human? ... No, I'm a robot. Uh ... no."

Smok smoked more.

Everyone was stunned: "Don't ask. Endless loop, then jam the machine. This robot must be scrapped."

In fact, Wycomm was really tangled and always regarded himself as an adult, but told himself in his mind that he was a robot.

I want to be a human and I am also called a robot. Sometimes I feel like a robot.

Zhang Zhang is behind this group of people, this is really the first experience that I have come.

The most important thing is that Zhang Ye can hear some of their conversations.

I speak English.

Hey, i "mrobot. I can barely hear, I? Human? No, I'm a robot.

Zhang Zhang's English level is very scum, which is probably bad ~ www.readwn.com ~ The sentence can be counted by adding the fingers and toes.

"Where exactly is this?" Zhang Huan looked around.

跟随 Follow them at the same time.

They entered a door.

Face recognition.

The door opens.

Is a quiet passage full of blue science fiction.

Zhang Zhang didn't follow.

At least get ready to get some guys in.

Zhang Zhang saw the words in Los Angeles.

"... this time, flying really far." Zhang Ye was completely speechless.

I just planned to leave to prepare something, but I didn't expect that many people appeared from that gate in an instant.

These people all wore chemical-resistant clothing and appeared in special metal guns with a caliber of about 5cm in black metal.

The gun looks like a bone spur, not flat, and there are bulges around the thorn, and there is infrared light above the gun.

They started firing in the vicinity with guns.

Hold a gun, like a special infrared light, constantly glancing around.

"The mutant must be nearby! Don't let him run away!" Someone said.

At this time, a light shot directly in the direction of Zhang Huan, Zhang Huan was not sure what the light was doing. Does it work for you?

Dodge instinctively, stepping on his left foot, and squatting slightly, flashing this infrared scan.

However at this time.

Zan is another infrared beam towards Zhang Zan.

Zhang Zhang's pupils shrank, and she quickly retreated!

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