Dear ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Chapter 639 of the Infinite Extreme Live Broadcasting System Volume Voliasica thinks that the dwarf is flickering, so she looks at him with doubt.

"Would you like me a rye beer? Dude?" Kim sat directly in front of the chair and looked at Sika.

Sika turned her eyes: "You haven't answered my question yet."

"I used to spend some time with the magician, and they told me a way of thinking about magic." Kim pulled out his ear, "Do you know the magician?"

Xika certainly knows the sorcerer. The so-called sorcerer has either gained the blood of the dragon in the process of blood line inheritance, or obtained some chance about the dragon.

The Warlock may be a Dragon Man, or it may be a purely other race.

"I know," Sika said naturally.

Gim took a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket and was crumpled into a ball.

He slowly opened the paper and handed it to Sika: "This is a scrap page I obtained before. There is a magic note recorded on it. If you want to learn, I can sell you 1 gold coin."

Xika took the paper: "It is indeed a magic. But do you think he is worth 1 gold coin?"

"This magic is unusual." Kim didn't understand it, but as a seller, he couldn't say it.

Sika didn't see the magic, but felt it was not simple. She seemed to have a special reaction to the above text.

According to Hall, it should be exposed to magic related to himself.

Since Hall's teaching time is too short, Sika doesn't understand enough about magic.

Sika looked at Kim: "1 gold coin is too expensive. At most 1 silver coin."

"80 silver coins," Kim said.

Sika: "1 silver coin, no more."

"70 silver coins." Kim bargained.

Jessica: "I'll just sell 1 silver coin, just don't sell it."

"30 silver coins. I'm really bloody. I'll have to go to the Magic Society later." Kim was a little dissatisfied, and this guy directly bargained a hundred times.

I am too cruel.

Sika shrugged: "1 silver coin. I don't want it anymore."

"Ah, hey, forget it. I'm Kim's good heart, forget it. This time to sell you a blood loss, 1 silver coin is 1 silver coin." Kim stretched out five fingers and completely withdrew.

Sika successfully bought this thing.

After Kim got the money, he left directly, swaying.

When I went out, I picked up the war spear again and left.

Vick smiled: "This guy is also very thick-skinned. You buy this one silver coin, and you are not afraid of losing money. This guy is more like a speaker."

The orator is talking about occupation.

许多 Among many special professions, there are bards, wanderers, orators, druids, and so on.

Puppet speakers also have other identities and have other abilities.

The bard is a miraculous existence that uses music and language to increase or weaken each other.

Xika smiled a little: "It's not too bad to lose money. At most a few days' wages. I still like magic."

"I think you should go to the association." Vic hesitated a little, feeling that after Sika became a certified magician, she would accept more knowledge and be more professional.

Sika looked at Vic: "I have heard before that certification requires gold coins. Then if you study, you also need gold coins."

"After a simple certification, you can receive a fixed salary every month." Sika knew more or less.

Vick patted Sika's shoulder: "I can borrow you. At that time, while you learn magic, come to my help. It's enough."

Sika thanked Vic a little, and most people would not do it: "Thank you."

"Hey man. Don't be polite to me. I feel like you twisted like this." Vic smiled heartily.

Sika went on busy.

In the afternoon, there are not many people.

"Why don't you go to the association today. This is a gold coin. You go and see." Vic handed Sika a gold coin.

Sika did not refuse, then: "Well, I will return soon after the assessment."

"Go, go. Don't worry." Vic waved.


Magic Association.

Many businessmen go to special rooms.

不少 Many people encounter difficulties and will seek help from the Magic Society.

As a result, the Magic Society has also released a number of missions that can often be exchanged for points.

认证 Certified magicians have the opportunity to take up tasks, and points can be exchanged for gold coins or other items and opportunities for magic learning.

Sika came to the wizards association, and there were two stone statues at the gate.

He always felt that the two statues were alive.

The flint statue is two men and a woman wearing mage robes. The man is holding the magic book and the woman is holding the wand.

"Do you need to be a certified magician?" Said the female statue.

Sika was startled, and the statue really spoke: "Yes."

"You go to the first hall, the first door on the right. The authentication room is written on it." The female statue pointed in the direction.

Sika nodded and said, "Thank you."

He entered with a little doubt, turning his head from time to time to see the stone statue.

When I entered the room, there were many people inside.

At the forefront is a middle-aged man wearing a silver robe. There was a medal hanging on the shoulder.

Four lines were engraved.

Sika guessed whether this was the rank represented by the opponent's title.

He followed the crowd.

The whole process is not difficult.

"Register the information, and a review will be performed later. However, you need to pay a gold coin." The middle-aged man records the information with a feather pen.

Xika registered the content, and after paying the money, she followed everyone to the Association Square.

"A lot of people are evaluated today." Someone laughed.

Another young Gao Yan stood up: "Cut, what's the assessment? I'm here for the second consecutive assessment!"

Someone beside Gao looked at Gao Yan's young man in wonder: "You actually want to take the second consecutive exam? Do you have a famous teacher teaching outside?"

Gaoshou young smiled and didn't speak ~ ~ At this time, walked into an elf girl.

The puppet elves are very delicate and their skin can be broken.

Ling Shui Lingling's big eyes accompanied her tall figure, wearing a green dress, walking on the proud steps.

Elves have a big characteristic, they are very cute in their ears. Slightly longer than ordinary people's ears and has sharp corners.

"It's Freya!" Someone recognized the girl!

When Sika saw Fuliya, she really looked like a tribe. However, it is not within the scope of my own knowledge.

There are also distinctions among the Elven clan, just like the surname division among human races. Although they are all people, the division is still obvious.

Nufuri looked rather cold, didn't look at anyone, and the only thing that caught her attention was Sika.

As a half-elf, Sika is very close to the elven from the looks.

At least two people have the same ear.

Sophia was a little puzzled and murmured, "Huh? Half-elves?"

She did not take the initiative to speak to Sika.

Sika found a quiet place, sat down and waited for the assessment.

There is no one to talk to each other.

At this time, an old man in a gray robe appeared unexpectedly in front of everyone! 166 novel reading network

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