Dear ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Chapter 640 of the Infinite Extreme Live Broadcasting System Volume Goblin "Hello, I am Sandal, the appraisal instructor for this time." The old man of gray robes said.

Stunned everyone.

This is Sandel! ?

It is said that some people hold important positions in the Magic Society, and Sandel is one of them.

He is not only a powerful mage, but also has an elite Cavaliers team.

He is involved in law and order in many areas.

Xika first met the old man, and his eyes were very sharp. When he looked at him, he seemed to be stared at by an eagle.

"In a moment, Goblin will be created for you by special magic. You defeat Goblin with magic, even if you clear the level." Sandel once again witnessed the addition of a new magician.

Many people's faces are slightly unsightly, and quite a few people are familiar with the process.

"Goblin? I remember Goblin's strength was strong, but the movement seemed a bit stiff."

"It won't be high-level Goblin. I heard others say that high-level Goblin will also spell himself. Frost and vertigo."

"Probably not, for newcomers, where is it so difficult?"

There was a lot of talk in the crowd, with one word at the other.

Nufria picked up her magic book, stood there, and didn't speak. Very cold.

Sika also stood up and gathered towards the crowd.

Goblin, I've seen it myself.

As long as they are not in groups, it should not be particularly difficult.

The hard part is to rely on magic, which means that if you use non-magic, it may not be considered a successful assessment.

"Okay! Ready to start the assessment! Right, those who are preparing for the second consecutive exam, don't leave after the meeting." Sandel began.

A holy light repelled in the air, and the light gradually connected, and in the air, like a six-pointed star, landed directly on the ground.

Suddenly, a strong light burst out across the ground.

Goblin, as if crawling out of the ground, stretched out his hand and kept going up.

"Come!" Someone exclaimed.

Xika's face tightened, and she found that these Goblin were slightly different from what she had ever seen, at least in terms of body shape, about six feet tall.

Generally speaking, the larger the size, the greater the basic strength attached to it.

Such is the case with ants and elephants.

其他 While others face Goblin, they are equally vigilant.

The vast majority of magical appraisers have not received formal studies and therefore do not have magical abilities. They can only feel the arcane wave.

It is still very difficult to drive magic.

As for some people with background or those who are prepared in advance, they have some basic magic means.

Sander looked around and saw that these people were still satisfied with Goblin's performance.

At least not, panic.

The most taboo of the magician is panic. Originally, he relied on long-range attacks to panic.

Far and near have become their biggest weakness.

Sandel is well aware of this assessment, but it is to sublime the public to feel the fluctuation of the uprising.

Feel it, and be able to begin to use magic attacks.

As for learning in advance, it still has some advantages. This is not unfair. There is no absolute fairness in this world.

Fairness is only relative, not absolute.

All Sander can do is treat them equally.

There are several silhouettes of Xun, which were fancy by Sandel.

Nuflia, as an elf tribe, is very keen on nature. Even if not a magician, he is also a great archer.

This is not an ordinary archer, but an archer who relies on mysterious power.

许多 There are many gods in this world. These gods cannot be detached. But it was farther and stronger than everyone else.

Susandale suddenly found one very interesting, a half-elf.

At this moment, Sika faced Goblin with a light in her hand. Summon a skeleton to appear opposite Goblin.

Goblin and the skeleton are fighting.

From time to time, Sika attacked Goblin.

有点 "A bit interesting. This guy." Sander could see at a glance that this was an elemental summon in elementary magic.

I also have a certain random summoning. This magical disadvantage is that it is unstable and can't do whatever it wants.

The advantages are naturally self-evident, they can often bring surprises, and sometimes summon elves who surpass themselves.

魔法 I have learned magic before the assessment, and it is estimated that someone taught him.

Sander also likes to smoke, picks up a cigarette and puts it in his mouth, and his fingertips burn slightly.

I lit the cigarette with my fingertips, took a breath, and watched Sika fight Goblin.

The battle between Sika and Goblin is far less difficult than Sika imagines.

Even Sika felt that fireball could defeat Goblin without using it.

哥 That Goblin was completely mastered by Sika, gradually unable to support it, and eventually fell to the ground.

He turned into a ray of light and dissipated in the air.

There was a recorder next to the badger, who ticked Sika's name.

Some people who have not studied magic, some are embarrassed. Nevertheless, at the last minute, many people discovered the power of magic.

That is, control magic can impact towards a certain place.

This became their chance to defeat defeat.

The recorder draws a horizontal line next to the blank space.

As for those who were forced into desperation and still unable to use magic, the recorder drew a cross in the blank space next to the name.

Then at the moment of being attacked, Goblin will automatically dissipate, leaving the pale assessment members.

The horizontal line represents the success of the assessment and is regarded as the pass line.

The ticking means that these people have a relatively good magic foundation and belong to an excellent level.

Xika looked at the recording staff next to him: "Did I count the assessment successfully?"

"Hmm." The recorder did not hide, as long as the newly promoted magician has the ability.

I'll be fine.

Sika smiled: "Then I'll go back. I still have something to do ~ ~ He thinks to go back late, leaving Uncle Vic alone busy in the tavern, a little unhappy.

I have to help a little.

If the assessment is successful, hehe, it will be more convenient to learn magic in the future.

The assessments have been completed one after another, either regretfully failing or succeeding.

Nufia's magical Sika noticed that it was the power of the elves. Use magic to condense into an elven arrow, pull the bow and arrow directly in your hand and shoot.

This is a magic archer.

It seems likely that she is suitable for dual training. That is the magician mixed with archers.

After Wu defeated Goblin, she stood still and did not speak. In her opinion, all this is taken for granted.

Sika is about to leave and go back to the tavern.

I didn't expect it.

Sandel actually walked towards himself: "Where are you going?"

Sika stunned, why did Sander ask himself this? Isn't it possible to go back after having passed the assessment?

I seem to have asked before, is that true?

Sandel stared at Sika's eyes: "Aren't you trying to challenge the second test? I think you should try it."

Everyone looked surprised here. 166 novel reading network

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