Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 642: Overture of Death Scourge

Dear ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Chapter 642 of the Infinite Extreme Live Broadcasting System Volume Volume: Death Scourge Overwhelming Overture The roof of the Magic Library is an open book that represents knowledge.

The entire library doesn't look big, but when you walk in, you will find it is natural.

It is said that this is a special area made by a great space magician using control magic.

"Very big." Under Sandel's leadership, everyone walked into the library.

Many people in the library are already sitting there reading books. Obviously they are full-time magicians. These people usually have a fixed income.

Some people also accept certain tasks, earn enough capital to support themselves, no longer need to work, and choose to have more time to study magic.

"Keep quiet in the magic library. Every level here requires different levels of magicians to enter it. We only have six levels here. That means when you reach the sixth-level mage, you can enter the sixth floor." Sandel pushed down. Voice introduction.

Xika looked envious at those who were holding magic books, frowning, or stretching her brows.

I can immerse myself in what I like, which is a wonderful thing.

阶 Sixth-level magician In many aristocrats and royal families, they need to attract people, these people alone are enough to serve as a powerful army.

A flame can even burn out the surrounding area.

It is said that after the sixth stage, it has surpassed the power of this association and rose to another height.

Alas, at least this is not something that you can see right now.

"One layer, you choose the magic. Try to choose the right magic for you. Don't be greedy. Digest it for two days." Sandel reminded everyone.

Everyone nodded, and under their respective arrangements, they began to search for suitable books in the library.

Library is divided into different areas, which are distinguished by magic uprights, so as to build rows of bookshelves.

The areas are wind, fire, thunder, electricity, earth, water, ice, nature, holy light, darkness, death, ancient, summon, protection, architecture, link, medical, holy light, and so on.

Those who formally become magicians will be given two sets of magician clothes, two robes, and two magic hats.

This is the glory of one person.

At least for the mage, how enviable it is to put on the brightest magician robe.

The dazzling array of magic books makes many people with choice difficulties hesitate.

Even if it is magic ice, there are many types.

"It's really rich. I can collect so many magic books." Someone said with emotion.

Some of these magic books are thin, some are thick, and some are series of magic.

Sika thought about it, could she search for something like light and darkness?

注意到 He noticed a line of text on the bookshelf, a ring of magic.

Generally speaking, a first-order wizard can release a first-order spell, and a second-order wizard can cast a second-order spell.

对应 corresponds to each other.

使用 After using the spell, you need a long rest, which is to add magic power, before you can release it again.

越高 The higher the level of the mage, the faster the rhythm of the spell can be used, and the shorter the casting time.

Shengguang District, a ring with medical and holy attacks. Obviously the title tells everyone that the other party is five Goblin.

Goblin is not a dark creature.

So Sika decisively gave up this choice after looking at a few magic books in the Holy Light area.

Hall mentioned that both darkness and light seemed to be their main theme, and Sika groaned: "It's not appropriate to look at the book in the dark area."

Sika stepped forward, came to the book in the dark area, and swept the cover of the book with her fingertips.

划 Swipe your finger to the left and right across the books. This is Hall's method. Hall can't teach too much in a few days.

I can only choose as much as possible for him, and briefly describe how much he can digest, it depends on Sika himself.

There are two types of magic books. The first one requires domain skills. You can feel and learn to use the books.

Another is not everyone can learn, the magic book will choose the right person to learn.

Otherwise, this type of magic book is usually unlearnable.

Sika swept through six rows without any fluctuations.

"There is no such magic book here." A magician reading a book next to him said.

Sika swept her head: "Oh, that's it."

"You can choose attack and summon." The person next to him kindly suggested, after all, he was also a newcomer.

Sika turned up and found that in her pocket, the unknown magic page purchased from Kim was beating.

"What's going on?" Sika wondered.

西 When Sika's fingers left the magic book on the shelf, the magic page stopped beating.

Sika was wondering, did this defective magic page tell her to choose this one?

I read out the book.

The man next to him looked at Sika in amazement and said kindly: "I suggest you change it. This is a series of magic, it is difficult to master."

"If you choose this book, you will probably fail the assessment," he said.

Sika looked at him: "What is a series of magic?"

After all, the hallowed knowledge is limited, and there are many magical blind spots.

The man said: "If a series of magics are learned, they are comparable to the second magics. However, a series of magics are rare."

"There isn't a complete set of this Death Scourge series in your hand. And it's hard to learn."

Sika smiled: "Thank you, I want to try."

It doesn't matter if that person is stubborn, there are always stubborn people: "Let's do what you can."

Sika picked up the magic book and went to register.

When registering, the administrator also deliberately looked at Sika a few more times and did not say much.

Sika picked up the magic book and found that the text was written in elf text.

I once spent some time with the Elves ~ www.readwn.com ~ Most of the Elves are kind, of which there is a kind of Elves.

Named the night elves, they wish to follow the steps of the goddess Rose into the darkness. Known as the Drow Elves.

Evil spreads in the drow, they will not care about the lives of others and pursue what they insist on.

An archmage who had a bright prediction once said that the drow belonged to the chaos camp.

He divided humanity into nine categories: lawful camp, neutral camp, and chaotic camp.

The three major camps are divided into goodness and neutrality, such as lawful goodness, lawful neutrality, lawful evil, and so on.

For example, neutrality is divided into neutral goodness, absolute neutrality, and chaotic neutrality.

For each division, the characters have obvious characteristics. For example, lawful and kind characters will be expected by everyone. They must behave like good people and be strict with discipline.

He did not hesitate to stand up against evil. They only tell the truth, keep their promises and help those in need, and they will speak out against injustice.

And the drow belong to the chaos camp.

Jessica was able to read the text above, and was somewhat surprised to find that this book was written by a drow!

"This is!" Sika's pupils shrank!

Uh ...

Alas ... 166 novel reading network

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