Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 643: Overture of the Undead

Dear ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Chapter 443 of the Infinite Supreme Live System Volume Undead Overture Sika was surprised to find that this turned out to be a kind of magic to resurrect the corpse.

After resurrecting the corpse, the corpse has no thoughts and can only be loyal to the magic user. And the corpse will be demonized and darkened.

Duration depends on the magician's intelligence.

"To fight 5 Goblin." Sika made a bold decision!

I picked up the book and sat on a long chair to read it. When Sika put down the book, she noticed a look.

From Freya's strange look.

Sika didn't worry too much. She had been with the Elves for a while, and most people were not friendly to herself.

Their look in their eyes is strange, just like the royal family mixed civilians from other races and was born. It seems that in their values, the elves can only be combined with the elves, otherwise they will blaspheme the gods and ancestors.

Although this is a traditional thought, some people in the elves are more open-minded and feel that humans and elves are equal before love. So half-elves are not bad.

He is just that the proportion of these people in the elves is not particularly large, so Sika left the elves early.

I have been wandering for many years.

Sika looked at the book and found that the remaining pages in her pocket were indeed shaking slightly.

的 The knowledge in these books is in Sika's eyes as if someone is presenting.

That is a witch mage, another ability separated from the magician. This look is to see the evening.

Follow the people of the Magic Society to the cafeteria at night.

After eating, I continued reading this book.

This book is not only one magic, but one magic ring to six rings.

西 However, Sika couldn't read the magic after the second ring. It is estimated to be related to the magic intelligence value.

This association should be a place to be tested.

In addition to the introduction in the previous book, mentioned. Sika didn't see anything.

There is also a part of the Overture of the Dead, which can only be completed by the bard. It is obvious that this part of the content is not suitable.

However, this does not mean that Sika cannot understand this content.

The next day, Sika has mastered the contents of this book.

Sika returned the book, and while she had time, she replaced another false ball.

A tadpole is a dark sphere ejected in the dark, which has a certain ability to corrode.

Increased effect on light creatures and weakened effect on dark creatures.

残 This time the scraps didn't beat, and Sika found that she didn't have that ability to evolve. There is no one who will teach himself in front of himself.

Sika had to doubt that the previous Overture of the Undead was because of this scrap page that she had mastered it so quickly.

"I just said, let you not choose that book, and now you change to another study, I do not know if it is too late." Said the person next to him.

Sika glanced at him, the one who kindly reminded himself yesterday.

The two didn't talk much, Sika picked up the book and looked at it intently.

If you look at it, you will see the evening.

"In another half an hour, the library will be closed. Please pay attention to the members of the association." A voice came from the library.

The library is open to the public every day for a certain period of time, and the rest of the time will be closed to prevent anyone from entering.

Hans also left at this time: "It seems to you that you have chosen a book, watched it for a day, and changed it again."

Sika a moment, he has been paying attention to himself?

嗯 "Well, I feel very interested," Sika said.

Hans took a cigarette, put it in his mouth, lit it, and took a sip: "When you scored clearly, you are interested, but now you have the second consecutive test. Interest is likely to ruin your future.

"Oh," said Sika.

Everyone was temporarily given a place to live.

Xika returned to the dormitory area, the undead prelude to her mind for a long time.

"I estimate that if several people cooperate in this series, it should be able to exert a stronger effect." Sika saw the introduction of the bard chapter.

The so-called bard is not an ordinary person. It's a profession with magic. Bards can use language and music to inspire their peers or weaken their enemies. At the same time, it also has a certain combat effectiveness in close-range attacks.

Uh ...

Uh ...

The next day, everyone was gathered to the square.

Sandel, with some magicians, stood in front of Sika and others.

今天 "Today is the time for your 2 consecutive exams, 2 days. If you work hard, I think it should be enough for you to initially master the release of a spell."

后 "After passing, you will mark the elite in your personal information. This will be of great benefit to your future. I will not say anything else. Be prepared!"

"Assessment begins!" Sander whispered.

next moment!

The rays of light rose from the sky and were extremely bright.

You can see this light even during the day.

In that moment, five Goblin appeared in the area of ​​each person.

Goblin moves a lot faster, and he already has a weapon in his hand!

"Fireball!" Sika seized a chance and directly killed Goblin with a fireball.

There are four more.

When Sika turned and opened her distance, she saw a holy light in Fuliya's hand, an arrow pulled out and penetrated directly through the heads of the two Goblins!

Penetration is very strong!

"You can hit two at the same time!" Sika discovered that magic could still be used so skillfully.

Sika can only save 3 magics in her spell, so Sika chooses to record the contents of fireball, elemental summon, undead overture, and resurrection of dead body.

Now consumes a fireball.

I have two left.

The others are the same, they have to choose three magics to defeat five Goblin. How to use spells is the key.

学习 The two days of study at the same time also test the learning ability of everyone. I have to say that the second consecutive exam is more difficult than the regular assessment.

Some people soon failed.

They have three magics in a row ~ www.readwn.com ~ defeated only three.

There are even one or two who hit the air.

Sika has already used Elemental Summoning to summon a Light Elf. It's like a ball of light. Will emit light chains to attack Goblin.

With four Goblin besieging the light elves, Sika can see that the light elves' health has dropped sharply to three-quarters.

Sander looked around at the appraisers, shook his head from time to time, nodded from time to time to express his appreciation.

The moment he saw Sika, he froze slightly.

"Overture to Death!"

I saw a huge black ghost behind Sika, like death, holding a death sickle.

挥 Severely waved at Goblin who had fallen to the ground.

Goblin exuded a black breath, gradually turning into thick black smoke.

It moved, and the body lying on the ground gradually climbed up with the rhythm of the fingers.

The skin changed from green to black, and the eyes glowed red, like a demon crawling out of hell.


The black Goblin growled and attacked directly at the other four Goblins!

Sander looked at Sika in surprise: "This is ... the undead overture!"

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