Dear ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Chapter 644 of the Infinite Extreme Live Broadcasting System volume invites the dark Goblin to pick up his weapon, a dagger, and attack the four Goblins again.

The Goblin and the Dark Goblin launched a fierce offensive against the four Goblin.

Sika's three magics are all consumed.

I no longer have any means of attack, now the only hope is these two summoned creatures.

Dark Goblin looks more like a demonized corpse, eyes are scary red.

Very ferocious!

Some people who failed the assessment also looked at Sika side in surprise.

"What kind of magic is this? So fiercely calling creatures!"

"That was the Goblin who was resurrected!"

不 "No, shouldn't these Goblins dissipate into light after they die? How can there be corpses?"

"It must be dark magic. Keep the corpse before it dissipates, and use the corpse to resurrect it!"

"What a terrible trick!"

Many people talked.

Sika didn't have much close combat ability, and glanced at Hans not far away.

Seeing a black war spear in Hans's hand, he turned into a dark melee mage and attacked Goblin.

Sting and cooperate with other magic.

Fuliya's bow and arrow easily defeated Goblin every time, every time she broke through two.

Twenty-five are three arrows, and she happens to have three magics. The only problem is that no errors are allowed.

The Elves have certain talents in archery, so the Elves are mainly archers and wizards.

Dark Goblin grabbed the other Goblin, and bite the counterattack until the Goblin died.

Very terrible attack.

Cooperating with the light elves, the four Goblin were completely suppressed.

Sandel frowned gradually from the surprise: "The mix of light and darkness? How could this be possible?"

In the magic department, the double series of magic is not to say that there is no, but the magic of Xiangke appears together.

It is like water in a fire.

Either the fire goes out or the water disappears completely.

The same is dark and light and so is it.

Sandel did not show much, and in Sika's recorded information, a special symbol was drawn. A spiral sound symbol.

Xika also passed the assessment thoroughly.

"People who have been successfully evaluated come to my side. I have something to announce." Sandel said.

Sandal said: "From today on, you are first-order magic apprentices. You can also proudly call you first-order magicians."

"People who take the second consecutive test will be given the title of elite. You have two choices next."

"First, join the college for formal study. This requires a certain amount of wealth to support. You think about it yourself."

"Second, you can continue your current life style. When you need money, you can come to the association to accept the task."

"These tasks can earn you points, which can be used to exchange gold coins and magic necessities."

对 "By the way, the magic library is generally not open to the public. If you want to learn magic. You need to pay a certain amount of points to spend in it. Now each of you has 0 points. You cannot enter the library."

Sandel told everyone some boxes, and the slightly more economical would choose the Academy of Magic. The Academy of Magic can also accept missions, and there are also dedicated instructors.

"Register your choices, and then take your information. Go and get two sets of first-order mage elite robes. People without magic books can spend a small amount of gold to buy them." After Sandel said this, let Sika wait. After getting things together, come to him alone.

Others looked at Sandel in confusion, what does Murphy Sandel have with Sika?

Or, are they two relatives?

Take the back door?

Everyone guess.

Fuflia chose the college directly.

Hans too.

Many people have good economics, so they choose college.

If the conditions are not good, choose the second one. The two learning methods cannot be said to have absolute advantages and disadvantages.

Sika naturally chooses the second type, and the second type certainly has no mentor, but the advantage is that the self-learning ability is stronger.

After receiving the robe, Sika followed Sandel into the room.

"Do you know what I'm looking for you for?" Sandel sat in the chair and motioned Sika to sit down.

Sika shook her head: "No need, I just stand."

Sandell smiled: "Don't be so restrained. Then I will speak straight."

"On you, I see the power of miracles. Darkness and light." Sandel looked puzzled at Sika.

"Don't you understand what darkness and light mean to you at the same time?"

Sika shook her head: "I'm new to magic and I don't understand it."

Sander took out a mirror, and then drew it from Sika's eyes with his palm: "Look at it yourself."

Xika took the mirror and looked at herself in the mirror, startled: "Why my eyes are black and white."

Sika in the mirror, one eye was as dark as the abyss, and the other was holy as the holy eye.

He was also half black and half white.

Sander's palm once again passed in front of Sika's eyes, and Sika saw her usual selves.

Yan Qingxiu's face.

"I just let you see the essence." Sandel explained, "Darkness and light cannot appear in one person at the same time."

"And your presence has broken the rules of grammar that are recognized in the mage world. It all seems too unusual."

并且 "And on you, I feel a familiar magic. Is Hall putting a shield on you?" Sandel said.

Sika looked at Sandel in amazement, but didn't speak. Now she couldn't guess Sandel's thoughts ~ ~ Sandell saw Sika's reaction and laughed: "Little guy, you don't need to be so sensitive. Hall is an old friend. "

来 "Come to our college, Templar College welcomes you." Sandel offered the invitation unambiguously.

Sika was silent for a while: "I can't afford that money, and I know the college has other expenses. Uncle Vic also needs my help."

"It's okay, I will be your tutor, and I will pay for it. However, you don't have to be in the college every day, but you must ensure that you have at least four hours a day."

Sandel's terms are tempting.

Sika looked at him: "... this ... not so good ..."

"This is not bad, I will explain what the dean said. Hall set a shield on you, I think ..."

"He must have guessed that you would meet me, and set the magic that caught my attention. You know, Hall is not an ordinary magician."

"He is a bright prophet." Sandel and Hall have known each other for many years, and they also have a certain understanding of Hall.

Hall learns the prophets in the eight major factions of magic. He can first detect the opponent's offensive and avoid the attack.

He is kind and upright.

Sika looked at the sincere Sander: "This ..."

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