Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 646: Does your conscience hurt?

Dear ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Will your conscience hurt in Chapter 466 of the Infinite Extreme Live Broadcasting System? "Undead Overture, Resurrection!" Sika chanted this time, and Vic was responsible for delaying time.

The rest of the tauren were a little angry, so they were dropped in one second. This mage was too abominable!

Vic is a bit fierce, but after all, it is more difficult than one enemy. Injuries quickly occurred.


Sika ’s magic is also good. The dead tauren are resurrected by Sika and become a dark tauren.

The whole body exuded cold black gas, and rushed towards the rest of the tauren!

"This is dark magic! Run away!" The tauren retreated directly!

As one of the tauren ran away, he picked up an axe around his waist and hurled toward Sika, who was controlling the dark tauren.

Sika narrowed her pupils and was too late to get out.

I saw a mighty figure standing in front of me, took an axe to block it, but my strength was a loss.

The puppet caused his chest to be chopped a bit and blood from the beach was flowing.

"I'm fine." Vic looked pale.

Sika walked over: "You don't have to force it."

He put his hand on his chest and sang in his mouth. The palm of the hand emits a sacred light, and the wound is at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

Quick recovery.

Vick was a little surprised: "You are the priest's cure!"

Sika nodded, this was the holy light healing of Hall's original teaching.

In general, magicians can learn any spell. However, everyone will have a different affinity for a certain element.

He has dark affinity and usually chooses dark magic, which will do more with less.

If the dark affinity chooses the light category, it will no longer be able to do more with less.

In fact, if Sika had previously chosen to use a blessing ball of magical blessing, it would likely kill all such ordinary tauren.

These tauren are not those powerful tauren warriors. They have no profession.

They are just muddy waters and diving into deep water city, bullying ordinary people.

The reason why Sika is useless is that once it is used, the entire pub will be ruined.

维 The biggest loss is still Vic.

Vick could no longer see the wound under Sika's cure, and he helped Vick up.

"Uncle, you should suspend business for some time. It is better to wait until the order of Deepwater City is restored," said Sika.

Vick nodded: "I had this idea before, and it's really messier now than before."

"Sika, you surprised me. In less than a year, you have grown so much." Vic felt that Sika had grown amazingly.

I have been here for almost two and a half years. Almost a year.

Uh ...

Uh ...

The pub is temporarily closed, and Sika can get a salary by first-order magic book certification, at least not starve to death.

From a certain point of view, this is the guarantee of the magician, and it can also be called low salary.

Sika went to the Holy Academy and was able to see the first-order star of magic potential: Fuliya.

Specific scores come from all aspects, including actual combat and theoretical scores.

Sika is not on this list because it is special.

Because the faction and the arcane affinity are shown on the list.

Nufria shows affinity, ice and light.

She is said to be one of the nobles of a certain elven family, and it is said that it was spread in the courtyard.

Is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

"I have to take on the task and get something in exchange." Sika planned to collect points in exchange for a drop of dragon blood.

In this way, the worries of the mage are less concerned.

Don't underestimate a drop of dragon blood. This is not ordinary blood, but the essence blood extracted from dragon blood.

The dragon can be said to be one of the most powerful creatures. A dragon can even destroy the entire city by breathing.

Fortunately, while the dragon is powerful, the world also makes the dragon's ability to reproduce very poor.

I rarely see dragons.

Not to mention the dragon.

Academy has a magic guardian, which is a safe area. And every day, the college will send personnel to help the official forces of Sham Shui Po.

Provide assistance.

Sika looks for unaccepted missions on the first-level wizard mission.

"Rescue the daughter of the wealthy merchant Bart, Pattaya. Task difficulty: high. The other party may be a monk. Suggest 6 or more people." Sika lightly read.

Wrote his name on the top.

The priest monk is a magician's nemesis. He is very close to him and at the same time he will spit fire in his mouth.

I stayed in the library for two more days and was told that the task was enough for six people.

Sikana took a look at the list, there are 2 familiar names. One Kim, the other is Fuliya.

Kim? That flicker king? Is it the same name?

Fuliya? Why did she take this task too?

Sika thought so much that she didn't want to. It's better to spend more time studying magic books.

In the afternoon, six people were gathered together.

Sika was dumbfounded, it was really the dwarf.

However, Kim didn't seem to know Sika, which left Sika scratching his head.

Since the Holy College is large, many people do n’t know it, and Sika is special. Many times, Sandel taught it himself.

Everyone is strange.

"Introduce yourself. My name is Kim from Dolphin Bay. I am a second-order mage." Kim said.

Everyone looked at Kim in amazement. Dolphin Bay was very far away from Deepwater City.

Sika looked at Kim tightly: "Second-order magician? Do you remember me?"

Kim Kim said: "Have we met? Have you seen another me?"

"Another you?" Sika wondered.

Kim said: "Five years ago, my crew and I went to the Steam Capital and met Miko Katyaran."

尽管 "Although we escaped from her death, she was released from me by witchcraft. The body lived in another person."

他 "He is greedy, timid, treacherous, alcoholic, and bragging. Every time I wake up, I am in a new place. These are what others told me."

"Otherwise I do n’t even know what I have done ~ www.readwn.com ~ As for why I do first-order tasks for second-order, I am not in a position to tell you."

人 A tribal man was afraid for a while: "You have a different personality, and you won't kill yourself."

"With your team, shit, I'm scared. This team is not solid." Another said.

Gullya glanced at Kim: "Ten feet away from us."

Kim couldn't laugh or cry: "Don't. I have a way to solve it. We set a secret code and can say that I am now."

"Can't say, it's another one." Kim had long thought about it, so it was very convenient to distinguish.

Everyone looked at each other: "Yes, then you are 3 feet away from us. At least we have reaction time."

Kim Kim: "..."

Everyone determined the secret code, and then began to go to the target location.

Before 25 people, one woman, two women and four men.

"Kim, you are too close to us. Step back. Yeah. Step back."

"Back two more steps. Right, right, this distance. Keep."

"You guys, this will not hurt my conscience."

Everyone was stubborn: "No."

Kim Kim: "..." 166 novel reading network

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