Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 647: DeepPort SkullPort

Dear ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Chapter 467 of the Infinite Extreme Live Broadcasting System Volume Skullport in Deepwater City goes all the way.

We still have some understanding of the geographical environment of Sham Shui Po.

最 The most important places in Deepwater City are Deepwater Castle, City of Death, New Oram, and Yamashita.

Deepwater Castle is the headquarters of the city guards and city guards. On the top of the high deep water mountain, there is a powerful trebuchet. Keep a close watch.

The City of Death is a huge grave that opens during the day and closes at night. And send people to patrol.

The target location for Sika and others this time was the City of Death.

He is also the graveyard!

Kim followed the team.

Because it is daylight, the crowd did not stop by the guardians of the city after presenting their holy college credentials.

Although the current Deepwater City is far less stable than it was at the beginning, it still has certain advantages. There will only be occasional influxes of discord.

The cities of death are usually citizens and visitors who do not want to be found and usually walk in the shadow of the grave.

"Here!" Sika had reached the designated location, holding the instruction map.

This is a large house with an iron fence full of six feet high outside. At this point the door was closed, and the environment outside the house could only be seen from a distance.

There is a large yard inside.

"According to our information, Pattaya is not here. So we need to start searching here." Kim said.

Nufria looks around, this is a villa house built in the graveyard. The grave of the dead city has special magic and protection, so it is often a habitat for civilians and nobles.

She didn't say anything, just looked at the dead body in the villa area.

"Are we going to look in?" Said another wizard.

Sika looked at it. There are six people tall.

Obviously, it is not shown.

Everyone is a magician. At the same time, they are physically stronger than those who specialize in physical training.

Nufuliar is a magic archer. In this way, she should be a part-time magician.

Or magician part-time archer.

Kim's words, can be considered an unstable factor in the team. But Kim is a second-order mage, higher than everyone else.

As for others, like Sika, each has his own strengths.

Gim took out a slender needle thread: "Leave me to the door."

As soon as he went up, he put the needle thread into the lock, making a stir.

Everyone keep a safe distance.

Kim Kim: "..."


The huge iron fence opened.

There were two bodies lying on the ground, looking more like domestic servants.

One man and one woman.

"Everyone pay attention," Kim reminded.

Sika nodded: "I always think someone is following us."

"Shh, don't say it. I also felt it before. It's a low-quality stalker. It will make him look good," Kim said.

The other didn't feel it, he asked, "Is it a thief?"

Kim said: "Well, it seems that we are all wearing magic robes, coupled with the younger age, think we are not deep in the world. I want to try luck.

"But you don't look very young at all, enough to be my dad." Another girl groaned.

Kim wants to cry without tears.

Sika knew that, in fact, the most important thing for the dwarves was their beard.

They can even do whatever it takes for their beard.

Whoever wants to get their beard is not much different from killing his wife and children. Jokingly, dwarves can still play some players with you.

Twenty-six people walked directly into a corner.


There is a layer of mist on a man. This is a special method that makes people look unclear.

"What about people?" The man looked around, holding the dagger in his hand tightly.

"We are here." Sika came out.

At the same time there is Kim and others beside.

The man stunned, and then smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect to be found by you."

Fuliya looked cold: "Not good, retreat!"


A blast exploded directly into the crowd.

Fortunately, everyone pulled away and was not injured.

"What's going on?" Someone said.

She said in a cold voice, "This is the power of the thief. It has a certain explosion. It seems that this matter is far more complicated than we think."

"I guess this is no longer a first-order acceptable task." Fuliya felt that the robbers who followed her were definitely not starting to follow the city of death.

But before, even said that when the task may be taken, it has already begun.

She looked at Kim: "I think you should know something."

Kim was silent for a while and said, "You are right. So I said at the beginning, I am a second-order magician, and I cannot tell you why I accepted this first-order task."

In the mission mode of the college, everyone can accept the mission. Tier 1 magicians can only accept Tier 1 tasks.

阶 2nd level magician, can accept 2nd level or 1st level tasks.

Stage 3 magician can accept 3 or 2 or 1 task.

That is, the higher the magician level, the higher the acceptable task level. Similarly, low-level tasks can be accepted by these higher-level wizards.

The final decision is theirs.

He Kim hesitated and said, "I can only tell you that this person is from skullport in Deepwater City."

"Skullport !?" Everyone was surprised, this place is the illegal trading area of ​​the entire Deepwater City. There are often some evil skullports that carry out smuggling transactions with drow.

Deep water city is divided into darkness and light. Brightness is the environment in which everyone lives. Now, due to the conflict between the orcs and the human race, it will not be peaceful for a short time. But everyone knows that this duration will not be long. Because the Terran has united many archmages and knights, they are ready to negotiate with the orcs again.

Darkness is the evil place in Deepwater City, including this city of death. Called cityofdead.

Regardless of the human race or the elven race, even the drow, the half-orcs, and so on. As long as issues between different races are involved, there will always be some negotiation issues.

Therefore, at any time, interests and peace are always a balance that everyone hopes to maintain.

As a result, Terrans sometimes have small-scale frictional battles with other races.

And stationed some Terrans' mage.

Fuflia picked up her bow and arrow: "You mean, this place is probably related to smuggling. And that rich businessman may be involved."

"I didn't say, it's your own guess." Kim looked up at the sky, but that look strengthened everyone's thoughts.

Sika turned her head and looked: "There is a skeleton mage! Pull away!"

Click, click.

骷 Skulls jumped off the second or even third floor.

1, 2, 3, 4 ... There are 16 of them ~ www.readwn.com ~ Elemental Call! "Sika quickly took out the magic book and sang.

Along with the melody chanting, Sika's magic book shot out a light.

The light appeared a symbol of a six-pointed star, and then a dark element was summoned.

The dark element body is like condensed with dark smoke, almost as high as Sika.

Tessica is now about six feet tall.

So dark elements are so high.

"Give me offense!" Sika controls dark element attacks through a magic book.

Nufria picked up the bow and arrow, and an arrow shot directly: "Ice!"


A ray of light shone on the arrow, and after triggering the skeleton, it quickly formed an ice sculpture.

"Someone is preventing us from entering this villa! We must go in!" Fuliya said coldly.

Another person, took out a magic book and sang, "God of nature, I need your help. Please give me faith!"

"Holy Light!" He waved his hand!

A holy light came out of the air, and under his light, all the skeletons became very slow.

Another female magician picked up the magic book: "A ring of flames!"

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