Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 652: Misty Deep Forest

Dear ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Chapter 652 of the Infinite Extreme Live Broadcasting System Volume Volume Misty Deep Forest "You're too cunning!" Kim retreated with a smile.

Sika couldn't laugh or cry: "Do you praise me or hurt me?"


Everyone dashed all the way.

The monk and the drow elves were chasing after each other.

Squinting, they were getting closer and closer to Sika, and suddenly the monk stopped and said, "Don't chase, we retreat!"

He quickly turned away with the drow.

Sika They are still wondering why the other side suddenly rushed towards the horse when they evacuated suddenly.

"It's Freya!" The male magician shouted.

Sika looked at Freya. Not only did Freya come, Sandel also came. There are also many knights around.

Sandel jumped off the horse, lengheng: "They run fast."

"Go back, let us handle the rest. You are already very good." Sandel explained.

Sika nodded, but found that Kim was long gone: "What about the Kim?"

"He said he was thirsty, go get some stuff," said the male magician.

Sika really didn't say much about Kim.

The rewarded points college will actively record in personal information.

Then everyone returned to the college, and the business of the rich merchants was left to the college.

After two weeks of this incident, the college handed a letter and gifts to six people.

The contents of the twenty-six letters are not much different, basically thanks.

The gift surprised Sika a bit, a cubic space ring, enough to serve as a locker.

The space ring allows the magician to carry more magic stones, and using magic will be more handy.

In Sham Shui Po, space rings are not in circulation, so they are very rare.

Sika has gone through two months of study, and she still accepts the point task from time to time.

I finally ushered in, the first-level magician assessment.

Many first-order magic members gathered in the compound, excited and nervous.

It means a lot to everyone.

Only a small part of his face is calm and unmoved.

There is a fountain in the middle of the courtyard, and there are four statues around the fountain.

Each of the four statues represents four professions: magician, archer, knight, and barbarian.

The magician held up his wand, the archer held up his bow, the knight held up his sword, and the barbarian held up his axe.

Twenty-four weapons are intertwined and very imposing.

Many members of the magician talked.

"I heard that less than half of the people advanced last year."

"Not even half, it's incredible."

"I thought the magical intelligence tested yesterday was enough."

"You want to be beautiful. If that's the case, wouldn't it be all over the street?"

As everyone talked, the four stone statues opened up, and some were startled.

Hearing in unison, the stone statue opened.

"You will enter the misty forest, where there is a beautiful village occupied by the werewolf."

"You need to repel the werewolves and get 10 wolf cores to qualify for this promotion."

"Second, the number of wolf cores determines your ranking, and it is converted into points to reward you."

"The top three can be redeemed directly from the points, unconditionally exchange for what you want."

"Come on, I look forward to your triumph. There are already a few horses at the gate of the academy."

"If you don't get it, you can only choose to walk ..."

As soon as the words fell, everyone rushed out!

Xika rushed out without hesitation and chose the same points unconditionally, which is very tempting for everyone.

"That horse is mine!"

Some people are arguing because of horses. Sika didn't grab the front horse. But after winding around.

跃 Quickly jumped away.

I want to win the top three, Sika does not know the strength of other people, can not guarantee.

But a crew member who does not want to be a captain is not a good crew member.

Jessica also wanted to try to compete for the top three, and even if she failed, she would not leave regret.

The battle horse ran all the way, and the road of Sham Shui Po has long been remembered.

There was a gust of wind around her, and Sika rode on the steed and looked up slightly: "It's Freya."

Fuliya, an elven tribe, upholds the beauty of the elven tribe perfectly.

Puppet elves usually have very good facial features, about five to six feet. Unlike human races, human races are generally taller and shorter.

And the elves are tall, almost the same. At most men are slightly taller.

Jessica felt that Freya had a good chance to enter the top three, and the previous practical tests and theoretical tests were first.

Coupled with the magical affinity of the double upanishads, she has made her far ahead of her peers. Plus she has the elf nobility status.

As a result, she has flashed countless haloes on her body, becoming the intended existence of many male magicians.

Sika didn't have much contact with Fuliya, once when she first joined the Magic Society, and another when she was more than two months ago.

Besides that, the two didn't even have a chance to greet each other. Even if she meets, Fuliya won't say hello.

Sika won't hot face and cold ass, so it's boring to ask yourself.

After rushing all the way, Sika descended from the war horse, tied the reins, and entered the foggy forest.

The foggy forest is a magical place. The fog is not only cluster-like, but also regional.

In other words, there may be fog on the left, but not necessarily on the right.

The perspective on the left is not clear, you will find that you can see on the right. Visible in some places, invisible in some places.

"Save me!" Sika suddenly heard a shout!

Sika looked in the direction of the sound.

Is on the tree.

He saw a young man in a magic robe hanging from the tree.

Sika didn't save him immediately, but looked around, surely there was no danger, and asked, "How are you on the tree?"

The young man pointed to the bottom: "There is a mechanism. If it wasn't for the hunter or the werewolf. I just didn't see it clearly and stepped on it accidentally."

After hearing this, Sika took a closer look, only to find that there was a strange thing on the ground ~ www.readwn.com ~ It would be difficult to find if it was not careful.

Sika took out a dagger she had with her, climbed into the tree, grasped it with her hand, and swung it.

I fell directly and severely.

"Thank you." Although the young man fell down, he still felt about Sika.

"My name is Walson Brando, just call me Brando." The young man took the initiative to introduce himself.

Sika looked at him: "You can just call me Sika. I still have something to do and leave first."

"Wait!" Brando shouted.

Sika looked at him doubtfully: "What happened?"

"If we don't form a team together, this time I estimate that there will definitely be a lot of people in the team. After all, the team is much stronger than the individual, and I still have ..." But saw that Sika had left.

I could not help but raise a radian smile: "I believe you will cooperate with me."

Sika did go, for nothing else, the team was indeed efficient. But to give his back to some people he was not familiar with, Sika couldn't do it.

I really want to team up and wait to see what the situation is saying.

"Get down!" Sika heard a reminder behind her and gave a sharp look! 166 novel reading network

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