Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 652: Undead Skull

Dear ~ This site's domain name: \ "166 小说 \" is a shorthand homonym, very easy to remember! Good-looking novels are highly recommended: Chapter 652 of the Infinite Extreme Live Broadcasting System Volume Volume Undead Skull shoots an arrow directly in its direction.

Sika narrowed her pupils, lowered her head quickly, and bows and arrows whizzed directly from overhead.


The cricket hit an invisible place in the misty area.

"It's Freya !?" Sika recognized her.

She walked towards the misty area and squatted on the ground to check it out: "It's a pity. Let it run away."

Now Fuliya saw Sika: "..."

The two usually don't talk much, naturally a little awkward.

Fufulia turned and left.

Sika knew that there must have been something ambushing herself just now, and she just saw it.

That's the scene.

But it's too dangerous. If she reminded me to be late, she might shoot herself through.

"Let's go to the village together?" Fuliya walked some distance and suddenly turned her head and said.

Sika for a moment.

Nufuri returned again: "Go?"

Sika looked at Freya: "Don't you mind if I'm a half-elf? You know, the elves always don't like half-elves."

"Oh." Freeia answered coldly, and said a word.

I don't know what that means.

The two men walked towards the village and found a lot of torches lit around the village.

Alas, and there were werewolves on patrol.

Generally speaking, neither the human race nor the orc will take the initiative to have a war, always because of the contradictions that begin with various interests.

The situation today is that the werewolf has occupied the human village, and as a human race, it is natural to give a proper counterattack.

He proved that his territory was inviolable.

One after another, others in the college have already arrived.

"The werewolf formed a siege circle here, and we rushed in, I'm afraid it would be wiped out." Someone said.

Another said, "Indeed, we have to find a way to attract some werewolves and break them one by one."

"I'm afraid it's difficult. Let alone live in groups, choose to be independent. It's probably less."

Sika was also listening to their conversation and decided to observe for some time.

Nuflia looked at Sika, but for a while she didn't speak, just watching the village full of werewolves.

Sika took out a magic spar, which can also be called a magic stone.

He actively chanted magic, and a light gradually appeared on the ground, and the light was gathered in Sika's palm.

This is another magic of Sika, Falcon.

This falcon is not a combat type, but a light type. To put it simply, is responsible for the investigation horizon.

"Go!" Sika let go of the Falcon.

Falcon flew straight out!

Uh ...

Uh ...

The werewolves gathered in the village of Qiang have been called tribe.

Within the werewolf tribe.

The Jackal Wolf sat in a house and opened his eyes sharply. Surrounded by some mighty werewolves.

"The reconnaissance force has found a large number of magicians entering, allowing other werewolves to prepare for battle at any time."

"At the same time do what I planned."

"Give them a big gift."

For the wolf king, these magicians are their prey: "Since the Holy Academy dares to send you out."

"Then I dare to leave you all here." The wolf king directly called some werewolves, "follow me as I walk around the path. I want to surprise them."

The wolf king took a group of strong werewolves and went directly to the back of Sika and others.

At the same time, Sika found a group of werewolves around the falcon.

"A werewolf is about to emerge from the rear." Sika reminded.

However, the people around him did not care about Sika. For them, the magician was powerful enough to destroy the werewolf.

So they are not afraid.

At least there are many people here.

There are too many werewolves in the village, and it is not easy to attack directly, but it is not easy for the werewolves to attack them.

There are more than six hundred first-order magicians, which is not a small number.

Seeing that they were unresponsive, Sika didn't say much any more, and evacuated first. Snip these werewolves in a safe place.

There are advantages and disadvantages to being too dense, and the advantage is that the power of gathering is stronger.

The bad thing is that it is gathered in a pile that is easily found by the other party.

When Sika evacuated, she found a figure following herself: "Come out, don't follow me."

Brando came out directly: "Haha, was found. How sorry."

As the two men moved forward, a werewolf suddenly appeared.

"Undead Skull!" Brando brought out a magic book to summon a skeleton.

When he first summoned the undead skeleton, the left page of Sika's body shuddered again, and Sika felt a strange thing in her mind.

After that, a pile of strange words got into his mind and melted in his mind.

When Sika returned to God, she found that there was another magic in her magic book.

The magic book is divided into two major pages.

The previous pages are used to store magic, which is to record magic.

The magic behind you is the magic you know.

Usually a magic book represents a magic contract, and the general situation is not changed. Special rituals are not covered by this rule.

Sika has a certain reaction with this magic book, and now Sika can clearly feel that there is a magic in the magic book.

Dead Skull.

"What's going on?" Sika wondered.

In my mind, I remembered that Hall and Sandel had said that darkness and light appeared on themselves, which was a strange existence in itself.

因为 Is it because of that? No, it should be the effect of this residual page?

Sika had no time to think: "Undead Skull!"

After moaning, a skeleton appeared directly.

Brando stunned: "You are also dark undead?"

Sika didn't explain much.

The gnoll faced two skeletons, roared, and attacked the skeletons fiercely.

Brando found that the skeleton did not have the power to attack the werewolf, and chanted again: "Undead Link!"

Buzzing, Sika had another magic in her head.

Undead Link.

"It's too fast and efficient to learn magic." Sika couldn't help it.

At the moment when the Undead Link was used, a very futile chain was added to the skeleton, directly linking Brando. After the link, the speed of skeleton people has skyrocketed.

叠加 Doubled up ~ www.readwn.com ~ equivalent to the speed of two people.

The wolves were not low and wanted to run.

He found that the other Skeleton Man was also the same, and caught the werewolf fiercely.

The face of the werewolf changed slightly, and the two first-order wizards were stronger than he expected.

The skeletal man picked up a rib on his chest, held it in his hand as a weapon, and assassinated him towards the werewolf.

Two skeletons assassinate the werewolf at the same time.

The wolves were stunned before and after they had no chance to escape. Then angry again attacked the skeleton.

The skeleton felt no pain at all, picked up the ribs, 捅.

That looks like that.

You can fight it, you can fight it, I'll leave it to me.

Eventually, the werewolf fell completely to the ground.

"... you learn the same as me." Brando found that this was a fate, it was the same.

However, Sika was aggressive, what was going on?

Why does this happen? Sika really doesn't understand it.

The last time I was exposed to the dark type of magic, it seems that this residual page has also changed.

Sika looked at Brando with a smile: "What other magic can you do? Can you try it?"

Brando :? ? ? ? 166 novel reading network

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