Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 657: Fallenangel

Chapter 657 of the Infinite Extreme Live Broadcasting System Volume 577 Fallenangel Sika looked at it in the past, and was instantly tense. She picked up the knife she had taken before and shot it directly towards Blanca!


A huge python twitched its tail, and the knife was pumped directly.

"Back!" Sika hurried.

Brando got up and ran quickly.

There was a fog around, and everyone couldn't see it too far. The python is very clear in its own visual range.

This python has spots on the skin and is roughly a large barrel. It stands half-upright and is eight feet tall!

If all stood up, Sika estimated it would be no less than fifteen feet.

Compared to people, it is a behemoth.

"Ice!" Fuliya picked up the bow and arrow and hurled it.

A bang hit the python directly.

Bows and arrows appeared on the python's body, and ice flowers quickly spread the scales of the python.

With a bang, Binghua dissipated directly.

"It's too strong, let's hurry!" Fuliya found that her ice arrow was completely useless.

The three quickly retreated, and the python chased after it.

The python flicked its tail directly, pumped Brando and others directly, and slammed into a tree.

The original smooth plan was because of the emergence of this python, and the three Sikas fell into a huge crisis.

Sika chants a spell, and the werewolf launches an attack while Sika chants.

It was just that the werewolf's eyes were very hollow.

The werewolf's attack on the python did not affect any movement of the python.

Instead, the python flew and pumped the werewolf directly.

The python crawled very fast and rushed away with a pinch and a stretch.

The Sika trio ran at no faster speed than this behemoth. The python entangled the three directly, and the three were tightly held.

"Damn! There's such a thing in the misty deep forest!" Blanca yelled.

Freya still tried to let the python let go of them.

Her beautiful face was still dissatisfied with sweat, and she picked up her bow and arrow and stabbed into the python directly.

Unable to invade the skin from the beginning, with her insistence, the bow and arrow entered the skin of the python one inch at a time.

She took the magic crystal hard: "One ring, snow and ice!"

The entire python spread quickly from the wound, from the snake wound to the surroundings.

In a short time, the python became an ice sculpture.

Fuliya was relieved.

"Master, deserves to be the top student in the academy." Brando felt escaped.

The three were entangled in this ice-carved python.

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"Can't break free." Brando found an entanglement that couldn't break the ice-carved python.

It took a lot of effort to get the three talents out.

However, within a short time, some ice fragments began to fall on the ice sculpture.

Da da.

Da da.

"No, it's too powerful, to break free of the power of this ice." Fu Liya shouted.

The three ran fast.


The python growled and broke free.

The three ran wild.

Out of this misty area.

But the python had gone mad and it was completely angry.

Directly fiercely shot, a tree fell suddenly.

It patted towards Sika again, and Sika had no time to dodge and had to put her hands up to try to resist.


Sika was filmed directly by it.

"Sika!" Freya and Brando shouted at the same time.

The python attacked Fuliya and Brando again at the same time, this time Fuliya and Brando could not resist at all.

They were also severely filmed. Fortunately, the distance between the two people caused minor injuries.

The python ran towards them again.

"It's finished." Brando was desperate.

Fuliya closed her eyes directly. This time, she had no strength to resist.

Suddenly, Brando's words made Freya open her eyes again.

"Look at Sika!" Brando suddenly exclaimed.

Fuliya looked at the place where Sika had been severely photographed before, and saw that Sika had already risen.

His eyes were very strange, one black and one white.

It's like the awakening of an ancient creature.

And Sika's hair became half black and half white.

He stood there, looked up for a moment, and seemed to be surrounded by a chaotic period of light and darkness. Fuliya was very strange to see Sika's expression.

There is no affinity like before.

Sika stepped forward, and every time she took a step, an iris was left on the ground.

The aperture is also half black and half white.

The python noticed Sika, and she turned to look at Sika, and pounced fiercely at Sika.

At this point, Sika had two small horns on her shoulders, one black and one white.

It seems to grow something.

"Sika!" Freya shouted.

Sika didn't look at anyone, just step by step.

The python launched a fierce attack on Sika.

Sika looked up, and the whole python stopped there, motionless.

The python became a little terrified. It looked at Sika in fear and wanted to move, but couldn't move.

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He gently stretched out his hands, a piece of magic condensed directly into his palm, and gently grasped the python's tail.

Taking the tail directly and pulling it, the whole python flew out and hit the ground severely.

"So much energy!" Brando looked at Sika in amazement, then excited. "Sika, you are so amazing!"

"Sika is a bit wrong!" Fuliya said.

Brando looked at her in amazement. "What do you mean?"

"Sika now seems to have lost consciousness. I found that he didn't have any mood swings. You know, our elves are more sensitive in feeling than other races." Fuliya explained.

At this time, Sika started again.

Black and white alternating shadows are left on the ground, just like walking on the water.

Leaving the ripples of water waves, circle, circle.

Next, Fuliya and Brando witnessed an unforgettable scene, even after many years, still remembered.

Sika had wings on her shoulders, black and white.

And Sika's eyes were black and white.

Even the hair is black and white.

"This is fallenangel!" Freya clearly remembered the classical record: Satan identified it as Lucifer. Lucifer led a third of the angels to rebel, challenged the authority of God, and was expelled from heaven and rushed to earth. Lucifer was the fallen angel.

It is also called Lucifer, and in addition, it records Sassim, Abel Khan, and so on.

All of them are becoming powerful beings.

Sika's eyes did not fluctuate, it was very calm, and the calm was a bit scary.

A black light condenses in the fingers and directly penetrates the python.

The python still couldn't move.

It's like a dark attraction that doesn't allow it to move.

Sika once again grabbed the impenetrable python ~ www.readwn.com ~ like lifting a trivial thing and constantly falling.

The entire python was killed alive by Sika's repetitive movements.

This power is not even comparable to the race that has traditionally been claimed by barbarians.

Sika killed the python very cruelly.

And kept walking towards Freya and Brando.

His eyes were full of cold blood.

Brando couldn't help but feel nervous.

However, Sika fell quickly.

The wings also slowly contracted, leaving many wounds on the body.

The whole person fell down.

"Sika!" The two rushed straight up. (Unlimited Extreme Live System: 125125828)-(Unlimited Extreme Live System)

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