Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 658: Magic energy

Chapter 658 of the Infinite Extreme Live Broadcasting System Volume MONON Sika is unconscious and has lost consciousness.

Sleeping on the ground in the misty deep forest, the wind moved Sika's face.

The two took Sika to another place again, Brando carrying Sika. It's just a little hard to carry.

The night was getting deeper, and the two found some dry wood, set up a fire stand, and used fireball to burn.


From time to time flames come out of Mars.

"Why did Sika turn into another look before?" Brando held his chin, looking very puzzled.

Freya shook her head and didn't speak.

She hadn't seen anything like this, at least not in the elves.

The two stared at Sika and fell asleep without knowing it.

Tiredness, regardless of race, will be felt, unless it has been reduced to an undead slave without thought.

When Sika woke up again, she found that her whole body was weak and very weak. He looked at the two of them, and Freya and Brando were asleep by a tree.

"What about that snake?" Sika's memory only stayed in the scene of being confronted with the snake and being crushed by it.

Standing up, he felt some pain in his shoulder: "Hisse ~ My shoulder seems to be particularly painful."

Fuliya was awakened by Sika's movements and wiped her hazy eyes: "You are awake."

"Well, just woke up. What happened to the snake?" Sika asked.

Freeia looked at Sika: "Don't you remember? That python has been killed by your own hands."

Sika touched her forehead, and thought back carefully, but did not think of anything: "I don't remember, my memory seems to stay at the moment when the snake attack fell down."

She heard Sika's words and thought about it, and told him about Sika's previous changes and some things.

Sika couldn't help but be surprised, he was so powerful at the time.

A python was easily lifted by himself and fell like a toy.

"When it's dawn, let's take a look at the python. Usually such a large python is dead, there must be something good," said Sika.

Fuliya nodded. "Hmm."

He sang the Holy Light to heal, putting his hand on his wound, exuding a circle of divine light. The wound was healing in this divine light.

Freeia also stretched out her palm, a ray of light in her hand, close to Sika's wound: "This will heal faster."

Two healing powers accelerate the healing of the entire wound.

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Not even scars remained.



It was dawn, and the morning light accompanied the dew to awaken the entire deep forest.

Brando also woke up, when he saw that except for blood on his body, his face was filled with the familiar affinity.

"Are you hurt?" Brando was a little surprised.

Sika didn't feel good. "Can I think you are despising a mage who can heal the light?"

"Ha ha ha ha." Brando laughed.

Sika moved the tibia: "Go, go to the place where the python was yesterday."

"What to do there?" Brando didn't quite understand.

Sika smiled: "Do n’t you listen to the class well, the orcs usually drop good things when they die. That python should be included in the orcs. And they are very strong. We have to go and see."

"Yesterday I was too scared. I thought it was over. I forgot." Brando patted his head.

Freya looked at the two, but did not speak, her eyes turned, she seemed to be thinking about the fallen angel Lucifer.

The three came to the foggy area and saw the python had fallen there, motionless.

"Where are you going, look, I'll look here," Sika said.

Sika looked at the python that had fallen to the ground, and still couldn't believe it was what she did: "It's a pity that you don't let this python have a lot of usefulness."

Pythons can be used to make armor.

"I found a magic core! And it's large!" Brando looked excited!

Sika was still searching, picked up the knife and cut the python apart.

"Huh? This is magic." Sika looked excited.

The so-called magic energy is a thing that can quickly increase the magician's ability. This kind of thing is very rare, and basically you can't see it on the market.

There are four magic energies. In other words, this python is likely to live for 400 years.

In 100 years, one will grow in the body, four.

That means ...

At the same time Sika was surprised, she was very interested in what she said at the time.

Even the 400-year-old python was easily resolved.

Does this mean that you are equivalent to those masters?

Sika couldn't imagine it, because it was too shocking.

Brando picked up the big magic core and walked over. When he saw the magic energy in Sika's hand, he stunned: "This ... this is ... the magic !?"

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He couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Immediately overjoyed!

After hearing this voice, Fuliya came slowly, and she looked at the magic energy calmly.

Compared to the magic core, the magic can be more surprising.

"There are four, that is to say, you killed a python for at least four hundred years yesterday !?" Brando looked at Sika in surprise.

Sika shrugged, but she was already unconscious. Don't know what happened.

If it wasn't for Fuliya, she might not even know she won.

"If we can absorb this magic, maybe we have a better chance to fight with those werewolves." Sika is now a three-man patrol attack.

In case of two patrols, Sika's team must be severely suppressed by the other party.

So Sika and others waited for a separate team before launching a raid.

"There are four ...." Sika thinks three are better distributed, one for each.

But one more, this is a bit unbalanced.

"You take it. After all, you killed it." Fuliya spoke first, blocking Brando's words directly.

Brando stared at Mo Neng, although he was a little bit reluctant, but Fuliya was right: "Well, you can take two. We have enough one."

Sika is also unambiguous: "Swallow this magic energy. In the afternoon our team will launch an attack. See if we can liberate our people."

"It's very difficult to fight them with three people alone." Sika knew that no one could fight the entire army by himself before he became a superpower.

The former Dark Army was led by Sauron. At that time, he wore the Supreme Ring in his hand, and one person went through the whole war ~ www.readwn.com ~ Finally, the human race and other races combined to defeat him.

Therefore, Sika didn't think she could be compared with the top people at that time.

People know themselves. After singing a magic, the protective layer outside the magic energy disappears directly.

The three picked up the magic energy, the size of a pebble.


When a demon enters his throat, it is like taking a bite of fruit.

Swallow directly.

Disengaged from the protective layer, the demon can transform into a violent force and ran away in the three's bodies.

The three Sika chanted magic, channeling this power.

"Werewolf! When we appear again, you will be surprised!"

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