Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 663: Condensation is the essence

Misty deep forest.

"Follow me," the magician complained.

Another wizard said, "Aren't you not owl magic? Go and investigate."

"But I didn't burn it into the magic book," said the male magician.

Another said, "No recording, then sing now. It's better than blindly searching for us. If we don't take the opportunity and wait for them to counterattack, I don't think we can fight against second-order magicians."

"They've stepped into the second-order magician !?"

"Don't you notice? The magic was just the second ring."

"Oh, I didn't hear that clearly. So I didn't notice."

"Okay, don't hesitate. Find it out quickly."

"Yes, how many wolf cores have you harvested."

"I have seven."

"I'm thirteen."

"I have five."

"Very good, let's sing. Let's grab the point, and whoever is the top three will get the good stuff. Then the back one will compensate some gold coins."

"That's a good idea. Well, I'm just chanting now, you help me be vigilant. There are a lot of weird creatures in the deep forest of fog."

The male magician began to sing magic, and the magic book floated in the air, standing in suspension.

Constantly moving up and down.

The rest of the magic books are vigilant around.

One of the tall and thin magicians said, "Go and investigate next, so be safe."

"Okay, I'll go now."

The woods salsa.

Sika Yubrando's magic has chanted almost. After all, second-order magicians.

More than 600 magicians throughout the college have formed their own teams to **** other teams.

Some well-known magicians have a larger team, and some more lonely magicians may be alone or only a few.

Robbery was taking place in the deep forest of fog.

After Sika prepared the magic, she didn't appear rashly, but continued to wait for the next day.

It was just the next day, and Sika had come to a tree not far away.

Released the Falcon and scouted the opponent's vision.

"We also have an investigation above." Sika's Falcon found a strange owl, apparently seen in a magic book.

It's a kind of detective magic.

"It seems we can only choose to attack from below." Sika knew very well that the owl's vision was fixed.

That is, within a certain range, you can alert the surroundings.

And the duration varies with the wizard's stage. The stronger the magician, the longer it lasts.

Sika's Falcon is a large field of view, but does not last long.

Both have advantages and disadvantages.

"I have to summon a skeleton." Sika chanted magic and summoned a skeleton.

The skull stood in front of Sika, and let Sika's eyes glance.

"Let's go find a dress to put on this skeleton." Sika had an idea.

Brando looked at Sika, who had a lot of ideas, and felt that Sika was more mature than before.

There are also many new and weird ideas.

The two went to find some dead corpses of werewolves and brought their clothes to the skeletons.

Dress up like a werewolf as much as possible.

There are only some places that are really hard to find, and deep forest supplies are limited.

"I went to the village and took a bucket. What are you going to do?" Brando didn't understand what Sika wanted to do.

Sika picked up the bucket directly and stuck the skullman's head firmly.

It was as if a werewolf was stuck in a barrel and some were embarrassed.

"Okay. Get ready for the magic," Sika said.

The skeleton man in a barrel, disguised as a stuck werewolf, walked towards the wizards.

The magicians had wanted to search for Sika's figure, but it was much harder to find someone in the misty deep forest than they expected.

They had also consumed some magic.

On the first day, they could find Sika, and they have a certain confidence to have a chance to win.

It is now the next day and they are beginning to change.

"You say, do we want to retreat. After all, they are second-order magicians. If we really want to fight, we must not do it."

"Rest assured, I've laid out owls here, and they come in and the owls will alert us."

"I really want to fight it, don't worry at all."

"And second-order magicians, as long as we find opportunities, we can't defeat them."

"You are overconfident, I think, we should try to grab the wolf core of others. They are a bit tricky."

"And I see the other is Brando? That's a selfish guy, maybe we'll all overturn in the gutter."

"Well, you're correct too. Let's do this. We were watching one morning and still had no results. Let's change the target."

"What do you think?"

"I have no opinion, what about you?"

"I have no opinion."


One of the magicians shouted, "I found a werewolf entering our field of vision."

"There are still werewolves left? Go! Another wolf core."

"Slow, you don't doubt why a werewolf suddenly appeared in our field of vision? What other characteristics of that werewolf?"

"Wait, let me see ... Well, I saw the werewolf's clothes were messy and bloody. It seemed to be stuck in a barrel on his head."

"Crashing everywhere ~ www.readwn.com ~ It should be that the field of vision is blocked."

The headed magician groaned, "Does your owl see anyone nearby?"

"Not at the moment. It may be out of sight."

A few people discussed it. Finally, for the sake of security, a mage was sent to confirm the situation in person.

"You go." The headed wizard asked the shorter wizard to verify it.

The short magician was dissatisfied: "Why me, he can too. He has long legs and runs fast."

The headed magician groaned, "Condensation is the essence."

Everyone: "..."

The short magician wanted to cry without tears, and wished to greet the other family, condensing a ghost: "It's not fair."

"Let's do it, if it's not fair," he said.

The short magician was excited and begged the **** of luck to bless him.

Immediately after ... Nima, the result remained unchanged.

"You must be cheating, collusion!" He didn't believe it, which was a bit pitting.

"Respect the results," the rest said.

The short magician thought it must be a quilt, and bit his head.

He looked around the trees, carefully, and slowly walked towards the suspected target.

Lightly, hold on to the magic book.

The wind rustled the woods.

Getting closer and closer to the werewolf, he clearly saw that the werewolf was still ramming around, no different from the blind.

The closer you get, the more nervous you are.

The moment he approached the werewolf, the werewolf turned suddenly.

"Not good!" He also quickly turned and ran away, saying that from time to time, the werewolf grabbed his pants.

The magician's trousers were pulled, and he quickly lifted up his pants and ran away, and the skeleton held a corner tightly.

Live or die.

"Don't pull it, it's going to fall again." The short magician burst into tears.

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