Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 664: Earl Sandel

The first time a short magician encountered such a werewolf, it was very strange.

To break free from a werewolf is to run.

Sika didn't control the camouflage werewolf attack, because Sika saw a man through her vision.

Obviously, the other party is quite vigilant.

The disguised werewolf chased the short wizard.

When the short magician ran, he took out a magic book and sang, "Fireball!"

In an instant, a power emanates from the magic book, condensing directly into a blazing flame. Attack on the so-called werewolf.


Hit the werewolf.

Sika deliberately sang, pretending that the werewolf was seriously injured and the chase slowed down.

In fact, this trick really caused great damage to the skeleton. At least half of his health is gone.

"Brando, get ready to link magic," Sika said.

Brando nodded. "Okay, just seize the opportunity. Sure."

at this time.

The disguised werewolf was already limping behind the short wizard.

The magician was afraid of seeing this, and turned around, just trying to sing again.

The disguised werewolf rushed to the short wizard, and a dagger pointed directly at his belly.

The short magician suddenly sweated coldly: "This is a trap ..."

Now, due to the chase between the two, they are less than three feet away from the other members.

The other members could only see the short magician fell to the ground due to the perspective problem.

The short magician was crushed to death and did not dare to move. A little movement of the cold dagger would penetrate the skin and penetrate.

"Don't be so hard." The short magician twitched.

Immediately afterwards, the short magician saw some bones inside the werewolf's clothes.

Summoned Skeleton Man! ?

"What a cunning man!" Said the short wizard.

The skeleton took out a piece of paper from his clothes. This was taken by chance when Brando went to the village to find something. When two people cooperate, they can also find each other's omissions.

Brando felt that Sika's call could not speak, which was a big flaw. However, words can be expressed.

The short man saw his eyes shrink when he saw the words: When you saw this text, please tell your companions that there is no problem. Call them over. If you can't do it, I don't mind an extra soul.

Anyway, the college may not find out how you died.

Looking at the full paragraph, the short magician mentioned his throat with his whole heart: "You will be cursed by the goddess of luck! I am so angry."

The dagger was a little closer.

"....." the short magician twitched.

There is already shouting there.

"Did you find anything unusual?"

"... No, I'm overwhelmed by a werewolf here. Come help me," the short wizard mumbled.

When the others heard nothing, they were not so relieved.

"Let's get some distance away." The headed wizard ordered others. Preventing this is an accidental trap.

The others nodded and went to help.

Sika and Brando also rushed into the area at this time and used magic.

Then, a black strip of energy turned into smoke, grabbing several people's feet directly from below.

Several people realized it was wrong.

This is a magic trap.

"You lie to us!" The rest of the magician looked at the cramped short magician.

He said helplessly: "He forced me with a dagger, and I can't help it."

"Help me!"

Several people were helpless and had to use magic to attack the disguised werewolf.


Two magics die most directly.

However, they were unable to move.

Brando sang all the time, dark magic restraining their feet, unable to move.

Hold your feet like a shadow.

"You can't get rid of it. This is second-ring magic." Brando stepped out with a smile.

Sika also came out: "Where is the thing? I searched for it myself."

He is not polite, this is competition.

Although there were many failures in this operation, including unexpected places. But the experience of the other party is obviously not very sophisticated.

If you change to a seasoned person, you may have been attacked by the opponent.

Fortunately, the other party is similar to himself.

And his advantage lies in the second order.

Brando's shackles start at the feet and continue to spread.

The hands cannot move.

Sika went up and searched directly. Soon they got the wolf cores of several people: "Goodbye."

"Withdraw." Sika smiled and chose Elemental Summoning.

A treeman appeared in front of everyone. The treeman was not tall, about five feet.

Brando took a deep breath, then turned and left.

Treants intercept these magicians directly.

"Damn." The magician stomped with anger.

The short magician bowed his head: "I'm sorry."

"Forget it. You're right, it's too bad for a second-level magician. The instructor should come in these days. So we need to hurry up and **** others."

"It's easier to **** the first order."

"Well, you're right. Take your time."

"it is good."



Three days later.

Several wizard mentors came on horseback.

Sandel dismounts, frowning slightly: "When did imprisonment magic be set here?"

"Isn't there something wrong with them !?" The other wizards were also a little surprised.

Sandel seemed to be thinking: "You go back and ask the Earl of Mules ~ www.readwn.com ~ It's a coincidence that, according to our normal habits, this problem should not happen."

"But Count Mules just called us at this time to discuss major events."

"I have a good chance that Earl Mulles is doing some grey deals with other races."

A black magician said: "Sande, this matter is about the earl. Let's investigate. Maybe a bit of a leap."

"You won't be overstepped. Catch." Sandel threw a token, and the token showed the title.

"My title is higher than him, and there is no such thing as a leapfrog. Now Deepwater City is worried about the outside world. Orcs are constantly invading. It will take a few years to erupt the full battlefield. We must stop this war from erupting.

Sandel took some people directly into it: "Go back, let's break this imprisonment magic."

"It should take some time. Go."

"Okay, I'll do it."

Two batches of mentors split up.

Sika took the magician's scepter and sang directly.

The speed of aggregation is incredible and very fast.

Other mentors also shot.

A ray of light headed for all around. These rays of magic envelop the entire deep forest with powerful magic.

Under the influence of this magic, there are many fluctuations in the imprisonment of the misty deep forest, just like the water waves.

A huge gray hood covered the entire deep forest of mist.

The cover constantly cracked under the impact of magic, and then small holes appeared.

The small holes spread a little bit, and they connect with each other, and soon the entire gray cover completely disappears.

Deep misty forests are restored as before.

"I hope the little ones, all right." Sander had a knight sword on his waist, a magic wand in his hand, and led the rest of the mentor into the deep forest of fog.

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