Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 673: Bright Prophet Hall

Regarding Hall's affairs, Sandel also told some stories about him.

Hall was born to the nobleman, but after seeing the injustice of the nobleman, he chose to leave the original family. Go out and wander into magic and help those in need.

He was a prophet of light, also known as a prophet. The prophets may be undetermined, but even so, divination can be done from time to time. There is a price.

Hall's level of magician, before Sandel knew, was already at the level of the sixth-order great magician.

The magician is divided into first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth ...

Introduction to Wizards (Apprentice Level 1)

Official Magician (2nd Order)

Elite Wizard (Third Tier)

Advanced Wizard (Fourth Tier)

Associate Magi (Fifth Tier, Conferred Title)

Grand Sorcerer (Sixth Tier, with rights to territory and title.)

It can be said that the sixth order is the greatest goal of the magician.

However, the entry is arguably the most.

By the second order it will be less and less.

Just like a pyramid, the lowest end is always the most.

The more you go up, the less the magician is.

Strength and reputation are completely different.

Hall is a great magician who has helped Gallen continent through many crises many times. Invited by all countries. However, he turned down all kingdoms' invitations and left alone, still choosing to help those in need.

He didn't like chasing power, and he didn't like the intrigue of the kingdoms. He only appeared when the entire human race needed help.

Otherwise, no kingdom can invite or even invite Hall.


When Sika saw Hall, Hall looked up slightly, apparently already waiting for Sika's arrival.

Hall showed a kind smile towards Sika, a plain and simple smile, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Instead of walking directly towards Sika, he chose to continue singing magic.

Sing magic for the injured man lying on the chair.

Those people's wounds appeared white, very sacred.

The wound heals very quickly.

Healing is almost a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

"Okay. You go back and have a good rest." Hall waved.

Thanks everyone, and then left.

The gray robe man and Sika stood by, waiting for Hall to finish.

"Master Huo." The man in the gray robe said respectfully.

Hall nodded towards him: "Mikari, let your men let those merchants go."

The man in the gray robe put one hand on his chest: "You will know before you go out. It is indeed a prophet. I will arrange it."

"Then I go down first." The man in the gray robe respectfully left.

Hall looked at Sika, smiling mildly: "Sit."

Sika didn't know that Hall was so powerful before, but after hearing Sander's introduction, he knew that Hall was so powerful. Looking at it now, I was a little embarrassed to look at him.

"Nothing to care about. Those are just delusions." Hall seemed to see through Sika's thoughts.

Sika then sat down and pulled out a letter from the space ring: "Teacher Sandel said, let me hand this letter over to you. I didn't open it on the way."

He was worried that seeing something that should not be seen would result in some bad endings.

For example, military secrets may go to military courts, even if Sandel wants to protect himself.

Cavaliers will never trample on this world rule.

Hall picked up the envelope. There was a small bag inside the envelope.

It contains some red powder.

He picked up the letter and quickly read the content.

Then lower the envelope.

"Laosang told me something about you in the letter. There is something else."

"You should feel the power of darkness and light?" Hall sat beside Sika, looking at Sika with a gentle smile.

Sika nodded: "But when I can't control that power and that power drives my body. I lose all consciousness."

"And kill everything you see around."

Sika told Hall about the power of Lucifer, the fallen angel, she knew.

After hearing it, Hall didn't look at all worried, but asked further: "Did you find anything special at the time? For example, how do you feel the magic wave in your body after using power?"

Sika stunned: "I didn't care about this detail at the time. And it should have been a while since I woke up. The magical fluctuations in my body should be weak."

"No, think again?" Hall laughed.

Sika frowned, remembering carefully, but couldn't remember the details. Is it?

"Is my strength enhanced?" Sika said an uncertain answer.

Hall nodded: "You are still very smart. This power, every time you use it, you will strengthen your power. Until you are exactly the same as this power."

"That said, as I use more, I will reach that level of power?" Sika Ran Hall said.

Hall answered Sika with a smile: "Child, you understand that right. It really will increase as you use it more often. You will reach that state all the time."

"Do you know why Sandel asked you to come to me?"

"Teacher Sandel said ~ www.readwn.com ~ You can help me control this power. I control this power myself, and it is likely to be a war machine of killing."

"What you said is only half right. Then I ask you, why didn't I teach you directly. Instead, I chose to leave?"

"Don't you say that something is happening?" Sika remembered Sandel saying she had something before leaving, and then taught herself some magic.

Hall spoke patiently.

When Sika was with her, she was actually observing the power here. This is not a general force, but a cohesion of faith.

He could not judge whether this power was good or bad, not to mention that the person who possessed this power was a half-elf.

What the half-elves would be treated among the elves, Hall knew very well that he could not change the traditional thoughts that the elves had left over tens of millions of years.

Some half-elves will complain about their unfair treatment after leaving the elves.

Even hostile to the elves.

However, although he saw dissatisfaction on Sika, this dissatisfaction was only some verbal complaints, and there was no action factor.

In the past few years, Hall actually added a lot of magic to Sika.

It is to consolidate this power.

However, this force is very powerful, and even Hall can't completely resist it.

Therefore, Hall felt that when this power became more and more active, he chose to leave and look for something suitable to master this power.

That's why Hall left the place.

Sika started to grasp, which was also an opportunity given by Hall. Otherwise there is no chance to get in touch with magic.

Next, it was expected to meet Sandel.

"Next, I teach you how to master this power. Now is the time."

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