Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 674: Balrog and Lucifer Fascica

Holly looked at Sika gently, her eyes full of love.

"Then what should I do?" Sika asked, his eyes filled with some yearning and hotness.

That power is huge, and if it can be mastered, it must be extraordinary.

Hall said, "Tomorrow, I'll take you to a place. Today you live in a small town."

He led Hall to live in a house, which was not too big, that is, twenty square meters. It is quite spacious for one person only.

At the same time he said something to Hall.

Deepwater City is the territory of the human race. Nowadays, the beast and the human race are almost full of conflicts.

Many places are already raging with war, and all these are driven by the undead and the drow elves. Even the dead Scourge troops of the undead have arrived at the central battlefield.

All firepower was concentrated in the battle plain.

Sham Shui Po is able to ensure a large degree of security in the town, and the owner has done a great job.

Sika's current strength cannot help the human race to do anything. In addition, it was affected by the war, and the elves and dwarves also joined the war.

There are also halfling guerrilla operations.

Hall told Sika something about the situation, Sika didn't understand the meaning of Hall. Just don't understand why he told himself these things?

Does he expect to change the whole war?

Sika doesn't think anyone has the power to change the landscape.

After Hall left Sika's house, Sika sat quietly in bed.



Sika opened the door and saw that it was Miss Euler.

"Euler? What's wrong?" Sika thought something happened.

Euler wore a veil and smiled. "Nothing, can you invite me in and sit for a while? It's not good to keep a girl out."

"Come in." Sika let her in.

Euler naturally sat on his bed and took out a small bag from his body: "This gold coin is a thank you for your help on the road, it is a reward."

Sika didn't want to collect the gold coins, and said jokingly, "Miss Euler, can I think you're insulting me? I'm not with you because of money. We are on the road."

"I'm sorry." Euler put out her tongue and took back the gold coins.

Sika looked at her: "What should you do to me?"

"Our caravan will start tomorrow morning. Your instructor has replenished us with water and given us some magical help." Euler said.

She sees Hall as Sika's mentor.

In a sense, Hall was indeed Sika's mentor, but from another perspective, it was a friendship transformed by the employer.

"I will come back to see you after I have brought the goods there." Euler smiled.

The two looked at each other and laughed.

The elves don't necessarily recognize semi-elves, such as Euler, who thinks Sika is excellent.

The two talked for a while before she left.



Early in the morning, the town felt the heat of the Unlava Mountain Range, and some felt comfortable.

There are not many people in the town, most of them are Terran team. They are responsible for defending in this area. No movement will be performed until the change of position.

The entire town moves with them.

Those in black robes are border guards from the island and are responsible for watching border security.

Sika came to the church early, and most of the people in the black robes held a booklet in their hands to tell the truth.

This is a wonderful and magical sound, especially when there are many people, it will be shocked by that power.

The wave of reports lasted about twenty minutes before ending, and Hall stood in the center, waiting for Sika.

"Uncle Hall." Sika called naturally.

Hall looked at Sika and took out a robe. "Put this on, you put away your armor."

Sika nodded and changed her robe. After putting on the robe, Sika looked more like a magician.

"When you came, should you see the Enlightenment?" Hall smiled gently.

"Well, I saw it when I came here, and the Yanmao was asleep. Standing there like a giant. If it wakes up, will this town be ruined once." Sika did see it before he came, at the time O Ra is still wondering whether to go a long way.

Once attacked, no survival is possible.

Hall took out a ball, like a pearl, with a little light on it: "Eat it, I'll teach you some singing tips."

"Two days before you start fighting with the Balrog, I teach you howling can quickly transform you into the fallen angel Lucifer form."

Hearing what Hall said, Sika felt puzzled: "Isn't I in control of that power?"

"You'll know when you're in it." Hall stared at Sika slightly.

Sika thought about it before eating it.

Then, after becoming familiar with the chanting magic, Hall led him directly to the side of the Yan Mo.

I took a closer look and found out how huge and terrible this Pyro.

More scary than what I saw before.

The whole body is like lava, with reddish-brown skin exposing lava.

"Do you know why it is sleeping here?" Hall took a few steps: "Before I came to this mobile town, the Balrog here was awake. The whole town was later rebuilt with my help."

"And this Balrog is my release of magic to make it sleep. I can't defeat him completely."

Sika looked at Hall in amazement. Couldn't even the great magician defeat him?

This inflammation is too terrible! ?

"You try singing that magic. Do as I say."

"What kind of magic is this?" Sika asked.

Hall explained: "This is the magic that keeps you awake."

"That said, I can control this power by staying awake?" Sika was a little excited.

Hall noticed that Sika had entered a misunderstanding: "It's not like that. Power doesn't come out of thin air. You need your own effort."

"What do you mean?" Sika didn't understand. Wasn't the biggest problem with this power not to lose consciousness?

Keep awake, should you be able to control it?

Hall said: "Remember when I told you that you felt special? In fact ~ www.readwn.com ~ Every time you use the fallen angel Lucifer form, your original body will be strengthened."

"You need to strengthen it again and again, until you balance it with this form to fully grasp this power."

The voice fell.


Yan Yan opened his eyes sharply, Hall had disappeared, and only Sika remained.

Sika snapped, and Hall was gone.

The Fire Demon struck Sika with a punch, and Sika backed up again and again.

The ground was smashed into a huge pit.

"It's strong. If I get hit, I will die." Sika's pupils dilated, and Yan Yan made another punch.

At this time, Sika was too late to dodge.

霎 That room!

Sika's shoulders protrude into two small horns and gradually grow into wings. One black and one white.

And the hair became black and white, and the eyes were black and white.

The mage had black and white hair, black and white wings behind her, and her eyes were black and white. This is what Lucifer Sika is now.

Sika found herself sober.

But this power cannot be controlled, that is, the body is not under its control.

A pair of wings behind the fallen angel Lucifer Sika slammed, rushed directly to more angels, and waved his fists.


A huge Balrog was hit.


The Balrog stood up and rushed to Sika again.

Sika can feel the strength of this body, but can't control it, and the battle is also the body fighting itself.

With the fight, Sika was able to feel exhausted.

The Balrog is constantly repelled by Sika.

It continued for several minutes, and Sika returned to her original condition.

There are many stab wounds on the Flame Demon, and it rushes towards Sika.

At this time, Hall appeared again, and an aperture flew out in his hand: "Sleep!"

next moment!

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