Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 683: Dreadlord

Sika nodded: "I do, because I want to live, but I need you to promise me a condition."

"What conditions?" Yao Suo looked at Sika, expressionless, but a frenzy in her heart.

"I have some friends, and I need you to let them go. Take me for the price," Sika said.

The monster cable was expressionless: "You can only choose one person to leave, and not now. It is only after we are finished."

He obviously won't be fooled.

However, Sika just used this as a cover because he knew that the monster cable would not let any of them go back.

Scourge's reputation is notorious.

"Okay, then she let go. I can open the door of mysticism, but you need to keep me awake. Otherwise I am no different from death. This is my second condition." Sika said.

The expression of the monster cable didn't change: "No problem. As long as you are willing to open the door of the Uprising, I can keep you awake."

The Gate of Upanishadow, the power of Upanishads who first felt magic.

So after becoming a magician, the so-called magic gate will appear. It can also be said to be a lock on one's body.

Sika opened the door and let the other side invade.

Immediately after Sika chanted magic.

Monster cable, while listening to this magic, the sharp edge in his finger is always ready, as long as there is something wrong with this magic, he will immediately start to do Sika.

He didn't like the unsafe factors around him.

The monster cable also sings magic.


Sika's upright door opened, and he tried to control the burst of power because it was too scary. After all, it is the power that even the flames can kill.

Nonetheless, Sika's exposed power made the monster cable extremely greedy.

He felt this power, and his heart trembled, and he couldn't help swallowing his throat.

What a perfect work of art.

The power of the monster cable is like a chain rushing directly to the gate of Upanishads, leaving a black seed inside the door.

To prevent Sika from betraying him.

It was also a moment when the door of Upanishad opened, and another witchcraft came quietly.

It ’s Kim ’s witchcraft, which is used to resist the demon

After the release, the monster cable let loose the bond of Sika. The vines disappeared.

Sika stood beside him and followed the demon cordon.

"Why ... wrong ... you!" Mark looked a little puzzled as Sika left, but remembered they seemed to know each other.

What should be planned.

Mark is eager to destroy here, haunted gold mines and barracks, and he knows exactly what it means.

Ghouls can create an undead army here. No wonder the number of undead on the frontline has increased much faster than death.

The haunted gold mine is not gold, but a source of energy. It is named because it looks like gold.

The ghoul spit out by eating trees, and then by the magic of the monster cable.

Become a new undead member. Then use the products of the haunted gold mine to place on the undead members.

An autonomous undead member was born.

Both gold mines and monster cables are indispensable. Must exist at the same time.

The evacuation is now to find new haunted gold mines and to protect the monster cable.

The monster cable is of great strategic significance, and coupled with the unbearable childhood of the monster cable as a half-goat, the monster hatred humanity even more.

This gave birth to a half-goat wizard who hated the human race.

The dreadlord discovered his continuous ability to create undead, and then planned to tear the relationship between the orcs and the human alliance.

In order to achieve their own goals, the blood of Galen's continent was "Nasidya".

After the great defeat that year, when the Dread Lord escaped, he let go of his ruthless words.

"If I don't die, I will lead the undead army to come back in the future, and the land of the people will be sprinkled with blood and the war will be furious!"

"Feel the despair dominated by fear!"



Sika followed the monster cable all the way, and saw the monster cable suddenly turn around, and a magic that had been prepared directly launched on Sika.

The black seed in the body quickly expanded and wanted to take the initiative of the body.

Just when the body was about to be filled with black breath, Kim's magic was triggered.

In terms of magical power, Kim's magic is not enough to fight against the monster cable, and he is forced to frustrate and eventually can only hold a small place.

Sika naturally knew what the demon cord was doing, and he wanted to use mind control, just as the scout had been controlled before.

Speak wrong information.

Sika, who had been ready to deal with this move, knew well. He doesn't expect Kim to be able to crack each other.

That's not realistic.

But it's okay to keep one acre of land. In this way, Sika can truly have her own consciousness.

He thought back carefully that the scout eyes did not seem to be spiritual, and when he thought about it, a man under control.

Just like cricket.

Count on You to be spiritual and impossible.

Sika tried to imitate that look.

The monster cable looked at Sika before taking him into the house.

There are many pictures hanging on the wall of the house.

The main theme is dusk.

Sika stood beside him, motionless.

At this moment.



"Come in," Yaosuo said.

It was an orc who came in ~ www.readwn.com ~ Master Yosuo, we have prepared a live sacrifice for us. Will that female elf magician put it? "The orc asked.

He just heard the promise of Sika to Sika. So ask about it.

The monster cable set the wand aside and stood with both hands: "How is that possible? I just lied to him to open the door of mystery."

"Now that he is willing to open, it doesn't matter if he lies to make a promise."

"All live offerings! I'm almost ready to finish." Yao Suo sat down and picked up his pen and wrote something.

The orcs were also very knowledgeable and left the house.

Sika stood aside, this guy, white gloves with empty gloves. Fortunately, however, it is bait.

Now only Sika and the monster cable are left in the whole house, and the monster cable sits and writes.

Sika took a deep breath and a bold plan began!

next moment!

Sika turned directly into Lucifer's form, slamming her neck around her from behind.

The monster cable wanted to resist, but found that this force was stronger than itself: "No ... no one can be immune to my soul attack!"

"Nothing is impossible. What if there is another witchcraft on me?" Sika said.

And at this moment, the black gas radiated from Sika's body, it is clear that now Sika can completely dispel this power.

"This is a trap." The monster cable then reacted, but there was no chance.

Sika pushed hard.

The monster cable was completely cold.

However, the moment the demon cable fell, a phantom appeared, like a demon in the abyss.

Amazingly the Dreadlord!

He stared fiercely at Sika, anxiously sneering, "You can't escape one of them!"

"We don't need to escape!" Sika punched the ghost with a punch!

Sika took a deep breath: "It's time we countered!"

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