Unlimited Extreme Live System

Chapter 684: Fake monster

Inside the house, only Sika remained.

He chanted magic, the magic overture that Sika possessed.

Can resurrect corpses.

The only flaw is that it cannot be said.

In the mobile town of Lava Mountains, Hall once handed Sika a spell book, and Sika would take time to read it after the end of the day.

As a result, Lucifer's form in Sika's grasp will have many increasing effects and powerful forces.

One of the magic is a simulated sound, but there is a flaw, this sound is not part of the undead series of magic.

So the vocalization was not made by the corpse, but Sika spoke in ventral.

Sika concentrates on singing magic every second, hoping that this magic will be completed quickly.

Every minute now is a very tense moment.

Just then.


A knock on the door passed into the room.

"Come in." Sika spoke in a belly, quickly recovering to her original appearance, with a little blood on her clothes.

Sika actually has a magic trick called Lucky Dice. But there is a bit of gambling in it, which belongs to a kind of magic.

It should not be used for the time being.

The dead cable follows the chant of Sika.

In order not to be found, Sika's lips are almost moving, and if you don't look closely, you can hardly see them.

The monster cable goes all the way.

Don't speak.

Orcs are accustomed to the coldness of the monster cable, and the monster cable itself is strong. In the eyes of the orc, no one can crush the monster cable unless a mage comes.

So there is not much doubt.

Sika began to let the monster cable untie the people.

The orcs were puzzled: "Master Monster, how can you let them go, our living sacrifice is ready. Just wait for your magic to come. These will become the new undead."

"Very well, the ceremony is about to begin." The monster cable was expressionless and his mouth did not move.

The orc was very puzzled. When did this demon cord open his mouth and not even move his mouth?

The orc, who has always been headed by strength, is indeed far less intelligent than man.

However, Carfil was attentive and he found something wrong.

This demon cable, it seems a bit out of state.

He whispered to the beast leader's ear and said something.

The chief of the orcs looked at Sika, and then at the monster cable, and frowned.

"Did he find out?" Sika was secretly startled, and if it was found she would lose out.

Take a deep breath and sing another magic.

Lucky dice!

[You need to throw 2d8> greater than 10, the other party can't feel the camouflage. 】

There was some text floating in front of Sika's eyes, and only she could see it. This is a lucky dice.

Greater than 10?

It's a bit difficult.

2d8 means to roll 8 dice twice.

If the accumulated value is greater than 10, it will be judged as successful.

If it is less than 10, it is judged as invalid.

Simply put, success is greater than 10 and failure is less than 10. Look at the end result of rolling the dice.

This magic has a certain cool-down time. After use, it falls into an unusable state for a certain period of time.

Two dice appeared before Sika.

The dice spins in the air.

"It must be greater than 10!" Sika had to do so.


Spin down to slow down and eventually stop. One dice shows 4 and the other dice shows 6.

Add up to 10.

[Magic does not work ...]

Sika twitched: "..."



at the same time.

Death camp, Scourge barracks.

The dreadlord crushed the wine glass in his hand and sprinkled the drink with water: "Come, go and grab me the corpse of the monster cable. I will find a way to revive him!"

"Damn, dare to kill one of my generals." The Dread Lord stood up, and the two bat-like wings behind him flew open.

There were many wizards and leaders of the Orc Megatron side, and they stood beside the Dread Lord, shaking with trembling.

It is indeed a strong man who climbed out of death hell.

So terrifying.

Seems to surpass the Beast Emperor.

The orcs are very puzzled. Why should the beast emperor cooperate with people like the Dread Demon King?

But the Beast Emperor, the same age as the Beast Lord, rules the entire orc race.

Human races have many jokes, the orcs are never slaves.

For some time, orcs were trafficked as slaves. Among them, the lion-led race was bought as a thug.

The foxes have become the joy of the nobles day and night.

Most Fox women are very beautiful.

Orcs have always wanted to wage war with humans, and wanted to change this slave. But there has been no progress.

With the increasing outbreak of contradictions, there is a fierce battle.

Shortly after the war began, the Beast Emperor announced an alliance with the undead to jointly fight against the human race.

The Dreadlord calls the petrified Bat Army to move quickly towards the Lava Mountains.



Sika's magic did not trigger. If it fails, the other party immediately scratches the camouflage. If successful, the other party cannot perceive the disguise.

But it just happens to be 10, which is a bit embarrassing, magic does not play any role at all.

Not bad luck, but definitely not good luck.

Sika watched the orc walk towards the monster cable.

"The Dreadlord has arranged it. Why, do you even want to doubt what I said?" Sika pretended.

Hearing the names of the Dreadlords, the orcs looked dumbfounded.

His face was cloudy and cloudy, and he finally waved: "Master Yousuo, you misunderstood. I report that your body is uncomfortable, and I am trying to help you."

"I was back bitten by witchcraft just now ~ www.readwn.com ~ Researching new witchcraft, occasionally back bitch." Sika looked for a textbook learned at the College of Health.

Back bite.

Magic is a magical offensive that uses the power of uprising through special singing operations.

It even has magical abilities.

The orc leader narrowed his eyes and quietly said something to his subordinates. The subordinates did it one after another: "Master Monster. Then you start. Let's look around."

"Okay." Sika realized that the other side was very vigilant, and had some suspicion.

If it wasn't for the mention of the Dreadlord, I'm afraid they would have swarmed.

Sika figured out that she had just used Lucifer's form power. She should wait another five minutes before using it again.

Pay attention.

The orcs were puzzled, but there were more orcs and ghouls here, and together with the bards, there was no fear at all. Just in case, they surrounded the orcs in a circle.

Sika walked on, and he began to chant magic. Singing nature is not a magic of sacrifice, but a kind of bright magic.

He was trying to unlock the bonds of everyone with the power of light.

Sika stood there singing.

"This is not the song of the living sacrifice and death elves." The orc closed his eyes and found that the rhythm of dancing in the air was different from the country he once felt.

"This is a fake monster cable! Come on! Pack him!"

Sika continued to sing, letting the monster cable resist the attack.

All attacks landed on the body of the monster cable.

There was no pain in the body.

All against damage.

The restraint on Mark suddenly disappeared, and the magic on the others suddenly disappeared.

They rebelled again.

The Terrans and Orcs fight together directly.

"Good boy, there is you!" Mark praised Sika.

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