The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is one thousand sixteen. Confusing offense, floating astronomy

The heavy rain poured down, and the tears of God were sprinkled on the land that was being attacked by the war, and the spirit of the lost spirit was sacrificed. Under the immersion of heavy rain, the simple road became a quagmire full of mud pits, slowing the speed of both sides, and both armies were trapped in the quagmire.

“The British army’s counter-attack plan is really stupid and unreasonable!!” Steinman punched the file but didn’t know how to use it too much. He just put the file on the table below.

“Steinman, calm down.”

“Calm? The British army’s counterattack is a typical death! They want to let countless soldiers sacrifice in vain!” Steinman is very clear that the current British army does need to fight back, but this time the British counterattack plan has the Germans have done The shadow of the counterattack, which is doomed to failure.

“Steinman, although the words are said, but the British army should have his reasons?”

“The British army is a three-way counterattack, the central cluster is the strongest, and the two wing clusters are the weakest! What is the layout? The flank is not strong. Once it is broken, the central cluster is not directly surrounded! And, I don’t I know that the British army knows which of the strongest group army of the US military is the strongest group army of the US military. It is just 200 million of them. The British army wants to use its weakest wings to attack the powerful wings of the US military. This is not obvious. Failed?”

“What are they doing? What are they doing when we are most dangerous? They are selling us!” Bentonson is very dissatisfied with the actions of the British army. His idea is simple: “Since they don’t care about us, why do we need it? Go and manage them?”

“Wait, let me tell you about the British military’s deployment this time.” The hoops were eager to see the number of British troops calibrated on the map.

“It can be seen that the British army has given high hopes to the central cluster, but the weak two wings will cause this counterattack to become a disaster…. I have to stop the beginning of this counterattack!” Steinman is angry Self-talking, ready to get out of the tent.

Steinman frowned, and suddenly there was a bad feeling in his heart. He forced himself to calm down, but everything that followed made him unable to calm down again: “In the British three-way counterattack force, the British army on the North Road has already set off. It took two days and exchanged fire with the US military. Now the North Road has been completely defeated!”

Steinman stood in the spot almost as petrochemical, everything he expected, all turned into a fact. . . . . .

. . . . . .

The British commander Sergei sat in the Tank turret, revealing only his half body and enjoying the rare peace that has been since the attack.

“Brigadier, three kilometers from the city of Vasano, please instruct.”

At this time, the third tank division of the British army commanded by Sergei has already advanced to the area of ​​only three kilometers from the city of Vasano with the 2nd Tank Tour of the British Army. On the way, it was only a small resistance of the US military, but now there is no enemy. Signs.

“Received, marched in two columns, and sent two armored vehicles to investigate and explore the road.”

“Understand!” 2 armored vehicles were disengaged from the queue, and the high-speed heading towards the front of the town was only 1 kilometers away from the city.

“Brigadier! The 1st Tank camp was hit by an ambush…” Sergei’s radio hand came in a panic of the communications, but it was suddenly interrupted without saying it.

“Hey! What’s the matter! Answer! Hey!” The thing that made Sergey chilly still happened. This is what he expected, because he knows that a weak counterattack of the two wings is destined to end with bloody failure. And this, just the beginning, the beginning of this tragedy.

“The whole army is advancing! Break into the city!” Sergey decided to join the squadron, and Lisuo got into the turret and took the hatch. A large number of heavy-duty Tanks roared again and again, and drove to the town at a faster speed.

“Brigadier, everything is normal! There is no enemy.”

“Scream -“

“The enemy is coming!”

“Boom! Boom!”

The town in front was quiet and unusual. Suddenly the roar of the rocket and the explosion broke the false silence.

Two groups of smoke rose in the town. At this time, there was a roar in the town, and a tank rushed out of the town. This is a US military elite.

“Attack! In order to win!” The British Tank is mingled with countless American Tanks. The number of battles is not only the quality of weapons and combat technology, but also the courage between soldiers. The purely large-scale Tank war immediately evolved into a Tank bayonet, and the Tanks on both sides often bombarded at less than ten meters or even zero distance. The British Tank, which occupies the weight and armor advantage, constantly bombarded the US military Tank and ramped it inside. The American Tank, which has the advantage of firepower and speed, can’t get away from the group battle and can’t take advantage of its agility. They were forced to fight against the British in a hard-hitting manner in the chaos, but they were often destroyed by the British.

Just as the British army had an advantage in the battle with the US Army Tank, there was a strange sound under the ground, and the earth seemed to be following a slight tremor.

“咚咚!咚咚!” Unexplained unknown objects were drilled from the ground: wearing protective gear and rangefinder and fire control system equipment, carrying an infantry anti-Tank gun, eyes flashing red The Tank killer was drilled from the ground in the size of a battalion and appeared behind the British army, while the British army in the scuffle did not know about it. The laser anti-Tank gun in the hands of the Tank killer is constantly firing in a strange voice to the British and the self-warming people. It seems that the himself’s own tank, Tank, has become an enemy. The invisible attack of the Tank killer is very fast. Caused damage to the British army:

The powerful anti-Tank gun shot from the rear to the British Tank, and some of the British Tanks, which were unprepared and exposed the rear armor, were paired, and some of the British Tanks that exposed the side armor were also lasered. It became a fireball, and the balance of the battle began to tilt toward the US military.

“What? There are enemies behind!? Damn… get out of the fight! Retreat!” After suffering considerable losses, the British finally found the Tank killer behind him. Sergey knew that it would be meaningless to do so. Under the front and back of a large number of enemies, fighting again will only lead to more casualties.

Now, only temporarily retreat, waiting for the support of the big forces. However, the pursuit of the US military has made Sergei have turned into a massacre-like retreat for a smooth retreat. . . . . .

The US troops stationed around Teton began to show their true strength. The US military attacked the British battle group three times and successfully blocked the British counterattack. The gap of a wide 30 kilometer on the southern front did not cause both sides. note.

The main force of the British Southern Fighting Group stopped moving forward in a few kilometers from Vasano. The US military began to attack the southern battle group with superior strength. The southern battle group was attacked on three sides. The casualties suddenly increased sharply. In order to avoid being surrounded, the southern battle group collectively withdrew after abandoning some heavy weapons. The attack of the southern battle group was finally End. . . . . .

. . . . . .

An armored vehicle drove from the outside into the assembly area. This is an armored vehicle from the southern battle group. The dense bullets and potholes of the car can not help but think of how fierce the battle there is.

A British soldier hurried with a backpack to the German camp in the assembly area.

“Hey! Is there anything?” Manna saw this funny British soldier who couldn’t help but laugh. “Look… find your sir, the front line needs you!”

The British soldiers said with a sigh of relief, took out a document from the backpack.

“Oh? I will go there soon.” Manna took the file and turned to prepare to enter Steinman’s tent: “Steinman, the British army has something to look for… Ah!”

When Manna just walked over to the tent, Steinman, who had felt something before, came out from the inside and they just bumped into it.

“Steinman? Give it to you!” Manna handed the file to Steinman.

Steinman glanced at the document and glanced at the British soldier in front of him: “Oh… the British army needs us now?”

“Yes! Very much needed!” The British soldiers said very seriously, and took a letter from the pocket and handed the letter to Steinman. His eyes were a bit bleak.

“What’s wrong?” Steinman couldn’t help but ask.

“Sir… We have only 13 Tanks now!”

“What?” “What…what!” Both Steinman and Manna screamed: “How is the loss so heavy?” Steinman understood the soldier’s bleak eyes, a full armored brigade. Being beaten into an armor company, this shows how terrible the battle there is, even if Steinman, who had expected the British army to fail, was shocked by such a quick loss.

“Sir, don’t tell me, go ahead and look at it, support them early, I…and go to the battlefield.” The soldier’s words were pleading. In the age of war, this soldier is still in the age of war. Not forgetting the comrades who killed in the front line, he had the opportunity to stay in the assembly area, but he still chose to return to the battlefield.

After the soldier said that he had turned away after a ceremony, Steinman noticed that the eyes of the soldiers when they left were firm as steel. Although they did not regard the spirit of death, they had the courage of a man.

“British army … the British main force is to be surrounded!” Steinman angered the file into a paper group and threw it out, then “啪” with his right hand gave his right face a punch.

“Really?” “Isn’t it?” Hearing the game, Bentonson and others couldn’t believe it all. It was incredible that the war situation was reversed in just a few days.

“Sure enough, the British army has a strong offensive force. It once threatened the US military, but the two wings of the British army are too weak. Now both the North and the South are defeated by the US military’s fierce counterattack. The British central cluster is now on three sides, if the US military If the fast forward detachment is performing the infiltration again, then this action will be a precursor to failure.” Steinman’s heart seemed to be hung up with a big stone, and he shook his hand and opened the letter, wrinkled Baba’s paper was drawn from the inside. . . . . .

. . . . . .

“Brothers! It’s time for our Germans to attack!” At this time, nearly 800 famous German guns were assembled in a clearing, and they shouldered the mission of reversing the war, which is related to the success or failure of this war. As the last reserve team that can be mobilized at this time, the situation faced by the Germans is something that no one has ever thought of.

“Listen to my command, Lane A, even B. 400 people go to the northern front. After arriving, they are not allowed to attack. You attack the enemy behind the north, and then you all go south to support the counterattack of the Central British Army. Bentonson And I led D and R to 400 people to the southern front, secretly arrived at the rear of the US military to support the retreat of the British Southern battle group. After completing their respective tasks, we together prevented the US Central Army group from pursuing the main force of the British army. This is the key battle. You, the situation on the battlefield has deteriorated. Now, it is up to us to reverse! Soldiers, let us write our own glorious history!”

Steinman said that he would force his right hand to the bottom right: “For the German!”

“For the German!!” Eight hundred Germans with Steinman screamed their slogans, their beliefs. This can be said to be the most extensive and domineering slogan in the armed forces, and they have put a lot of effort into this slogan and faith.

“The hoops will start the team! A soldiers with even B, I will take you home after the mission is completed.”

The Germans of A and B even nodded slightly. Perhaps they had already prepared everything that would happen on the battlefield. Perhaps only a few of them could return to their hometown, but now they have no one to raise an objection. This is the German army. . . . . .

. . . . . .

On the front line, the battle groups of the British and North-South lines have all been retreating, but the pursuit of the US military has led to the unsuccessful retreat of the two battle groups. At this time, the two wings of the British military’s central cluster were completely exposed to the edge of the two groups of the US military’s north and south, and the encirclement was about to begin. At this time, the front line has become a front line without flank.

“Lieutenant, the radar has been 5 hours in this situation.” A British radar soldier reported to a Lieutenant who was observing the situation with a telescope. At this time, the British radar had failed 5 hours.

“What? Let me see.” Lieutenant put down the telescope and approached the radar. Looking at the screen that was flashing snowflakes, Lieutenant was cold and sweaty: “This is ….. inform the whole group to prepare for combat….. .”

“Scream – Xiao – bang! Boom!” Several large-caliber shells that landed on the British army’s position, splashed a lot of dust.

“That… that’s…” Lieutenant couldn’t believe his eyes. At this time, at a distance that can be observed with the naked eye, a huge force is gradually advancing, and the air is dense. The helicopter at the raindrops, the Tank on the ground like a group of wolves, proved to what extent they were attacking. . . . . .

“Enter the battle position! It’s the US Army! Fast! Fast!” Lieutenant put on his helmet and picked up the gun and entered the position with his panic. The position that was originally as quiet as a ghost town has suddenly become bustling again.

More shells slammed into the British positions, and the airborne helicopters continually dumped rockets at the British positions, and the British troops could not lift their heads. . . . .

“Order the 30th Tank trip to support us! There are too many US troops!” Lieutenant picked up the communications commander and threw the communications troops aside. “What about the artillery! Open fire! Let them fire!”

“Boom! Boom! Boom!” The cannon began to roar, and more than a dozen high-explosive bombs landed in the impact team of the American infantry, which blew up a bloody fog. The huge impact force caused the broken limbs to fly into the sky, a large piece. The infantry was erased. . . . . .

Da da da. . . . . . The flanked cannons and machine guns began to shoot. The American infantry who was caught off guard immediately fell into a large film, and the minefield in front was also exploding. A team of US troops, Tank, tried to cover the infantry assault, but they encountered the minefield just after the gentle slope. Anti-Tank mines and directional mines, with a loud bang, the mines were constantly detonated, the Tanks were one after another, the parts were flying around, and the surrounding infantry also died.

However, the quantitative advantage can sometimes reverse the situation. Despite the huge losses, a considerable number of American tanks and infantrymen rushed past the minefields and rushed to the British infantry positions without any cover. . . . . . The enemy that the cannon can’t destroy will be endured by the infantry behind it. The next one will be a contest of flesh and blood. . . . . .

“The enemy is coming! Soldiers, take anti-Tank weapons, support team to pay attention to cover!” Lieutenant picked up the gun, and the mine was smashed into the foxhole, waiting for the approach of the Tank and the infantry.

“Blooming!” In the case that the distance between the two sides is less than 30 meters, the mine-type flamethrower in front of the British position spurted dozens of flames of 2 meters in diameter, and shrouded the unguarded large-scale US military in the sea of ​​fire. Among them, many tanks of the US military were also detonated, and the engine compartment cover was melted at high temperatures, which ignited the engine and exploded. . . . . . The Tank shells that scatter with the explosion shock wave also caused a lot of casualties to the US troops who followed.

“Prepare!” Lieutenant ordered half-squatting to throw the mines on his waist forward, waiting for the Tank to arrive, while some of the British soldiers around picked up the explosives, and some picked up the rocket launchers, but they even more More is prepared to “have no return” determination. . . . . .

“How long is the 30th Tank Tour?”

“They…” “砰咔” the communication of the soldiers has not finished, a shrapnel hit his head, his brain splashed.

“Damn! On!” Lieutenant ignited the flame of revenge. He waved his hand and the soldiers behind Hiroshi prepared to attack the Tank. At this time, the re-entered Tank had been out of position by less than 20 meters. . . . . . . . . . . .

Hundreds of British soldiers took explosives and shouted and rushed to the American Tank, which was close at hand.

This is the most tragic battle in the entire war! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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