The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is one thousand seventeen. The last gentleman, floating astronomy

“Yes, the British army rushed to launch an attack, but it suffered a fiasco. For this attack, even the German General Staff did not know that the troops they had worked so hard had been devastated. !”

Outside Hannover City, General Karon said gloomyly: “After the collapse of the two wings in the British army, the hardships that have been caught can no longer be described in terms of language, but fortunately, the Steinman battle group in Teton Has taken the initiative to attack the British army in a timely manner.”

This point did not let Wang Weizhen think of it. He did not expect Teton’s Germans to be able to reinforce Brittish under such difficult conditions.

“We can’t manage those Brittish for the time being.” Wang Weizhen looked grimly at the battlefield of the battle: “We must now put all our energy into Hanover, no matter how the situation changes! Grand Deucthland group arrived?” ”

“Yes, the Grand Force of the Grand Deucthland group has arrived and the Royal Second Division has arrived.”

“All in the offensive!” Wang Weizhen no longer has any hesitation: “One soldier will not stay, all will be attacked!”

At this time, Wang Weizhen and his Ernst cluster have already set aside the ruin. He no longer considers the situation and no longer considers where the situation will develop. The only important thing for him is how to seize it. Hannover is a city of great significance!

With the order of Marshal Ernst. Breem, the fierce Hanover attack and defense officially opened. . . . . .

The German army put on a staggering posture, and the British army also showed a staggering posture. Dolby Commodore mobilized most of the troops he was able to mobilize, relying on Hanover to resist the German attack.

In the analysis of the Allied Command, only Dolby and his troops could stand in Hannover for five to seven days, and the Germans would have to be forced to abandon their plans to capture Hanover and re-enter Teton. During this time, No matter how tenacious Teton’s Germans are, they can’t continue to defend against Teton with their meager strength. . . . . . Then, the balance of victory has been seriously turned to the Allied side. . . . . .

Time is of the utmost importance to any party. . . . . .

The artillery fire devastated the city, and the two sides’ troops crossed together. The planes that were constantly appearing in the sky were also struggling with life and death. The German Air Force, which took off from the Dukelan Airstrip, and their army brothers, also showed their loyalty over Hanover. . . . . .

This is the sky that is stained with blood, this is the land that is stained with blood. . . . . .

The second division of the Royal British, who was placed at the forefront, already knew that the attack on the British army in Teton was fiasco. They were shocked and poured all the anger to the enemy on the opposite side.

Sometimes war is not just war, war – or the truest embodiment of inner feelings. . . . . .

These newly formed British troops, although their combat literacy is not high, but their tenacious spirit is amazing. Like the Germans, they used a fearless spirit to launch a wave of attacks against Hanover.

For Dolby, in fact, he didn’t panic at this time. Although the enemy’s power was far greater than himself, the Commander-in-Chief of Westmoreland had already called him. The two infantry divisions in Australia soon Will arrive. And this is equivalent to giving Dolby Commodore a reassurance. . . . . .

The arrival of the reinforcements greatly increased the confidence of the US military. Under the cover of air fighters and ground gunfire, they supported it bitterly and resisted the mad attack from the enemy.

The bodies were covered with mountains and blood, and the blood gathered into a small stream. . . . . . Since the invention of the war, the terrible shadow of death has not disappeared. . . . . . This is probably the most ugly and despicable invention of mankind. . . . . .

The resistance of the US military is far beyond the expectations of the Germans and Brittish, and this is also verified. As the war continues, the combat effectiveness of any unit is gradually strengthening. Their fighting determination and combat experience are no longer It can be compared in the early days of the war.

Wang Weizhen also clearly saw this, but he did not feel that there is anything worth worrying about. In the course of the war, there will always be such a sudden situation, as a commander, he has to do It is to choose trust, and he firmly believes that his soldiers will be able to meet their own operational requirements.

He didn’t even ask which step the front line went. . . . . .

At this time, the German armed SS Cork Tank assault group once again met their old rival US Army 126th Armored Regiment, and this time, the 126 armored regiment seems to be in the battlefield with a revenge mentality.

Colonel Walkin was grateful to Dolby Commodore for his trust, and thanked Dolby Commodore for saying that he avoided punishment. In return, he can only use the performance on the battlefield to respond to Dolby Commodore’s trust.

However, in the battle of the previous day, the 126 armored regiment has suffered a great loss, especially for the soldiers’ morale and morale, and such damage is difficult to make up in a short period of time. This is done on the battlefield.

In the confrontation of the shells, the American Tanks often can’t persist for a longer period of time and then retire from the battlefield. Their resistance determination and will seem far less than those of the American soldiers of the Marine Corps.

There is no solution for Colonel Walkin. . . . . . The only thing he can do is to put himself at the forefront like an ordinary soldier. . . . . .

He and his own tank, bravely in the forefront, constantly using the shells and machine guns and the enemy to launch the opposite shot, one step is not willing to give way. He hopes to use this way to inspire the courage and determination of the soldiers to report on Dolby Commodore’s trust in himself.

If the opposing German armored units are a group of black panthers who smell the blood, then the US 126th armored group at this time is a group of already injured dogs.

A large number of Tank’s wrecks lie on the battlefield, and some charred bodies hang on the destroyed tank. This is the most shocking scene, which is what happens when people close their eyes after the war.

Colonel Walkin’s tank was also hit by misfortune at this moment. . . . . .

The colonel jumped out of the Tank, and the captain around him made a loud call to leave immediately, but it was rejected by the colonel.

“I won’t leave here, I won’t leave here until the end of the war…” The colonel’s answer was so firm: “Telling General Dolby, my armored regime was hit hard and could not Keep fighting, but I will honor my promise!”

His promise is to wash his shame with his own death. . . . . .

Walkin pulled out the pistol and shouted loudly: “For the glory of America!”

He became an injured beast. . . . . . He kept telling himself that this is his own grave. . . . . .

The courage of the American soldiers around him seemed to be provoked by the colonel. They shouted loudly and yelled loudly to launch a counter-attack against the Germans.

This is a scene that will not be forgotten by the 126th Armored Corps of the US Army. They have suffered the most serious loss since the establishment of the army.

Colonel Walkin was killed on June 30, 1966. . . . . . The US 126th Armored Regiment was destroyed on June 30, 1966. . . . . .

Two-thirds of the Tank was devastated in this battle, and the entire armored regiment was completely finished. . . . . .

When Dolby Commodore heard the news, his head was dizzy and almost fainted. To be honest, he is admiring Colonel Walkin, and he knows that he is definitely not a timid and weak officer. He succeeded in inspiring the colonel’s courage in his own way, but the result was that he lost Colonel Walkin and almost a whole armored regiment.

The only result they achieved was the temporary blocking of the German offensive. . . . . .

In the afternoon of this afternoon, two Australian infantry divisions rushed to Hanover, which was a place of comfort for Dolby.

An unexpected situation occurred. Just as Dolby Commodore and the Australian Forces commander discussed the battle plan, a German captain named Lampden requested to see the top US commander immediately.

“I am Dolby Commodore.” Dolby still can’t figure out what the enemy meant.

“I am Lanpuden.” Lanpu boarded a tribute: “General, we found the body of a fallen soldier on the battlefield. From his nameplate, he is the group of the 126th Armored Corps of the US Army. Colonel Long Walkin. We sorted out the body of the colonel and, according to the instructions of Marshal Ernst. Breem, returned the body of Colonel Walkin.

Dolby Commodore couldn’t believe what he had heard. American officers and Australian officers could not believe what they had heard.

The enemy, actually sent back the body of Colonel Walkin. . . . . .

“General, the colonel’s body is outside, and if there is nothing, I will leave.”

“Captain, please convey to me the gratitude of Marshal Ernst.” Dolby Commodore calmed his feelings: “Please tell me the marshal, no matter what the outcome of the war, everything he does, I will let all the United States People know.”

The captain left, and the command was in a long silence.

“A gentleman on the battlefield, isn’t it?” A long time later, Dolby Commodore said: “A true gentleman, he still carries the good quality since the First World War, and these qualities are always in us. Haven’t appeared, are you?”

He was shocked by the actions of Marshal Ernst. . . . . . He knew it for the first time. In fact, the war can be done in this way. . . . . .

War, sometimes it is not just a contest between life and death!

Dolby Commodore doesn’t know that Marshal Ernst .Breem appreciates those brave soldiers. On the battlefield, he never forgives any of his enemies. He will kill all his enemies in his own way, but when his enemies He has shown enough heroism on the battlefield, and he will also show his respect.

In the process of the death of Colonel Walkin, Wang Weizhen was reported by the frontline commander. He felt a little pity, and felt that the colonel of this enemy should be respected. He expressed his last respect for Colonel Walkin in a special way.

Marshal Ernst .Breem did so quickly spread between the US military and the Australian military. They were shocked by the enemy’s practices, and their hearts were undergoing subtle changes. And the title of the highest commander of the enemy began to quietly spread among the Allies:

The last gentleman!

Yes, the last gentleman, the Allies are so called Marshal Ernst. Breem.

However, the last gentleman of Marshal Ernst .Breem, after completing the gentleman’s actions, quickly continued to reveal his fangs on the battlefield!

The German offensive was quickly restored after a brief stop. . . . . .

After the afternoon, Wang Weizhen put all the forces of the German Grand Deucthland group, the Kolk Tank assault group and the Royal Second Division, and launched a crazy attack on Hanover. The Royal Third Division was regarded as the general reserve team.

He is not willing to give the enemy any chance to breathe. He must use a wave of attacks to completely defeat the enemy’s defense. Time is the most precious thing for him and the German army.

The war is still being played according to his wishes. . . . . .

At this time, Dolby Commodore only left the power of an infantry regiment in Hanover, and used all the forces completely outside the city. He hoped that this way would stop the enemy’s attack and delay the enemy’s footsteps.

He is also a very brave soldier, appearing on the most dangerous front line several times, personally directing all soldiers to attack or defend. In this way, he must inspire the determination of the soldiers to fight hard, and must use this way to complete the squad of Commander of Westmoreland.

Constantly wounded soldiers were sent to Hanover, and the busy hospitals could not be described in words. Doctors and nurses are constantly complaining that their manpower is not enough, but the Germans in Hanover are never willing to provide any help from the enemy.

They hate to see Americans or Australians killed by heroic German soldiers, and they are happy to see enemy soldiers dying in painful mourning.

Soon, the German Empire soldiers will reappear here, and soon they will return to the embrace of Germany.

But not all Germans in Hanover do this, and there are very few Germans who are willing to “help” the enemy in a special way.

They are responsible for the task of transporting the wounded. . . . . . It’s just strange that there are many wounded people who died inexplicably on the way to the hospital. . . . . .

This quickly caused Dolby Commodore’s suspicion, he quickly ordered the gendarmerie to detect, and the case is actually not complicated.

These “active” Germans who are willing to assist, under the leadership of a German named Reyt, secretly solved the wounded soldiers of the United States or Australia on the way, they could not fight like German soldiers, but they But you can use this special way to fight for your country.

In the face of Dolby Commodore, Reyt and his companions did not have the slightest fear, but looked at the American general with a smile.

“Why do you want to do this?” Dolby strangely found that he did not have any special anger, but sighed and asked.

“If your country is aggressed, it will do the same…” Reyt smiled slightly: “We have been waiting for the arrival of this day. When this day really comes, I think, We must have other ways to work for Germany. Is it, general?”

Dolby looked at them and then slowly asked: “Do you know that this will be shot?”

“Of course we know.” Reyt still has no fear: “All of us will die, but we are proud of what we have done. Now, you can order it.”

Dolby suddenly felt a little confused. He found that he didn’t know what to do. . . . . . Shoot them? Yes, I can give this order without hesitation, but in his heart, I feel that these Germans have not done anything wrong.

“If your country is aggressed, it will do the same…” Reyte’s sentence has no mistakes, and no one wants to see his country’s aggression. . . . . .

This is a group of brave people who are not afraid of death. They have already prepared for this day.

However, I also have my own responsibilities. Just as Dolby was preparing to order, he suddenly thought of the last gentleman on the battlefield:

Ernst .Breem !

If he is faced with such a situation, what will he do? Dolby suddenly made up his mind: “Mr. Reich, you were sentenced to death for killing allied soldiers, but do you think that all these things are done by you alone?”

Reyt stunned, and even understood the intention of the enemy commander, he was slightly grateful: “Yes, general, all these things are done by me alone.”

“So, just execute the death penalty for Reyt.” Dolby looked at him deeply: “Mr. Reyt, goodbye.”

“Goodbye, general.” Reyt smiled there again: “Thank you for doing this, maybe this will allow you to mitigate your crimes in the German military court.”

Dolby said in a voice that only he could guess: “What you really should thank is the last gentleman on the battlefield, Ernst!” (To be continued. Please search h astronomical W, the novel is better updated faster !)

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