The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My country is nine hundred and ninety. Alisya’s three letters, floating astronomy

The disaster that occurred on May 11, 1966 was called “Bloody Wednesday” by Americans.

Within this day, the New York Stock Exchange and the New York House Deeds Exchange collapsed one after another. The price of the previous high was all the way, and the nightmare of 1942 revisited New York.

No, the stock market crash that occurred in 1942 was even more terrible.

Some of them experienced the last stock market crash, bankruptcy again, and knew that Americans who had no miracles had chosen to end their lives in suicide.

In the evening alone, there were 129 suicides, and the whistle of police cars and ambulances did not stop overnight. What’s more, after losing all of their own homes, they took violent means to vent their serious dissatisfaction.

Alisya returned to the home in such a situation. . . . . .

Numbness and remorse filled her heart, she knew that she was finished, this time it was completely finished. Those loan sharks will soon enter her home, forcing her to pay out the money she can’t even pay. Even, it will be implicated in his lovely daughter Alice. . . . . .

“Alisya, hello.” Murray appeared in front of her.

“Mr. Murray, hello.” Alisya, who was picking up the keys and preparing to open the door, said with a hard scalp.

“I saw some bad news on TV today.” Morris was not prepared to hide anything: “Everything has collapsed, but these things have nothing to do with me. The only thing I care about is my rent. Ms. You promised me to rent my rent tomorrow. Can you do it? If I can’t see my money tomorrow, I can only ask you to leave here.”

This is the American, numb and indifferent Americans, whose interests exceed everything in their minds. . . . . . Alisya barely smiled: “I think I will give it to you, Mr. Murray, please rest assured.”

“Well, then I will wait until tomorrow.” Before Mr. Murray was about to close the door, he suddenly said: “Ah, if there are loan sharks, please don’t damage anything in the house, otherwise I can’t You are not required to pay compensation.”

As soon as she walked into her home, Alisya closed the door tightly. She wanted to cry out, but in front of her daughter, she had to hold back.

“Alice, what else do you need to eat?”

“No, Mom, Mr. Moyol asked me to eat a lot of things today, hey, I can’t eat anything at all,” Alice said sensibly.

“So, just sleep.”

“Do I still need to get up early tomorrow?”

“No, you don’t have to get up early in the future.” Alisya sighed with tears, sent Alice to her own bed, kissed her daughter’s forehead, and walked back to her room.

She was sitting there for a long time, and for a long time she did not do anything. She felt that her mind was blank. . . . . .

After a while, she found out the paper and pen and wrote on it:

“Dear Mr. Moyol, hello, I am very eager to write this letter to you… I regret not listening to you, so I went bankrupt, I have nothing but my daughter, and those usurers are very fast. Will appear in front of me, take away my only thing, my dear daughter Alice… I can’t stand the pain of losing Alice, I can hardly imagine the disaster that she might encounter in the future… kindness Mr. Moyol, I beg you, take Alice away, give her a way to grow up, let her grow up healthy and happy. I can’t give you any repayment, the only thing I can do is to silently in heaven. You pray… ah, no, I think I will go to hell because of everything I do… Good Mr. Moyol, this is the last request of a dying person, I can’t find someone who is willing to help me. The only thing I can think of is you, can you promise me?”

She carefully loaded the letter paper, wrote on the envelope “Mr. Moyol”, and then took out the second stationery:

“My dear daughter, Alice, when you saw this letter, I have left you forever… I am not a competent mother, greed blinds my eyes and makes me lose everything. Even, I am about to lose you. And you are my most precious wealth. I thought for a long time, I can only tell you to ask Mr. Moyol, if Mr. Moyol is not willing to take you, then leave New York, far Leave here, never return to this terrible city again… Remember, your mother will always love you, and you must not be as greedy as me…”

The envelope of the letter reads “Give Alice, who has grown up.”

Alisya’s third letter was written to Mr. Murray:

“Mr. Murray, I am sorry, I can’t give you the rent, but don’t worry, Mr. Moyol will give it to you, my lovely daughter Alice knows where to find Mr. Moyol… I I regret not listening to you, ah, the same words Mr. Moyol also told me that you are all wise people, only I am stupid, a stupid person, is not worth living in this world… …to see my death, please bring Alice to Mr. Moyol, he will owe you what you owe to you…”

After the letter was written, Alisya took a long sigh of relief. She felt that she had done what she should have done. At this moment, she felt relieved.

She put the three letters one by one on the table and then pushed open the window.

The cold wind of a night blew on her face, and Alisya couldn’t help but squat. Looking down from the window, New York or the familiar New York, but now in the eyes of Alisya has become so strange.

She sighed and then jumped out of the window. . . . . .

Just as she left the window, the phone in the living room rang. . . . . .

. . . . . .

“Mr. Moyol, the phone in Alisya’s home has never been picked up.” Cassanovovic put down the phone and said.

Wang Weizhen nodded. “Send someone to her house. I am worried that she will do something stupid. She is not worthy of sympathy, but her daughter Alice is innocent.”

“Yes, I will send someone to do it right away.”

Wang Weizhen gave Alisya another chance. If Alisya can jump off the building for even a second, things will change. However, many things will never be there. The wrong things that have been created will never be recovered. . . . . .

And this is the ultimate fate of poor Alisya. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Alisya is dead, but Ilya has absolutely no such courage.

He is about to lose all of himself and his father. If tomorrow’s securities market still hasn’t changed, then the most terrible thing will happen.

He was not willing to accept such an ending, his irritating cup followed by a big mouthful of drinking, trying hard to find any way to recover.

However, what can he do?

The news of the collapse of the two major markets in New York is constantly being broadcast on the TV, which makes Ilya feel more upset. . . . . . He can’t wait to let all the guys on TV shut up.

The phone rang, and Ilya picked up the phone with anger and was trying to reprimand the other person, but when he heard that it was Mr. Elliot’s voice, his anger disappeared without a trace.

“His Lord of Ilia, I remind you once again that if you can’t get a ransom before the loan time comes, then all your collateral will be owned by the Wittgenstein Group. Ah, and, on behalf of Gates. Mr. Morgan reminds you that your loan to Morgan Bank will also expire. You have to know that Morgan Bank is not willing to have any bad debts, Mr. Morgan will be very upset because of this… well, I have finished all that I have to say, I wish you a good dream.”

The phone was hung up, and Iliah looked at the phone and suddenly pulled out the phone and pulled it out, then slammed it to the ground.

The villain, these little men who fell into the rock! If you are in Russia, they will all be caught by themselves and thrown into the prison!

He swears that he will never admit defeat, and that everything he has lost must be managed to save him back.

Tomorrow, yes, there will be miracles tomorrow. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Those who are as lucky as Ilya are also waiting for the illusory miracle. . . . . .

When the ringing of the ringing sounds, everything is the same as yesterday.

Prices are still falling as crazy as diving. If you continue this way, the securities in their hands will become a pile of waste paper.

No, it has now become a pile of waste paper! Even worse than waste paper!

I want to cry without tears. This is the mood of these American speculators at this moment.

The White House has made a statement on this incident, they will not interfere with the normal operation of any market, which also makes these speculators lose the last hope that is still waiting. . . . . .

“Did you see those people, Alice?” Wang Weizhen pointed to the group of people: “Why are they doing this? Because they are blinded by greed, when things are completely different from what they think. They will be completely disappointed. I don’t want you to become a person like them when you grow up. Your mother also doesn’t want you to be like that…”

“I know, Mr. Moyol.” Alice raised her head. “Where did Mom go? Is Mom dead?”

Wang Weizhen’s heart is a bit sour: “No, your mother is not dead, just going far and far.”

“Mr. Moyol, you lied to me, I know that my mother is dead.” Alice finally began to sob: “This is what Mr. Murray told me.”

Wang Weizhen took Alice’s hand: “Sorry, I shouldn’t deceive you. Yes, your mother has left you, I don’t want this to be a shadow in your life. I can promise you, I will be fine. Take care of you, just like my own daughter.”

Alice’s tears flowed down her cheeks. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen swears that she will take Alice with her and take care of her to grow up so that she has a happy childhood than everyone else, and she will never make the mistake of William.

I am Alice’s whole hope, but is Alice not her own hope?

A burst of mourning came out on the New York House Exchange, and before the midday break, those housing contracts fell again to a trough.

There is no hope, and the last hope from now on has finally been shattered. . . . . .

Wang Weizhen left here calmly, and Alice was closely followed by him.

On May 12, 1966, the disaster continued to be staged in New York. Whether it was the housing contract market or the securities market, prices collapsed all the way, and everyone fell into the darkness of infinite despair.

At noon, even the nearby restaurants that had always been full were cold and clear.

Only the winner has a good mood to dine here.

Wang Weizhen and his allies touched the cup to celebrate their victory.

Before the market closed at noon, the stock price fell to a terrible position, some people went bankrupt, some were crazy, and some people shot and committed suicide in front of everyone.

“Remember what I said, Mr. Casanović?” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “I said, you will make a fortune, and the profits will be far more than what you are doing. Ah, you Those housing contracts that come out for you to make huge profits, can now be redeemed at a price that is too low for you to believe.”

Cassanovich’s face is filled with joyful glory. If there are not so many people on his side, he will even cheer out loud here. . . . . .

Yes, the Baron did not deceive himself. He did everything he promised. The “business” that Cassanovich is engaged in, although it has huge profits, is not worth mentioning here.

He now finally knows faintly, why these rich people around him will be so rich.

“As for our alliance, I think it’s also good…” Wang Weizhen glanced at Gates Morgan and Lawrence Rockefeller: “From your father, we have maintained a good relationship, and today But it was a continuation of yesterday. So, what is your return to me?”

There is nothing that can’t be said. If you pay, you must have a return.

Gates smiled and said: “Of course, Lord Baron, we certainly will not forget the return that should be given to you, all the things you need on your purchase list, we have completed most of the purchases, and will be shipped to Germany in the first time. Although the Allied Command has found that someone is secretly transporting supplies to Berlin and has stepped up the investigation, we still have our own methods. Please feel relieved…”

Wang Weizhen nodded with satisfaction.

At this time Eliot came in: “Lord Baron, Ilya was brought.”

Wang Weizhen smiled and said: “I can finally appear in front of him with my original face, is it?”

“Yes, Lord Baron, you don’t have to hide anything.”

“It feels so good.” Wang Weizhen said with a faint smile.

Those familiar figures are coming here, it is Ilya, but this time the Marquis, has not had the previous style. He is like a dog who has lost his family. His face is pale.

He walked into the restaurant and he suddenly saw a man sitting there.

Ah, no, it can’t be this person, it’s impossible! How could he appear here?

This is the person that his father is most afraid of seeing, and the same person that Ilya is most afraid to see.

Ilya wanted to leave the restaurant, but several of Cassanovic’s men appeared next to him: “Mr. Marquis, if you want to leave, the big guys will be very unhappy. And you can’t leave alive. Here.”

Ilya trembled and walked toward the man. . . . . .

When he came to the person, he heard such a sentence: “Mr. Ilya, you are the Marquis, and I am just a little baron. Should I be jealous of you?”

Yes, the other party is just a baron, but the name of the baron is far better than any duke:

Ernst Alexson von Breem – Baron Skulls!

“No, no.” Ilya said in horror.

“Ah, then I am relieved.” Wang Weizhen said faintly: “You can also call me another name, I think, ah, my Russian name is Mr. Peter Goff.”

For a moment, Ilya understood everything. . . . . .

Peter Goff – Baron Skulls – all this is set up by this terrible baron!

He knew that he had fallen into a trap and there was no way to get out of it. At this moment, he completely lost all hope. . . . .

“Please sit down, Lord Marquis Ilya.” Wang Weizhen’s tone was ironic: “Let me think about it, you lost your father’s property in the United States, how would your father treat you? Ah, what the hell are you? His son, he will not treat you so cruelly, is he?”

No, Ilya is completely unable to determine her father’s attitude. . . . . .

The mind of the Duke of Berstoka is just as uncomfortable as Baron Alexson. . . . . .

He swallowed a bitter mouth. . . . . .

“You have two choices.” Wang Weizhen’s cold eyes stared at the enemy’s son: “The first one, you can go back to Moscow and accept your father’s punishment for you. The second one, as I said. Do, although you have lost everything, you can still save your life. Remember, I am only talking about or whether you can live depends on yourself.”

Ilya certainly knows what kind of choice she should make because his nature is the same as his father:

Your life is far more precious than anyone else! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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