The latest chapter of the infinite military base, Volume II: My Country 919. Moscow Pioneer, Astronomy

The terrible disaster that occurred in New York not only spread to the entire United States, but also spread to the whole world.

The collapse of a large number of corporate factories has had a serious impact on the US economy.

In Moscow, when the Grand Duke of Berstoka, Gregory, heard the news, he almost fainted. You must know that most of your wealth is stored in the United States, especially the precious cultural relics and works of art.

He was in a hurry and got in touch with his son Ilya. He was gratified that Ilya proudly told him that he had shorted all the stocks and house contracts in his hands before the disaster, so he was not affected, but instead I also made a profit.

Gregory was relieved. He felt that he did not believe in the wrong son. His son was indeed a rare genius in business. . . . . .

Since his property in the United States has not suffered losses, but there has been a substantial increase, then he has the ambition to continue doing whatever he wants in Russia. . . . . .

The oil exploitation in Armenia is also very exciting. A large amount of oil has been successfully mined in the shortest time, which means that the continuous wealth is rolling into the hands of Gregory. . . . . .

Not only these, but also something that makes him happy, the German side has agreed to secretly negotiate with him and promised to temporarily stop the attack during this period.

God, God is still on his side.

He sent his own negotiator, and then put all his focus on domestic issues. . . . . . Those abominable guys may have arrived at the time to deal with them. . . . . .

There is an American support behind Fristoa, not that he can move, and he can only temporarily set it aside. But the damn journalist, Bordorf, must find a way to solve it.

There is no way to do it, and there is a dark way. Assassination is undoubtedly a very good choice. To do these things, Gregory is well-versed and has a very effective team.

The commander of this team is Colonel Chernak Boch. A guy who can be trusted.

When he received the order of the Grand Duke, Colonel Chernak Boqi did not hesitate, and quickly mobilized three assistants and personally led the team according to the instructions of the Grand Duke. The Grand Duke has repeatedly explained the importance of this character and must not reveal any horses.

Colonel Chernak Boch spent three days investigating Bordedorf’s habits and commuting, and until he felt that he had a good grasp, Colonel Chernakboqi finally decided to start.

This is the first rainy day since Moscow entered May. Minnan has the best cover for assassination, and it has succeeded in eliminating the traces that Colonel Chernakbosch is unwilling to let others discover. . . . . .

The sky is completely dark. According to Bordov’s habits, he will stay in the newspaper until after 10 pm. At that time, the streets were empty, which would give Colonel Chernak Boch ample escape time.

Colonel Chernak Boch was very pleased with his careful arrangement.

The black car stopped at a very hidden place on the side of the road. Once the figure of Bordedorf appeared, the deadly bullet would accurately fall into the chest of this bold reporter. . . . . .

Suddenly, someone knocked on the window, and Colonel Chernak Boch looked angrily, but the muscles of his face were stiff.

Several people held the Sub Machine Gun in their hands, and the muzzle of the Sub Machine Gun was already aimed at them. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Colonel Chernak Boch did not think of it anyway. As a hunter, he became the object of hunting. He and his companions were taken to a dark basement.

“Hello, I am Capone.” The person who appeared in front of Colonel Chernak Boch made a self-introduction. Then he pointed to the young man who sat there and brought a little girl: “And he, Mr. Peter Goff, I think, you must have heard of his name.”

Mr. Peter Goff? Colonel Chernak Boch, he certainly heard this famous name in Moscow. . . . . .

He calmed his emotions: “I am Colonel Chernak Boch, do you know the consequences of kidnapping me?”

“Of course we know that you are Colonel Chernak Boch, and you know that you are the secret policeman who is most trusted by Gregory.” Capone still smiled slightly: “But what about it?”

He slowly pulled out a pistol, and then the gun rang, and a subordinate of Colonel Chernak Boch fell to the ground.

Colonel Chernak Boch’s face has completely changed. . . . . . Damn, these people really dare not kill the secret police without hesitation. . . . . .

“Don’t be afraid.” Wang Weizhen, who has been watching all this time, has let Alice sit on her lap: “They are all bad people, and the bad guys should be punished. Tell me, are you afraid?”

Alice shook her head. Since her mother left her, she had already decided to treat Mr. Moyol as her father. He had his father around and he was not afraid of anything.

Ah, yes, my father is not “Mr. Moyol”, the father told himself that his name is Ernst Alexson von Breem.

“Oh, our beginning is not very pleasant.” Capone still held the gun: “But I hope that the next cooperation will make us happy with each other… Colonel Chernak Boch, we know you I got the order of Gregory and assassinated the respected journalist Mr. Bordeaux, so I don’t need you to answer any questions. The only thing I want you to do is to accuse Gregory.”

“No, this is absolutely impossible!” Colonel Chernak Boch thought categorically and refused: “I will never sell the Grand Duke!”

The second gun rang and another Colonel Chernak Boch died in front of him. . . . . .

“It’s all a life…” Capone seemed to sigh with pity: “Colonel Chernakbosch, do you want to watch your last subordinate die? Then, I think it will be your turn.”

“I said, I will tell you all!” Colonel Chernak Boch’s last officer cried out: “No, I beg you not to kill me, I am willing to testify to Gregory!”

Capone looked at him: “Although your testimony is not as useful as that of Colonel Chernak Boch, I think it may have something to do. Ah, congratulations, sir, you saved your own actions with your own actions. Life. Please take this respectable gentleman to another room.”

This subordinate was taken away, and Capone’s gaze fell back to Colonel Chernakbock: “I think you are a strong person. Unfortunately, in order to get what I want, I have to take some special measures. It is.”

Colonel Chernak Boch experienced a nightmare that he never thought of in his life. . . . . .

For a full two hours, Capone used countless torture instruments that Colonel Chernak Boch had never seen before.

The little girl Alice has been watching seriously with the encouragement and companionship of Wang Weizhen. Her heart is equally scared, but her father told her that she must overcome her inner fears, and only then can she grow up.

All the father said was correct, and Alice told herself so.

If you grow up, you will be able to become a great person like your father. . . . . .

Colonel Chernak Boch collapsed and he was really a collapse. At first, he was able to resist the pain from the flesh, but Capone used not only the physical torture, but also the mental torture.

Double torture is always the most unbearable.

“I said, you need me to tell you what I said…” Colonel Chernak Boch finally gave up the resistance.

“Ah, Colonel Chernak Boch, if you say this early, you won’t have these unpleasant things…” The smile returned to Capone’s face: “Hey, I think between us now. The cooperation has begun to become more enjoyable. Please be assured that your safety will be fully protected and we will arrange for you to enter the US Embassy for remediation and refuge.”

Colonel Chernak Boch stayed there. What kind of people did this group come from?

Wang Weizhen stood up and he knew that he didn’t have the need to stay here. Capone would handle all the things in the aftermath neatly. . . . . .

. . . . . .

“Important figures attempt to assassinate famous journalists, the fearless fighter Mr. Bordov…” On the second day of the “Moscow Herald”, there was such an explosive news: “All the evidence points to The Grand Duke of Berstoka, Gregory, the great Duke of Russia, assigned his men Colonel Chernak Boch to plan the assassination. But Colonel Chernakbosch was driven by conscience and justice. I gave up the assassination and entered the US Embassy to take refuge, and confessed to the US Ambassador to Moscow, Mr. Prandi…”

Gregory also saw the news, and his anger made his face completely distorted.

The damn Colonel Chernak Boch. . . . . . Damn “Moscow Herald”. . . . . . They will ruin themselves. . . . . .

“What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?” Gregory snarled loudly: “Just the damn Ambassador Prandi called me again, he told me that Chernak Boch is in his embassy. The United States has already agreed to his request for political asylum. He also said that the United States will pay attention to this serious incident! Tell me, what should I do now?”

No one can tell him anything.

Kim Walker and the Chancellor of the Exchequer Andreas face each other, no one knows what to say in such a situation. . . . . . This incident is a bit too big, and it is true to say that the Grand Duke is indeed too cold. . . . . . He actually came up with the stupid way of assassination. . . . . .

Seeing that the subordinates did not speak, Gregory became more angry: “You are not willing to speak, you are not willing to take responsibility? Well, let me say, Kim Walker, you have to take all of it. Fault, tell the Americans that this is your lord’s, and I don’t know the inside…”

Jinwok was frightened, and the Grand Duke actually came up with such an idea? Once you have promised it, it will become the public enemy of all. . . . . .

He hurriedly said: “His Grand Duke, I am not willing to take responsibility, but the Americans and the people will never believe it. It is imperative that we must deny the evidence from Colonel Chernakbosch and tell Ambassador Prandi, Colonel Chernakbosch was just a traitor. He was guilty of treason and was being investigated by the Ministry of the Interior, so he ran to the embassy for so-called political asylum. All his allegations were unfounded. Confuse you…”

The expression on Gregory’s face is so good that it’s a good way to look at it. . . . . .

“Well, let’s do what you said for the time being.” Gregory’s tone slightly eased a bit: “But be sure to negotiate with the Americans and let them immediately return the Colonel Chernak Boch to me. Let him be judged by justice.”

Kim Walker promised Nono’s promise, and his heart was long and relieved because he had escaped. . . . . .

“The oil process in MiGroskey is very smooth…” Gregory turned the topic to his most concerned thing: “President Andrias, you have to personally supervise MiGroskey to bring oil as soon as possible. Transforming into money, we need money, we need a lot of money! The Germans have agreed to secretly negotiate with us, which will give us enough time to re-arm our powerful army…”

He was talking there, the office director rushed in with a newspaper and rushed in: “Lord Lord, you have to look at this, this is the temporary magazine ‘Moscow Pioneer.'”

Upon hearing the words “Moscow Herald”, Gregory’s head was big: “Read it.”

“Yes.” The director of the office carefully read the newspaper: “…In addition to embezzling military expenses and hollowing out the treasury, our Grand Duke also transferred countless precious artifacts and works of art from Russia… …and these things are kept in the banks of the United States, and they are taken care of by the son of the Grand Duke, Ilya…”

After reading this, the director of the office looked at the Grand Duke and found that the face of the Grand Duke was ugly, but he still had no angry expression, which made him a little more relaxed: “In this terrible securities disaster in the United States, Ilya used this precious treasure belonging to the Russians as a mortgage, borrowed a large amount of loans from the banks, and all lost in the securities disaster. The wealth that Russia’s dozens of generations have saved so hard has now become those of the United States. The plaything of the capitalist…”

Gregory’s nose snorted coldly. What did the damn journalists of the Moscow Pioneer know? Yes, he did embezzle countless Russian artifacts and works of art, but his great son succeeded in earning a lot of money for himself.

What is the use of their accusations? They simply can’t get any evidence.

“It is reported that the United States has confirmed this news…” The director of the office continued to read: “Some of the artifacts were witnessed by our counterparts in the United States, and Ilya acknowledged this fact. Of course, what Ilya did for this purpose is not particularly clear so far…”

Gregory almost laughed. These stupid reporters, do they really think that their lovely son, Ilya, would do such a ridiculous thing?

However, the director of the office immediately read it and made him laugh again:

“Ilia has already personally dropped my name on the testimony… and this testimony of our American counterparts will soon be handed over to us… shameless corruption, shameless Acting, we actually handed the country to the hands of a person like Gregory. Should we continue to trust him or let him step down? I believe that every just Russian can make his own right choice, I firmly believe that The matter should not continue. Our country has long been riddled with grief, and it continues to suffer. The hard work of the people cannot support themselves. The wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few privileged classes. They shamelessly search through the shame. There is not much wealth in our people, and the fire continues their extravagant life. I believe that such people can only be described as shameless…”

“Enough!” Gregory finally couldn’t help but interrupt the other party’s words.

The director of the office raised his head: “The Grand Duke, I know that these accusations are simply filthy there, but there is still a paragraph below that I can’t help you know.”

“Read it,” said Gregory, distracted.

“…According to the reliable news of the reporter, the so-called oil field in Armenia is simply nothing, but it is just another means for Gregory to transfer wealth… Our reporter has arrived in Armenia and carried out On the field trip, there wasn’t even a drop of oil…”

“Crap, this is all nonsense!” Gregory regained his anger: “I will immediately pick up the phone from MiGroskey, let him return to Moscow as soon as possible, and bring me the oil that I have extracted. come back!”

“Yes, I will do it right away,” Andreas said quickly.

This is the most worrying thing for Gregory, but so far he has firmly believed that the reports of the Moscow Vanguard are simply waffling there! (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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