Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1000

Xufeng disassembled the three important parts, and then reinstalled them.

"Be careful when installing. The gear must be locked. If it is not locked, the machine will not work."

Leiden nodded quickly.

Xufeng said again: "In addition, if the gears do not bite smoothly, remember to put some lubricant in it."

Leiden said puzzledly: "My pharmacist, why did you tell me such detailed techniques?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Because I plan to give this machine to you."

Leiden said in surprise: "What? Give it to me? No, no, no, I dare not accept such a valuable thing!"

Xufeng smiled and said, “Of course it’s not really for you, but for Arsson, but I can’t expect a prince to press the noodles himself? So, I let you learn this technique, and you can follow it in the future. Arsson is gone."

Leiden said in astonishment: "Me? Follow His Royal Highness? But I'm just an ordinary soldier."

Xufeng smiled and said, "When I send you to Arsson, you will no longer be an ordinary soldier. You will be...the Prince's soldier."

Leiden said excitedly: "His Royal Highness, would you want me from such a humble background?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "You work hard and learn how to use the noodle press. He doesn't want to use it. Okay, let's keep practicing and make more instant noodles."


With excitement, Leiden continued to practice.

There are more and more instant noodles and cakes, and Xufeng also taught Leiden how to pack and how to choose condiments.

After practicing just like this for a while, Leiden completely mastered the process.

At this time, Arsson returned to the warehouse with the white-robed knight.

As soon as Arsson saw Xu Feng, he immediately turned over and dismounted, and said with a smile: "Diedi, Prince Thorin, are they all settled?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, everything is settled. They are holding an instant noodle banquet in the Arrow Tower now."

After saying this, Xu Feng himself felt funny.

Instant noodle banquet?

If this is in the real world, it must be laughed off.

Arsson's eyes lit up, "Anything for us?"

Xufeng pointed to the finger-pressing noodle machine, "Yours here, these instant noodles are all made by Leiden."

Leiden excitedly saluted Arsson, "His Royal Highness, Soldier Leiden, I'll do it for you!"

Arsson looked at Leiden, and then at Leiden's noodle press. "What is this?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "The instant noodles you eat are made by this stuff."

Arsson said in surprise: "It's so amazing? But...I have only eaten instant noodles made by you, I have never eaten those made by Leiden."

Xufeng smiled and said: "Don't worry, this noodle pressing machine is a programmed assembly line operation, and the taste is the same, no difference."

This is also the reason why you always get tired of eating instant noodles. It's just that Middle-earth has never had instant noodles before, so at the beginning, everyone will not be tired of eating.

Arsson turned to Leiden and said, "Mr. Leiden, can I taste it?"

"Of course!" Leiden quickly handed the freshly dried instant noodles to Arsson.

Garden helped Arsson find a clean bowl, then put the instant noodles in the bowl, sprinkle the seasonings, and brew them with boiling water.

Three minutes later, Arsson picked up the chopsticks, picked a chopstick, and put it in his mouth.

"Um! That's right! That's the smell!" Arsson said excitedly.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Arson, you gave me so many things, and now I will give you one back too-this noodle press is a gift to you. With this machine, you can eat as much as you want. "

Arsson said quickly: "This, this is too expensive!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "We are friends. You have given me the Ring of the Smurf and the Sword of Borromir. Why can't I give you a noodle press? Oh, yes, I even Leiden I will also give it to you. I have taught him the technique of pressing noodles completely, and he will also know how to maintain this machine."

Arsson smiled and said, "Okay, Mr. Leiden, you will follow me from now on and be a follower."

Leiden said excitedly: "Thank your Royal Highness! Thank you Master Pharmacist!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Okay, hurry up and continue making instant noodles. We will be on the road early tomorrow morning. I will first order 1,000 servings."

Leiden said with a smile: "No problem, promise to complete the task!".

One piece of noodles can cut out 100 pieces of instant noodles. The amount of 1,000 pieces is just ten pieces of noodles.

From pressing the noodles to the packaging, it takes only half an hour. 1,000 pieces of instant noodles can be completed in three hours at most.

110 Leaving Bray Town

That evening, a small cocktail party was held in the town of Bray.

The people who got rid of the plague gathered together to thank Xufeng and Prince Arsson for their life-saving grace.

The scale of the reception is not large. After all, the physical stamina of the townspeople has not fully recovered and they need more rest.

In addition, more than 700 people died in the town after all, and many families were torn apart because of this, so there was no big celebration in Bray Town.

Early the next morning, Thorin's expedition team was ready to go.

Xufeng asked Leiden to load 1000 instant noodles on Gandalf's wagon, and then he was about to leave.

The residents of Bray Town were all sent off, and many of them shed tears.

Arsson and the white-robed knights also saw Xu Feng off.

As a prince, Arsson gave Xufeng a super high standard treatment, but everyone knows that Xufeng definitely deserves this treatment.

Arsson said emotionally: "Diedi, we don't know when we can meet again."

Xu Feng was also faintly sad.

If you follow the timeline of "The Lord of the Rings", Arsson will marry in a few years and then give birth to Aragorn. When Aragorn is two years old, Arsson will be murdered.

All this cannot be avoided, this is his fate.

What a pity such a good prince.

Xufeng sighed and said, "Yes, we will meet again eventually."

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