Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 999

Gandalf pondered carefully, "Well, what you said is that the dark mage who can kill himself is really stupid."

Xu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the black-robed sorcerer is not stupid at all. He carefully planned all this, just to use the plague to attract Prince Arsson, who is dedicated to the people, and then use the blood of Prince Arsund’s Esidor blood to awaken the Ring Spirit King in advance. Camel.

It's just that the black robe wizard didn't count it, and there was an extra Xufeng in this Middle-earth world.

If it weren’t for Xufeng, his conspiracy would have succeeded. The Ring Spirit King would wake up 50 years earlier. In this way, the Dark Lord Sauron would wake up 50 years earlier. Today, 50 years, Aragorn has not At birth, Middle-earth has a high probability of becoming Sauron's world.

Of course, Xu Feng couldn't tell Gandalf about these things.

With Gandalf's cleverness, Xu Feng's true identity would suddenly be doubted.

Seeing that this topic had come to an end, Xufeng quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, what about Arsson? He should have been back long ago. Why didn't anyone see him?"

Gandalf said: "There are many things that need to be handled by him. For example, the aid materials from various parties have arrived, and his inspection. In addition, the townspeople who died in the town because of the plague before, he has to coordinate and deal with-those The plague still remains in the body, so it must be burned, and he will burn it before the townsfolk will accept it."

Xu Feng nodded slightly, "That's it. By the way, I've been busy for a while, instant noodles are not enough to eat like this, I have to make more now."

Gandalf smiled and said, "Okay, do you need help?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I need Leiden's help. I plan to give him the technique of making instant noodles."

Gandalf was surprised and said: "This technology is worth a thousand dollars, are you really giving it away like this?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, I plan to give it to Leiden, and then I will give Leiden and the noodle press to Alsong-Alsong also likes instant noodles very much."

Gandalf looked at the Boromir sword behind Xufeng's back, and understood everything.

Xufeng didn’t put the Sword of Borromir in his inventory. After all, everyone knew that Arsson gave him the Sword of Borromir. If he didn’t bring it in a prominent place, he would obviously Somewhat unreasonable.

Gandalf smiled and said, "Okay, I will let Leiden help you. I will be responsible for the plague detoxification soup here."

After speaking, Gandalf shouted loudly: "Leiden, go and help Diego!"

"Yes!" Leiden wiped his hands, and ran to Xu Feng excitedly, "My pharmacist, I'm here, please give your orders!"

Xufeng pointed to the noodle pressing machine in the carriage and said, "Move this machine down, and find someone to bring a cart of fine flour and ten barrels of fine olive oil."


Leiden immediately executed Xufeng's order quickly.

After a while, the noodle press was lifted out, and a cart of flour and ten barrels of olive oil were all in place.

Xufeng asked, "Do you know what this is?"

Leiden shook his head, "I don't know-this thing is made of steel, it should be... a new siege engine?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "No, this is called a noodle press."

Leiden suddenly realized, "Oh, it turned out to be a torture instrument."

Xu Feng was a little bit dumbfounded, "What! This is a machine for making noodles!"

Leiden blinked in surprise, "What is noodles?"

"Noodles are strips cut from noodles."

"Why cut the noodles into strips?"

"Because it's delicious."

"Shouldn't the noodles be baked into bread and buttered to be delicious? Cut them into strips, how can they be baked?"

Facing Leiden's serious problem, Xufeng was about to collapse.

No way, the cultural background is different.

Middle-earth only has bread and no noodles.

Even in the real world, noodles, such a simple and delicious food, was brought back to Italy by Marco Polo during the Yuan Dynasty, and this is how pasta came into being...

Xufeng sighed, "Leiden, anyway, I teach you how to make instant noodles, whether you want to learn or don't want to learn, you have to remember every step for me!"

Leiden straightened his waist immediately, "Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Chapter 109 Instant Noodle Banquet

Xufeng showed Leiden the usage of the noodle press.

Leiden was like a piece of wood, standing there blankly, completely unable to understand why the flour turned into crooked noodles.

In his opinion, this is simply magic.

No, even more magical than magic.

Because magic needs a magician to use, and this machine doesn't need a magician at all, only ordinary people can operate it.

"Remember?" Xu Feng asked.

Leiden nodded stupidly, then shook his head quickly, "No, I was so shocked just now, so..."

Xu Feng smiled helplessly, "It's okay, I'll show you again."

The civilization of Middle-earth is, after all, a low-end civilization, and the noodle machine, a compound machine, is really not easy to operate if there is no knowledge of mechanical theory.

Xufeng patiently demonstrated to Leiden again, and explained every technical detail to Leiden clearly.

Leiden learned very hard, and after Xufeng finished teaching, he basically understood it.

Xufeng said, "Come on, let me see if you do it again."

"Yes!" Leiden nervously walked to the noodle press, introduced a certain amount of flour and water, then turned the machine to press the dough into a dough, and then pushed the dough into the cutter to cut into a wave shape The noodles are then brushed with olive oil, steamed in the steam, and then cut into cubes, waiting to dry.

Although this set of operations is a bit rusty, there are generally no mistakes.

"Go on." Xu Feng sat aside, sipping Xingyue tea while supervising Leiden's practice.

Leiden practiced over and over again, and he has been practicing more than thirty times, and his technical movements are very proficient.

"My pharmacist! I learned it!"

"Well, not bad." Xu Feng nodded in satisfaction, "Next, I will teach you how to clean and maintain this noodle press."

"Clean up and maintain?"

"Yes, if you use it for a long time, there will be a lot of pieces of dough sticking to the noodle machine. It must be cleaned up in time. This can be removed and cleaned with a clean brush and water. It can also be removed here, and here."

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