Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 998

Thorin said quickly: "No more trouble, no trouble..."

Lucius thought Thorin was polite, and said quickly: "Yes, this is the friendship of the landlord."

Thorin said dumbfoundedly: "Really no trouble! We can eat instant noodles by ourselves."

Lucius blinked, "Instant noodles? What is that?"

Thorin smiled and said, "It's a very strange and delicious noodle. If Lucius wants to try it, you can eat it with us in the evening?"


Is this a special diet of the dwarves?

Lucius couldn't help scratching his head, "His Royal Highness, are you afraid of the plague in our food? But the plague has really been eliminated."

Solin reluctantly took out a packet of instant noodles, "Look, this is the thing, it's delicious."

Lucius said in surprise: "Where can this...dry food be delicious?"

"Bring hot water!" Thorin grinned: "Wait later you will understand why I don't eat the food you prepared. This is definitely not disrespect, but... instant noodles are so delicious."

A guard hurried to fetch the water bottle, Kili took out an empty bowl again, Thorin tore the bag open, put the dough in the empty bowl, and then put the delicate seasoning bag and dried meat Put it in.

Then, he poured hot hot water on the instant noodles, and when the water was over the instant noodles, he stirred the seasoning with chopsticks.

Then, he covered the bowl with the torn kraft wrapping paper and pressed the chopsticks on the wrapping paper.

This set of movements was done in one go, and was more skilled than Xu Feng.

Xu Feng couldn't help but spit out secretly: How many packets of instant noodles did you bastard eat me!

"And then?" Lucius asked curiously.

Thorin smiled and said, "Just wait, you can start eating in three minutes."

Lucius said in surprise: "If you don't eat anything else, just eat the water in the bowl and the dry things?"

Thorin smiled: "Yes, that's right."

Lucius smiled and said, "The lifestyle of your dwarves is really peculiar."

Thorin shook his head, "This is not our dwarf's way of eating, this is your human's way of eating! Including the use of chopsticks, and how to eat instant noodles, they were all taught to us by the swordsman Diego Didi. ."

"Master Diego?" Lucius looked at Xu Feng in surprise.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Well, yes, I also make instant noodles."

"So it is!" Lucius suddenly looked forward to the bowl of noodles.

Soon, the scent of instant noodles spread, and every guard present couldn't help but sniffed.

Thorin smiled and said, "Well, I think it's almost done. Now, it's time to witness the miracle!"

He picked up the chopsticks pressed on the kraft paper bag, and then opened the kraft paper. After a while, the whole arrow tower was full of strong fragrance.

Thorin picked up a golden instant noodles with chopsticks, leaned in front of his mouth and blew the heat, and then sucked.

Some soup splashed on his beard, and he licked it clean with his tongue.

A human guard whispered: "Is this guy really a prince?"

"Shhh, probably." The guard next to him responded in a low voice.

In less than three minutes, Thorin dried up the instant noodles and the broth.

After eating, he wiped his mouth, his face reappeared as a prince's proud expression, "As I just showed, instant noodles are very delicious, so we only eat instant noodles and nothing else. "

Captain Lucius was stunned for a while, and then said: "Ah! I understand, well, your Royal Highness, we won't prepare food for you. Of course, we will provide wine and beer. I hope you will like it. "

"Of course this is good!" Thorin said with satisfaction: "We are also willing to invite you all to have instant noodles."

"Really?" Captain Lucius said excitedly: "We can also taste instant noodles?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Well, all can be eaten, but if this goes on, even if I have a mountain of instant noodles, I will be empty. I will make more instant noodles while there is still time."

Kellie raised his hand and said, "Diedi, I'll help you!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "No, you should eat, drink, and I will let Leiden help me."

Captain Lucius said immediately: "Leiden is in the warehouse. I will take Master Diego to find him."

Xufeng smiled and said, "I'll go by myself, you can accompany Thorin and them."


Chapter 108 What is noodles?

Xufeng drove the carriage with Gandalf carrying goods through the long arrow tower and came to the door of the material warehouse.

At this time, the pot of boiled medicine was still working, and every townsman was asked to come and drink a bowl of antidote soup, lest they were also infected with the plague without realizing it.

Gandalf saw Xufeng from afar, and immediately greeted him happily, "Haha, Diego! Here you are! This is great!"

Everyone present saw Xufeng, and they all saluted Xufeng in unison, some of them even sobbed excitedly.

Their lives were given by Xufeng!

Now that they can survive safely, how can they not get excited?

Xu Feng said quickly: "You are welcome, you can just continue."

Gandalf said: "Yes, everything continues, don't waste time!"

After speaking, he turned his head and said to Xufeng: "I have heard Prince Arsson tell me about you. You are really amazing. You can kill the black robe wizard with your own power!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Arsson is a bit exaggerated. In fact, this is the result of our cooperation."

Gandalf laughed and said: "Dark magic is not easy to deal with. I heard Arsson say that the black-robed wizard used three shadow arrows to attack you. As a result, the shadow arrows all grazed you, and finally hit the black-robed wizard himself. "

"Uh..." Xu Feng smiled helplessly, "Probably it is like this."

Gandalf asked: "Weird, this shouldn't be it. Dark magic targets the soul and attacks. This is also the power of dark magic. Generally speaking, no matter how strong it is, normal people can't avoid it. Unless you are also an archmage, you can deviate magical attacks, or magical skills like magic shields, but I didn't feel that you can magic. Are you hungry to avoid Shadow Bolt?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Ahem, I'm...all righteous, and the evil magic of Shadow Bolt is naturally impossible to hit me... I say that, do you believe it?"

Gandalf smiled and said: "I believe, I believe you are a big-headed ghost. Dark magic does not matter whether you are righteous or not. There are too many righteous men who died under dark magic! So you must have other ways to avoid The black magic of that black robe wizard is turned on!"

Xu Feng smiled bitterly, "Well, I really don't have any special methods. It may be that the black-robed wizard himself is not good at learning. You see, he can be stupid enough to be hit by his own shadow arrow, and you can Where is it so high?"

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