Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 997

"Good." Xu Feng nodded and said.

Arsson said: "Then I'll go to the white robe knight first. I have to arrange some things with them in advance."

"Well, go ahead." Xu Feng said.

Arsson then bowed slightly to salute the hammer next to him, and then returned to the white-robed knights.

The Hammer said, "This prince is really polite, Xu Feng, I find that he is very kind to you."

Xufeng smiled and said, "That's because I saved him more than once."

At this moment, Thorin walked over with his hands behind his back.

It seems to come unintentionally, but in fact it is intentional.

"Swordsman, I haven't had time to tell you before that your instant noodles are delicious. If you have the opportunity, you should make more backups." Thorin said in a deep voice.

Xu Feng smiled faintly: "Don't worry, I have prepared a lot, enough for us to eat Gushan."

Thorin raised his brows. "We? So, you haven't left the expedition yet?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "How can I leave the mission hasn't been completed yet?"

Thorin said in a deep voice, "His Royal Highness Prince Arsson is very sincere to you, do you have the heart to refuse his kindness?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I appreciate his kindness, but I must complete the adventure of Gushan."

Thorin asked, "What are you looking for? Is wealth?"

Xufeng replied: "No, what I am after is adventure."

Thorin nodded slightly, "Very well, swordsman, you have gained my respect."


I didn't even give me any trust!Talk about respect!

Xu Feng spit out inwardly, but said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, I will accompany you to the end."

At this time, several white-robed knights galloped with more than a dozen war horses.

Arsson shouted loudly: "Diedi, the horse is here, the shadow chase is left to you, let's take a step now and see you in Bray town later!"

"Good!" Xu Feng waved at them.

The white-robed knights immediately turned on their horses. When passing by Xufeng, everyone bowed their heads and beat their hearts with their right fists to show their respect to Xufeng.

After the white-robed knights left, Thorin said in a deep voice, "Let’s pull out of the camp too, and head towards Bray Town."

White Beard Bahrain said cautiously: "Sorin, what if there is still a plague in Bray Town?"

Thorin raised his head and said, "Prince Arsson is only 17 years old. He dared to take risks. I, the dwarf prince, what can't you dare?"

"Yes!" Bahrain said immediately: "Leave camp and go to Bray Town!"


The dwarves became busy immediately. They have been here for a day and a half, and they are very eager to get active.

Bilbo sighed, "I haven't rested enough, I haven't rested enough yet."

Dewalin on the side smiled and said, "Master Snitch, wait until the Lonely Mountain is resting! Otherwise, according to your rhythm, I am afraid that you will not be able to walk to the Lonely Mountain in 100 years, hahaha!"

Kili also smiled and said, "Master Snitch thinks we are here to travel."

The dwarves roared with laughter.

Bilbo was blushing.

Although this joke has some teasing elements, it does not hurt each other's feelings.

Soon, the dwarves packed up, and Xu Feng also turned over and rode Chasing Shadow, and the group of people slowly marched towards Bray Town.

When they walked through the valley to the arrow tower in Bray Town, the sky had dimmed.

"Who is outside?"

A familiar voice came from above the arrow tower.

As soon as Thorin was about to answer, Xu Feng rushed forward and said loudly, "Captain Lucius, it's me! Your Diego!"

"Ah!" The people on the arrow tower said quickly: "It turned out to be Lord Diego! We just received an order from His Royal Highness that you and your friends will be here soon. His Royal Highness asked us to cooperate with you! Quick! Open the city gate and let Master Didi and his friends come in!".


The gate of the arrow tower opened immediately, and Thorin and others rode into the arrow tower.

Chapter 107 It's Time to Witness the Miracle!

After entering the arrow tower, Lucius greeted him with a smile.

As soon as Thorin was about to open his mouth to express his gratitude, Lucius passed him directly, walked respectfully to Xu Feng, and gave a solemn military salute: "Master Diego, welcome you back. The entire town of Bray is now Completely well, this is all your credit. On behalf of all the residents of Bray Town and all the guards in Bray Town, I thank you!"

All the guards present also saluted to Xufeng in unison.

Xufeng waved his hand quickly, "Everyone is too polite."

After paying tribute to Xufeng, Captain Lucius turned his head and saluted Thorin, "You must be Prince Thorin. I'm sorry for how slow you were just now, but please understand how excited we were when we treated our benefactor. mood."

Thorin said quickly: "It's okay, we are in an extraordinary period in your town, and we have to trouble you. I'm really sorry."

Captain Lucius said, "I don't know when Lord Thorin wants to pass Bray Town?"

Thorin said: "Naturally, the sooner the better."

Captain Lucius shook his head, "But I'm afraid it won't work tonight."

Thorin frowned and asked, "Oh? Why?"

Captain Lucius said: "There is still a lot of finishing work in the town of Bray, and the sky is getting dark. Even if you don't pass through the town now, you will bypass the arrow tower and wait until you reach the north gate. At that time, the sky will be completely dark, and the nearest Canyon Town is at least half a day away."

Thorin nodded slightly, "It seems that we should continue to camp outside."

Lucius smiled and said: "You are guests, how can we let you live outside the city? Our prince said that although the arrow tower is a bit rudimentary, it is okay to stay for one night temporarily. I have already advanced Let the guards clean up seventeen rooms for your use."

Thorin said, "This...too polite."

Lucius smiled and said: "It's nothing, Lord Diego has a life-saving grace for our entire town. This is a trivial matter. Oh, yes, we have prepared delicious food. In the extraordinary period, although there is no gluttony. The meal, however, can definitely guarantee the taste!"

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