Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1002

Gandalf was smoking Shire tobacco barkly, and his pipe pot was covered with a waterproof kraft paper so that the tobacco would not be drenched by the rain.

"No, dear Groin." Gandalf explained with a smile: "Storm, thunder and lightning, it is a natural phenomenon. I can use magic to attract a blizzard. When my magic stops, the blizzard will disappear. But, the wind and rain in nature. I can't control the thunder and lightning."

Ge Luoyin said angrily: "This shows that your strength is not enough!"

Gandalf was not angry, but said with a smile: "Haha, yes, my strength is indeed not strong enough."

His original level was 65.

Such a level can definitely kill a level 50 opponent.

In other words, even Thorin can be solved by Gandalf.

However, because Gandalf gave one-third of his strength to the white-robed mage Saruman to create a mana ring, Gandalf's current strength level is only level 50.

This level is not even as good as the black robe wizard that Xu Feng killed in the ancient grave!The strength of the black robe wizard can reach level 55!

And Gandalf's own mentality is also very peaceful, he doesn't care too much about his strength level.

This is in sharp contrast with the white-robed mage Saruman who has always wanted to pursue the strongest mana.

Gandalf took a puff of Shire tobacco, spit out a big smoke ring, and then said with a smile: "If you want to change the natural weather, you have to find another archmage."

Groyin rolled his eyes.

He felt that Gandalf was just ignorant.

Bilbo on the side asked curiously: "Are there any other great mages?"

Gandalf smiled and said: "Of course, the Holy White Council has five great mages, and I am only one of them. White-robed Saruman is the most powerful wizard of the Holy White Council, but he can't change the weather, and then the brown The robe mage Radagast is here."

Bilbo asked, "Is he better than you?"

Gandalf laughed and said, "Well, let’s see how it is said, each of our five great masters has its own characteristics. Radagast has a mild personality and likes small animals. He lives in the green forest in the east and supervises the entire Middle-earth The dangers that may arise on the eastern border."

Bilbo asked, "If you fight Rydagast, who of you will win?"

Gandalf smiled helplessly: "Why are we sparring? In fact, our relationship is very good, although we have had... well, we haven't seen each other for more than 2600 years."

Groyin rolled his eyes again.

He felt that Gandalf was not only a vain fame, but also bragging.

Bilbo nodded in surprise, "You are so amazing."

Gandalf said with a smile: "This Ryda Gast is the archmage of the Nature Department. He can change the climate, he can also summon various animals, and he can also become a bear, leopard, and flying bird. Druid mage."

Bilbo's eyes widened. "It feels like listening to a fairy tale. I don't know if I have a chance to meet the Archmage Rydagast."

Gandalf smiled and said: "There should be no chance. After all, he has been busy managing his green forest. All the animals and plants there are his good friends."

Bilbo asked curiously: "Apart from you, the white-robed mage Saruman, and the brown-robed mage Radagast, what about two other wizards?"

Gandalf smiled and said, "Yes, there is a blue robe and a... well, I forgot."

Of course he will not forget!Match

There is also black robe mage Sauron!

Sauron was later affected by Morgoth and turned black into the demon Lord Sauron!

The second era began with Sauron building the supreme Lord of the Rings, and the third era started with Esidor killing Sauron!

It's just that Sauron belongs to the "stain" of the Holy White Council. Gandalf did not forget, but he did not want to mention it.

"...Okay." Bilbo retracted his neck into the thick fur cloak, and stopped questioning.

Kellie ran back from the front quickly on a pony, "Sorin! On our northeast side, there is a cave to temporarily shelter from the rain!"

Thorin frowned slightly.

According to his plan, he should settle down in Canyon Town today.

However, this sudden heavy rain completely disrupted his deployment.

The heavy rain has no meaning to stop, and the mountain roads are getting harder and harder to walk.

Thorin said in a deep voice, "Well, all go to the cave to shelter from the rain!"


The expedition team then changed direction and followed an indistinct path to the cave where Kilifili had found.

After a long journey, they finally reached the cave after half an hour.

The dwarves immediately began to light the fire to dry their clothes, and by the way each ate a large bowl of instant noodles to supplement their physical fitness.

The heavy rain continues, and it seems that today I can’t leave.

Xufeng sat by the bonfire and tried to communicate with Xuedi through thoughts.

"Xue Di, how is your situation there?"

After a while, Xuedi’s voice appeared in Xufeng’s mind: "We have just arrived in the green forest of the east, but we have not found Ruidagast yet. The situation here is a bit strange. There are many plants in the forest. Withered, many animals were brutally killed."

Xufeng quickly said with thoughts: "You have to be careful."

"Well," Xuedi replied, "How is the situation on your side?"

Xu Feng said with thoughts: "I and Hammer have officially joined the expedition team, and are now heading towards Canyon Town, but there was heavy rain on the road. It is estimated that it will take at least seven or eight days by the time the Misty Mountains arrive."

Xuedi replied: "Okay, we will keep in touch immediately. I won't tell you anymore. We found that something is coming here."

Xufeng quickly said with thoughts: "Well, you guys be careful, if you have any questions, keep in touch at any time."


The exchange of ideas between Xuedi and Xufeng stopped immediately.

I don't know if it is an illusion, Xu Feng always feels that when Xuedi communicates with him with thoughts, his tone is very gentle.

...How could that woman be gentle to him?

Probably an illusion.

Xu Feng couldn't help but smile.

After eating the instant noodles, the expedition team slept peacefully in the cave.

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