Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1003

The journey ahead is still far away. Since you can't walk for the time being, you must save your energy.

On the other side, Xuedi and others were hiding in the woods, waiting patiently.

Chapter 112-Rydagast

The green forest in the east has a very refreshing climate.

Every plant here is taller than the outside plants, and the trees are all towering and tall.

In such a huge virgin forest, Xuedi always has the illusion that he is a little ant.

She, Lin Hai and Duke Yang hid again on the branches of an ancient oak tree, the dense canopy concealing their whereabouts.

Yang Gong yawned boredly, while Lin Hai was fully absorbed, using his own spiritual vision to sense the changes in the surroundings.

Something is wrong.

Lin Hai felt this way the moment he entered this virgin green forest, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

He felt that these trees were too large and seemed to move.

He had seen a bushy tree, but after waiting for him to walk for half an hour, he inadvertently turned his head and found that the bush was behind him.

We were followed by a tree!

If such words were told to Emperor Xue, Duke Yang on the side would definitely laugh out loud again.

But in fact, they might be tracked by a tree.

Two kingfishers twitched and landed on the branches in front of them, not afraid of their strange breath, tilted their heads and looked at them.

Gong Yang smiled again and said, "Wow, today we have roasted quail!"

Lin Hai frowned and said, "What quail, this is a kingfisher!"

Gong Yang shrugged again, "But the method is the same-although I am not good at fighting, it is absolutely okay to catch birds or something! Sister Xuedi, Uncle Lin Hai, stay calm, I will catch you !"

With that, Duke Yang moved lightly in the direction of the two kingfishers.

Lin Hai quickly said, "Duke Yang, stop! Don't disturb the creatures here, here...very weird."

Gong Yang didn't care about Lin Hai's words at all, he jumped directly, and grabbed the two kingfishers with both hands. The two kingfishers waved their wings and easily avoided.

Yang Gongzai's head hit the branches, and the pain caused him to exclaim repeatedly.

Xuedi opened his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice, "Be quiet, something is coming here."

"Yes." Gong Yang rubbed his forehead again, returned to his position, and became concealed.

A gray rabbit quickly jumped out and stood under the tree.

Yang Gong said in a low voice, "A rabbit? Not bad, you can eat roasted rabbit at night."

Lin Hai frowned at Duke Yang again in a bad mood.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of rabbits rushed over, and strangely, these rabbits were still tied to the reins for pulling.

A lawn sleigh appeared under the tree immediately. The person standing on the sleigh was wearing a dirty brown robe and a brown hat. He also held a brown staff in his hand. At the top of the staff, there was a bright Magic sapphire.

Xuedi couldn't help his eyes light up.59 library

Don't guess, this person must be the brown-robed mage, Rhidagast.

The purpose of the Snow Emperor and their trip was to contact Ruidagast and ask Ruidagast to help them complete the task of Lonely Mountain.

Ruidagast stopped the rabbit sleigh, and walked to the ancient oak tree where the Snow Emperor and the others were hiding.

"Weird human beings, what do you want?" Radagast asked curiously, leaning on a long staff, tilting his head.

Knowing that their whereabouts must not be hidden, the Snow Emperor stood up from the sturdy branches and said loudly, "You must be the brown-robed mage Ruidagast?"

Radagast laughed and said: "It can be or not, it depends on who you are. If you are friends, then I am Radagast, and if you are enemies, then I am not Radagast. Dagast."

Gong Yang said in a low voice, "This old man is really rapturous."

Rida Gast laughed and said, "No, I don't speak rap."

Yang Gong was surprised again and said, "Can you hear me so quietly?"

Ruidagast smiled and said: "I am a mage of nature. You are in my green forest. I can hear all the sounds and all the actions I can see."

Duke Yang stuck out his tongue again.

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "So, you know our actions from the beginning?"

Ruidagast smiled and said, "Nothing can be hidden from nature's eyes."

As he said, he took off his brown wizard hat, which had almost never been cleaned, revealing his messy, bird's nest-like hair.

That wizard hat was supposed to be round and pointed like Gandalf’s gray wizard hat, but Radagast’s wizard hat has indeed become round and flat, like a tramp. The same worn hat.

His brown hair was still stained with white bird droppings. When he took off the wizard's hat, the two kingfishers flew toward his hair, then went straight in, and stopped steadily." "Bird's Nest".

Gong Yang exclaimed again, "It's really a bird's nest..."

I used to use the term bird’s nest to describe a person with messy hair. I didn’t expect that this time I saw a real bird’s nest.

Ruidagast doesn't feel dirty at all. In his heart, nature is the cleanest, and many things made by man pollute nature.

He proudly put the brown wizard hat on his head, and then asked Xuedi: "Well, now it's your turn to explain why."

Xuedi hurriedly said gently: "Respected Master Brown Robe, we have no malice in coming here, on the contrary, we are here to help you."

Ruidagast sneered, "Help? No, I don't need help. In fact, when you came, my forest had problems. I walked along and found that plants in three places were withered. Some animals are still sick. This must be a disaster caused by you outsiders."

Xuedi quickly said: "No, it's not us, we are here to help you solve this trouble."

Ruidagast paused the staff in his hand, and the blue gems on the staff gleamed sharply, "Huh, stop talking nonsense, my green forest has not been like this for thousands of years. You are the culprits. The culprit! If you change to another mage, you will be in a different place now, but I am not a person who likes to kill. Although I hate people, human races, dwarves, and elves, I don’t like them, but I still don’t want to kill. .Now, leave my green forest with your rudeness and arrogance."

Xuedi said firmly: "No, we don't leave, we can help."

Ruidagast frowned, "You don’t think I really dare not kill you? Okay, yes, I really don’t like killing, but who has never done a few things that I don’t like doing? What happened?"

With that said, Radagast chanted a spell in a whisper, and then, the whole ground trembled!

Chapter 113 Trees can really walk!


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