Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1005

But this time, Ruidagast felt very bottomless.

The state of the little hedgehog is quite different from the normal disease state, and many plants around it are contaminated.

Ruidagast still held a glimmer of hope, waiting for the hedgehog to recover.

However, after the little hedgehog drank the flower nectar, there was no sign of improvement at all, but it got worse.

Ruidagast said sadly, "No, Sebastian, my little friend, don't die! You can't die!"

The little hedgehog wailed, and then closed his eyes in pain.

"No! That seems to be the only thing!"

Ruidagast quickly took out his wand, took off the blue magic crystal from the wand, and used the corner of the magic crystal to touch the little hedgehog's mouth.

Chapter 114 Another Plague

The blue magic light immediately enveloped the little hedgehog.

The closed eyes of the little hedgehog opened slightly.

Under the power of restoring magic, the little hedgehog was pulled back from the gate of the ghost gate, but it still hadn't returned to normal, and it was still dying.

"How could this be? How could this be?"

Ruidagast was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

The little hedgehog wailed again in pain.

Rida Gast said quickly: "Sebastian, don't worry, I will find a way to save you! I will definitely! But what should I do? Even magic crystals cannot cure Sebastian. Ann, what should I do? Well, yes, those uninvited guests! I have to go to them to settle the accounts!"

After speaking, Ryda Gast picked up the little hedgehog, took his staff, and quickly rushed out of his house, jumped on his rabbit sleigh, and went straight to the ancient oak tree.

"...He's back." Emperor Xue said calmly.

Gong Yang was surprised again and said: "The rabbit is back? No, I mean, Rydagast is back?"

Lin Hai frowned and said, "He seems to be very angry."

Xuedi said lightly: "Let me talk to him, don't act rashly."

"it is good!"

Lin Hai and Yang Gong nodded at the same time.

Rydagast stopped the rabbit sleigh in front of the old oak tree and said angrily: "Outsiders, see what you all bring! My Sebastian! Sebastian is dying! He is dying! He is so young and helpless, he has not had time to feel the warmth of the world!"

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "I'm very sorry for Ruidagast, but we did not bring these disasters. I have always emphasized that we are here to help. You should trust us!"

"What are you doing for help! You are about to kill my Sebastian! Ouch!"

Who could have thought that the brown-robed great mage of the Holy White Council would shed tears for a little hedgehog.

Xuedi calmly said: "Ridagast, if you believe me, take us to see your Sebastian, maybe I can save him."

Rida Gast's eyes widened suddenly, "What did you say? Can you really save my Sebastian?"

Xuedi quickly said, "I just said, I will try my best."

"Don't try!" Reda Gast said: "You must save my Sebastian. If you rescue my Sebastian, I believe you are really here to help."

Xuedi said helplessly: "Well then, take me to see your son first."


"Yes, or else, is it your grandson?" Xuedi asked.

Gong Yang nodded again and said, "I think it should be a grandson. This guy is so old, and his son must be very old."

Radagast roared, "Sebastian is not my son, nor is it my grandson! Sebastian is it!"

Radagast raised the dying hedgehog in his arms.

The Snow Emperor was stunned for a while, "This is... Sebastian? You, magnificent archmage, actually shed tears for a hedgehog?"

Ruidagast said: "This is life, a life equal to you and me!"

Xuedi nodded, "Okay, I understand, but... you have to remove these scary dryads first, so that I can safely walk in front of you." Happy Ridagast immediately waved him With his staff, the four huge ancient tree elves immediately rose from the ground and walked back to the depths of the forest with shaking steps.

The Xuedi jumped off the tall old oak tree and landed firmly on the ground.

Ruidagast carefully held the little hedgehog in front of the Snow Emperor. The Snow Emperor condensed his mind, and immediately took out two pills from her spiritual table inventory, one is a powerful recovery pill, the other is Antidote pills.

She broke off both pills a bit, then kneaded them together to make a pill the size of a grain of rice.

Ruidagast asked suspiciously: "What is this?"

Emperor Xue said calmly: "This is a good medicine to relieve the plague."

"Plague?" Radagast asked in astonishment.

"Yes." Xuedi said lightly: "It should be infected with the plague. If it is not treated in time, the plague in his body will spread to other creatures, which will affect the entire green forest."

Ruidagast said quickly: "Then give him food!"

Xuedi stuffed the rice-sized pill into the little hedgehog's mouth, and the little hedgehog immediately convulsed in pain. The degree of discomfort was worse than the previous pain!

"Sebastian! No!"

Ryda Gast said angrily: "Madam wearing a mask, see what you have seen!"

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, this is a normal pharmacological reaction."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little hedgehog vomited, and purple poisonous blood spurted from its mouth and splashed onto the turf on the ground, which was corroded and withered instantly.

The little hedgehog sobbed and his mental state recovered a lot.

Ruidagast checked in surprise and found that the little hedgehog was really fine.

"Oh my God! Oh my god!" Radagast said excitedly: "This is really amazing! What kind of medicine are you?"

Xuedi said lightly: "Oh, this is a special medicine given to me by a friend of mine."

In fact, Xuedi didn't know how to deal with such a situation, but after Ruidagast left, he communicated with Xufeng again.

It was Xufeng who told her that a black-robed wizard had been found in Bray Town, and the method used by the black-robed wizard was to use the plague as a means to infect ordinary townspeople.

Of course, Xu Feng also told her how to deal with these plagues.

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