Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1006

This time when Ruidagast came back, the Snow Emperor treated the little hedgehog with the mentality of a try. Unexpectedly, he really saved the little hedgehog.

This also means that the poison in the little hedgehog is the poison of the plague, and this purple blood plague must be the dark magic related to the demon lord Sauron.

Ruida Gast said gratefully: "Thank you, ma'am, it seems that I misunderstood you before. You are really here to help. Please accept my sincerest apologies!"

As he said, Ruidagast bent over and bowed to the Snow Emperor.

Xuedi hurriedly said: "Don't be so polite, I just raised my hand, but the most important thing at the moment is to find the source of the plague as soon as possible, otherwise, there will be more children... Sebastian was poisoned. ."

"You're right!" Radagast nodded appreciatively. "We must find the source of the plague as soon as possible, Sebastian, tell me, how did you get poisoned?"

The little hedgehog whispered.

While listening, Radagast nodded frequently, "Huh? What? A spider as tall as a hill? It seems the problem is serious!"

Ruidagast raised his head and said to the Snow Emperor, "Sebastian said that he was recruited in the valley on the east side. He saw a group of spiders as big as a hill passing by, and his fruit fell. On the grass that the hill spider stepped on, then he picked it up and ate it."

Xuedi said in a deep voice: "So, those spiders with big hills are the source of this plague."

Chapter 115 Griffin!

Xuedi said: "We have to divide our troops into two ways to find the spiders that are big on the hills, get rid of them, and clean up all the paths that the spiders have trampled on, so that the plague cannot breed in the green forest."

Rydagast agreed with him and said, "You are quite right-you haven't asked your name yet, ma'am?"

Xuedi said: "Just call me Xuedi."

"Oh, Xuedi, a nice name." Rida Gast laughed: "Where are your two friends?"

Xuedi sighed helplessly, "The older one is called Lin Hai, and the one who looks unreliable, but is actually even less reliable, is called Gongzai Yang."

Rydagast shook his head, "The names of those two are a bit sloppy and weird, but that’s not important anymore. What’s important is that you are not enemies—Ms. Xuedi, you and your friends know that poisonous spiders step on. How about the place where I passed? I will go after a spider as big as a hill."

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "No, I will go chasing the spider with you, so that you can have a helper, my two friends, it is enough to clear the path."

Ruidagast hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, "Also, without further ado, we will set off now!"

With that said, Rydagast put down the little hedgehog Sebastian, let him return to his nest on his own, and don't run around, and then prepared to jump on the rabbit sleigh.

Duke Yang hurriedly jumped down from the ancient oak tree, "Wait, Archmage! You took the rabbits away, how can I clean the path with Uncle Lin Hai?"

Rydagast blinked, "That's right, that's fine, the rabbit sled is for you two."

Gong Yang smiled again and asked, "Can these delicious and uncute little rabbits listen to us?"

Radagast said: "Yes, my rabbits are well-trained, as long as I give them orders."

As he said, Radagast blew a whistle, and the rabbits immediately pricked their ears and nodded at Radagast.

Ruidagast turned around and said to Duke Yang again: "Well, they will listen to you now. They will take you to the valley to the east. Be careful not to let them get infected with the poison of the plague."

"Understood!" Yang Gong added: "There is one more thing Archmage, if, I mean, if a little rabbit accidentally infected with the plague, in order to prevent it from infecting other rabbits, can I Its body was burned."

Ruidagast said in astonishment: "No! I will let the Griffin bring it to my side. You must not hurt them."

Gong Yang said helplessly, "Uh, okay."

The Snow Emperor asked in a deep voice, "The rabbit sled is given to them, so what shall we do?"

Ruidagast laughed: "Of course there is a way, and it is a very quick way."

With that said, Radagast poured his will into his wand, and the blue magic crystal on the wand lit up, and there were two hawks in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, two griffins over one meter high descended from the sky and landed firmly in front of the Snow Emperor.

These two griffins, one is golden all over, and the other is black with white stripes. Their claws are in the shape of eagle claws, but they are sharp and large. Their mouths are also in the shape of eagle beaks, but their bodies are It is the body of a lion, with huge wings two meters in length on the shoulders.

Even if the Snow Emperor and the others had prepared, they were shocked.

"Do not be afraid!"

Ruidagast stroked the black and white griffin beside him and said with a smile: "This is Ms. Phoebe, and the golden feather is Ms. Cathy. They are all very reliable flying mounts-of course. It is impossible for ordinary humans to have the opportunity to ride on this rare and noble species. This time the matter is urgent. I think the two ladies can make an exception."

Gong Yang hurriedly said, "Actually, Uncle Lin Hai and I can ride a griffon." Lin Hai waved his hand quickly, "No, no, I can't, I'm afraid of heights."

Ruidagast smiled and said to the Snow Emperor: "Madam, do you choose one?"

Xuedi looked at the two griffins, and then pointed to the one that met in black and white, "I will do it."

"Okay, Ms. Phoebe, please take care of this lady of the human race for me," said Ryda Gast.

Griffin Phoebe screamed as a response.

Then, she lowered herself short and waited for Xue Di to ride up.

Xuedi took a deep breath, grabbed the mane behind Fei Pyrene’s neck, and jumped up. Fei Pyrene suddenly spread its huge wings, flapped it several times, and the surging updraft rolled up. She flew the Snow Emperor into the sky.

At the beginning, Xuedi still held onto Fei Pyrene tightly without letting go, but it didn't take long for him to completely adapt to this exciting way of flying.

Ruidagast also rode on another Griffin Cathy, jumped up, led the Snow Emperor and flew towards the valley on the north side.

Gong Yang looked up at the shadow of Griffin, his eyes full of envy.

Lin Hai stood on the rabbit sled, "Don't look, come on, I've always wanted to sit on this rabbit sled, and now it's finally achieved! Hahaha!"

Gong Yang reluctantly stood on the rabbit sled, and looked left and right for a while, "How do you start this thing? Can't you just talk about it?"

As soon as the voice fell, the rabbits ran together, and Duke Yang didn't hold on to one another, and he was thrown onto the grass.

Fortunately, the turf was thick enough that he didn't get hurt.

"I rely on..." Yang Gong was about to scold again when he suddenly found that the rabbit sled was not waiting for him!

"Hey! Stop! Stop! How do you make the rabbits stop?" Duke Yang chased desperately again, shouting loudly: "Call! Call!"

The rabbits still ignored Duke Yang and continued to sprint.

Gong Yang could only catch up desperately.

After chasing for fifteen minutes, the rabbits finally stopped, and Duke Yang was exhausted again.

"No more, no more, I have to take a good rest."

Gong Yang lay on the grass again, breathing heavily, "Well, it's too bad this time. The Griffin didn't sit on it, nor did the rabbit sleigh ride. On the contrary, he was tired and half dead!"

Lin Hai smiled and walked off the rabbit sled, "Wow, sitting on the rabbit sled is really enjoyable! Yang Gong again, don't lie down, get up and work, we have to clean up this path."

Gong Yang waved his hand again, "I'm already dead."

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