Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1007

Lin Hai frowned and said, "Do you still want to complete the reward task? Or, do you want this assignment anymore?"

Gong Yang said bitterly again: "Why am I so hard! I used to work with the hammer, and the work arranged by the hammer could exhaust me, but now I finally stop using the hammer, why I still can't get rid of it and be tired The fate of death!"

Lin Hai smiled: "Okay, don't be fussy, let's work!"

Chapter 116: A Hilllike Spider

The griffin quickly flew to the heights of the east valley.

Xuedi looked down, and the forest on the ground looked like turf.

On this "turf", there is a clear "scar".

That scar is obviously the path that the hill spider passed.

The path is straight and long, and it seems to be moving towards a set goal.

The plants along the path were contaminated, and now, Lin Hai and Duke Yang were tired.

"The trail of the spiders seems to be easy to find," Radagast said worriedly. "But where do these spiders want to go?"

Xuedi said in a deep voice: "Anyway, find and kill those spiders first. You can't let them pollute this pure forest wantonly."

"Okay!" Ruidagast was full of joy, because Xuedi called his forest "pure forest", and his affection for Xuedi instantly improved a lot.

Griffon Phoebe uttered a chirp, and there were four rapidly moving spots on the ground. It should be a hill spider.

But in fact, the so-called hill-like spider is not as big as Xuedi imagined, it is relative to the stature of a little hedgehog.

These four spiders look as big as four lice from high altitude, and their actual size is just over one meter tall.

Of course, this is definitely an alternative in the spider world.

Ruidagast frowned and said, "This is a monster, a normal spider can't be this big! There is... well, what is that!"

Rida Gast's eyes widened suddenly, and he found that behind the four spiders, there was something with a crown and a halo of ghost fire all over his body.

The thing looks like a human, but it's definitely not human.

"It's the undead." Xuedi said in a deep voice.

"What? Undead?!" Radagast immediately took a breath. He hadn't heard this term for at least two thousand years.

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "Yes, I am here to help you because of this."

Radagast said in astonishment: "But, how do you know..."

Xuedi said with an excuse that he had thought of a long time ago: "It's true that my friend found in the ancient tomb near the town of Bray and found that there was a black-robed wizard who wanted to awaken the Ring Spirit King Kamel. There may also be signs of habituation in places."

Ryda Gast was shocked and said, "Guardian? This is impossible! The guy Sauron has been...well, by the way, how could I forget? He is not dead yet, he is just physically destroyed. , And his life form is not limited to the physical body, his mental power is constantly accumulating..."

Emperor Xue said lightly: "No matter who this ring spirit is in front of us, we have to get rid of him."

"Okay! You rush down, I'll cover you!" said Radagast.

...Chicken thief!

Xuedi murmured secretly in his heart, and then urged Griffon Phoebe to dive down.

At this time, the ghost fire undead below also noticed the movement above their heads, and the undead's figure flashed and disappeared from the eyes of Emperor Xue.

Immediately afterwards, the four hill spiders lifted their mouthparts, puff puff puff puff, and shot four sticky spider webs at Griffon Phenix.

Fei Ping screamed, and hurriedly twisted her wings to avoid three spider webs, but the last one hit her left wing. She struggled hard, but the more the spider webs struggled, the tighter the cobwebs became. The wings on the left were unable to expand, and the body immediately lost its balance, spinning towards the ground!

Xuedi hurriedly grasped Fei Pyrene's mane, and at the same time clamped Fei Pyrene's belly forcefully with his legs, so as not to let himself fall from high altitude.

Their height is still three hundred meters, if they are thrown down from this height, there will be no bones left!Yanyan e-book Xue Di shouted loudly in Fei Pyene's ear: "Don't struggle, I'll cut the spider silk for you!"

As he said, Emperor Xue revealed the sword of thunder, leaned into the gap between the spider silk and wings, and stirred it vigorously.

Those spider silks were so strong that the sword of thunder couldn't break them.

Xuedi gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "This will hurt a bit! Little girl!"

She drew out the Thunder Sword, poured her strength on the Thunder Sword, and then slashed heavily towards the spider web on her wings!

A flash of lightning blasted the web, and the web was lifted immediately, and Fei Pyrene's left wing was also chopped, and beautiful feathers that met black and white flew down.

However, this strength is not bad, but it hurt Fei Pyrene's feathers, not skin or bones.

Fei Pyene neighed, fluttered his wings again, stabilized his figure three seconds before hitting the ground, and pulled up vigorously.

After she stabilized her figure, Xue Di loosened her tight legs and jumped directly off Fei Pyene's back.

The height at this time is only a few meters high, which is not a problem for Xuedi at all.

When she jumped down, she was aiming at a hill spider that was about to spray its web again.

The hill spider had no time to dodge, so it could only raise its two front claws to block it.

Xuedi furiously cut off one of the front claws of the hill spider.

The injured spider suddenly spattered black blood, and screamed and withdrew back, while the other three spiders surrounded Xuedi Tuan Tuan.

Emperor Xue showed his faith shield and said in a deep voice, "Come on, you bastards."

The three spiders pounced towards Emperor Xue, and Emperor Xue struggled to block.

The strength of these three spiders is not weak, at least about level 50, and Xuedi's level is only 40. Counting equipment and skills, it can barely resist the attacks of level 50 enemies.

However, Xuedi didn't panic at all, fighting steadily.

Although she can't cause any harm to these spiders in a short time, these spiders don't want to take advantage of her.

The Griffon Phoebe in the air also quickly participated in the battle.

While the spiders were all besieging the Snow Emperor, Fei Pyene swooped, and his claws tore a huge blood hole on the head of one of the spiders.

The snow Emperor's defensive pressure suddenly reduced a lot.

The other two spiders were about to turn their fire to attack Fei Pyrene. Xuedi charged up, and the sword of thunder in his hand cut open the abdomen of one of the spiders!

The spider with the wounded abdomen suddenly screamed. Although Xuedi could not kill it with a single sword, it also completely lost its combat ability.

The spider desperately sprayed a spit of purple-black venom towards Emperor Xue, and Emperor Xue quickly blocked it with a shield.

The purple-black venom splashed on the barrier of faith, making a hissing sound, like a burning pot.

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