Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1008

Xuedi was horrified.

The effect of this toxin is too strong!

If you suffer again, I am afraid that even the barrier of faith will be corroded!

For Xuedi, without a shield, he would still be a fart!

Other spiders were also brewing venom at the same time, preparing to give Xuedi a fatal blow.

Chapter 117 Black Fortress

It's over now!

Xuedi has always been a very calm and steady person, and she can keep herself calm in the face of any danger.

However, at this time, she really had no other way.

The Hill Spider is different from other opponents. Other opponents are all physical attacks. Whether it is a knife, spear, sword, sword, axe, axe, hook, etc., Xuedi has the means to block and defend.

For hill spiders like toxin attacks with dark magic, there is really no way to defend them!

The Thunder Sword could not block the venom. Although the Belief Barrier Shield was fine, it had been corroded so badly that it could not stand the second time, let alone three consecutive poison arrows.

This is really a big trouble.

The difficulty of the "Lord of the Rings" series of reward missions is inherently great. The biggest difficulty is that many enemies in it are magic types, which can damage the soul of survivors, and are more terrifying than physical attacks.

Xuedi's advantage lies in physical defense, her body speed is not very strong, and it is impossible to avoid three poison arrows.

Once the barrier of faith was smashed, Xuedi really couldn't help it.

At this moment, Ridagast's voice came from the sky, "Madam! Raise your sword!"

At this time, actually let me surrender?

The Snow Emperor was angry and wanted to curse Ridagast.

However, she soon realized that Radagast did not let her surrender. Radagast was the brown-robed mage of the Holy White Council anyway, and Radagast regarded the green forest as his life. Now that Green Forest is in danger, he will not surrender and escape.

Although Xuedi didn't understand what Ruidagast wanted to do, since Ruidagast yelled like this, she just did.

Xuedi blocked the barrier of faith in front of her, while raising the sword of thunder.


A stout blue lightning flashed out of the sky!

Lightning slammed straight down and poured into the Thunder Sword that Xuedi raised!

"Using the power of nature, destroy those evil enemies!" Radagast rode on Griffon Cathy's back, raised the glowing staff in his hand, and shouted loudly.

He summoned the power of nature and poured this powerful power into the sword of thunder!

The Thunder Sword is a weapon with electrical effects, and its own damage power is not very strong. After all, Xue Di only uses it to parry and defend.

However, when the lightning power of the natural world was poured into the Thunder Sword, the power of the Thunder Sword increased fivefold!

Originally there were only level 30 weapons, but instantly reached the lethality that a level 60 weapon could possess!

Moreover, when the lightning was infused, a huge magnetic storm shock wave was triggered, and the magnetic storm shock wave directly blasted the three hill spiders, along with the spider whose abdomen was broken!

And Xuedi stood firmly in the thunder, scorching electric currents all over his body!

At this moment, Xuedi felt his whole body bathed in infinite power!

She took a deep breath and swept the Thunder Sword in her hand!

A half-month slashing current energy immediately blasted out of the Thunder Sword, and the four spiders on the ground were chopped into two with one sword!

Not only those spiders, but a small mountain area 100 meters behind the spiders was also flattened!The trees around the hot book were also cut off by the waist, and the fractures were neat and tidy, as if they had been shaved by a huge razor!

With such a powerful offensive power, Xue Di couldn't help but be shocked!

Ruidagast shouted distressedly: "My tree! Madam! You are too ruthless!"

Xuedi quickly apologized into the air, "Sorry, Archmage, I didn't control this power."

As she spoke, the blue current surrounding the Thunder Sword gradually disappeared.

The power bestowed by nature is hard to last, after all, it is not my own power.

Xuedi felt a little bit reluctant, but fortunately, the hill spider had been solved.

However, the crisis has not passed.

The hill spider is plain, it's just a little guy who opened the way.

Before the battle, an undead wearing a crown had already flashed and left, and that undead was the real dangerous person.

The two griffins landed steadily in front of Emperor Xue, the brown-robed great mage Rui Dagast jumped off Cathy, and the Emperor Chao Xue asked with concern: "Madam, are you okay?"

Xuedi nodded, "It's okay, Archmage, thank you for your help. I am deeply sorry about the trees."

Ruidagast waved his hand, "It’s not to blame you. Such a powerful natural force was suddenly grasped by one person, and the consequences are conceivable. Besides, the roots of those trees were not Destroyed, a hundred years later, they will become dense trees again."

Xuedi asked, "What are you going to do with these spiders?"

Radagast squatted next to one of the dead spiders, first sniffed with his nose, and then felt it with his staff.

Immediately afterwards, he frowned, "This is a product of dark magic...If it is unpredictably correct, the undead with the crown before should be one of the nine ring spirit kings."

The Snow Emperor said in a deep voice: "Camel hasn't awakened yet in the ancient tomb in Bray Town, so who would the undead be just now? Where does he want to go? What place in the green forest can attract Is a ring spirit king coming here at the risk of exposure?"

Ruidagast was taken aback, "No, wait! Could it be that..."

He immediately took off his dirty hat, and two kingfishers flew out of the nest above his head. The kingfishers whispered in his ear.

Although Xuedi couldn't understand bird language, it was not difficult for her to see from Rida Gast's gradually stiff expression-things were very bad.

Rydagast returned the two kingfishers to his nest and hurriedly put on his hat.

"How is it?" Xuedi asked.

"It's the black fortress." Ridagast frowned and said, "tweeting and twittering, they saw signs of activity in the black fortress. They were busy monitoring you before, so they haven't had time to report to me."

"Black fortress?" Xuedi asked curiously: "Is there a fortress here?"

"Yes, that was the fortress built in the First Age of Middle-earth." Ridagast sighed and said, "During the First Age, Morgoth created a large number of monsters, including ogres, including Half-orcs, including giant dragons, etc., these dark creatures invaded from the east, wanting to swallow the entire civilized territory of the Middle-earth continent."

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