Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1009

"And here is the first defensive front at that time. Our Saint White Council built a military-grade fortress here, and because the forest here is black, we named it the Black Fortress."

"It is precisely because of the existence of this fortress that we blocked the invasion of Morgoth's army and gained the necessary time for the Lord Gods to come and support."

"And when the Lord God descended, he descended in the Black Fortress."

Ruidagast said solemnly: "The black fortress is left with powerful magic of the main god level. This kind of magic, even the remaining fragments, is enough to tear the Middle-earth world."

Chapter 118

Emperor Xue said in astonishment: "It's so serious, isn't it..."

Ruidagast said in a deep voice, "Don’t panic, I’m talking about things in the First Era. In the Second Era, Morgoth was banished, and his monsters were hidden. The Black Fortress naturally disappeared. It’s not that important anymore."

"This black forest, under my nourishment, gradually turned into a green forest, and after several thousand years, Sauron came."

"Sauron took a fancy to the magic power of the main god remaining in the Black Fortress. Although these magic powers have faded a lot after thousands of years, the power in them is still very strong, even I dare not touch it easily."

"Sauron told me that he would build a batch of Lords of the Rings and give them to those reliable allies in Middle-earth to make them stronger, so that if Morgoth's power strikes again , We no longer need to rely on the power of the Lord God."

"I am ashamed that I agree with this suggestion very much. Of course, not only me, but other archmages agree with Sauron's suggestion. We all feel that we cannot completely count on the Lord God. After all, there was a Morgoth among the Lord God. Who can guarantee that the main gods who created this world will all become Morgoth?"

"At that time, Sauron was not the Dark Demon. He was the black-robed mage of the Holy White Council. His strength was second only to the white-robed mage Saruman. We all trusted Sauron, but at that time, Ren has been corrupted by the influence of Morgoth's remaining thoughts."

"This kind of corruption has lasted for thousands of years, so that Sauron has the opportunity to nurture his strength and establish his own secret base, which is now Modo."

"He forged nineteen Lords of the Rings and gave them to the elves, the dwarves, and the humans-just as he had promised before."

"But in fact, there is still a twentieth Lord of the Rings, which is the Supreme Lord of the Rings he left for him. The Supreme Lord of the Rings can order all other Lords of the Rings. When the owners of other Lords of the Rings wear the rings, their minds will be Corruption will become absolutely loyal, so Sauron wants to use this method to achieve the dark cause that Morgoth has not completed."

"So he came to the black fortress and convinced me to help him collect the main god-level magic power in the black fortress."

"I thought he was for Middle-earth, so I gladly helped him."

"With my help, we condense the remaining power of the main god into a mana fountain. As long as we get close to the mana fountain, we can temporarily gain the power of the main god."

"After completing the Mana Fountain, Sauron summoned nine human kings who had already brought the Lord of the Rings to the Black Fortress and shut everyone out, including me of course."

"His reason is that the main god's mana fountain is too important to let anyone who has nothing to do with it. I feel offended because I have never had such ambitions, but...I have always been a gentle person, I just After a few days of sulking, he happily went to other things again."

"Until one day, I found that the nine human kings and their armies had left the black fortress. I was very curious, so I came to the black fortress again."

"However, Sauron is not in the Black Fortress. The precious fountain of mana has also dried up. The Black Fortress is full of dark and decadent smells."

"I have fought Morgoth. I am familiar with this dark feeling. I was worried that something happened to Sauron, so I quickly reported to the White Council. But when I arrived at the White Council, Saruman in the white robe said I was arrested for collaborating with the enemy."

"I just know that Sauron has relied on the power of the mana fountain to create the prototype of the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and then brought it back to Modo and forged it with the fire of apocalypse. Sauron has completely fallen and corrupted, and the nine human kings have also He has become his Ring Spirit King and is under his control. He is gathering his army of orcs, and the entire Middle-earth world is in chaos." k "I am called Sauron’s accomplice, it’s really not an exaggeration. what."

Ruidagast sighed sadly, seemingly not wanting to recall that unbearable past.

But after a short pause, he continued: "Later, Gandalf defended me, thinking that I was only deceived by Sauron, and Saruman agreed to allow me to commit crimes, so that I can get from the White Council. Get out of prison-I owe Gandalf once. I said to Gandalf that if one day he is also put in jail by Saruman, I will do my best to rescue him. Of course, I have this opportunity. I have waited for almost three thousand years, but I haven't waited yet."

"In short, anyway, we finally formed the alliance army, defeated Sauron, who had not yet formed the army, and destroyed his body."

"However, his soul is already tied to the Supreme Lord of the Rings. If the Supreme Lord of the Rings is not destroyed, Sauron will not really die."

"Unfortunately, the human hero Esiduo who killed Sauron was bewitched by the powerful mana of the Supreme Lord of the Rings at the last moment. He finally failed to throw the Supreme Lord of the Rings into the Doomsday Volcano."

"Later, the Supreme Lord of the Rings betrayed Essidor. During the battle with the Orcs, the Supreme Lord of the Rings slipped from Essidor’s fingers. The Nine Lords of the Rings arrived and killed Esidor. The Supreme Lord Ring has also been lost."

"But the Supreme Lord of the Rings absolutely did not die, because the dark power of this world is still growing, which shows that Sauron's will has not yet died."

"However, since then, since the Third Age, Sauron has not reappeared until now. Middle-earth has lived relatively safely for almost three thousand years."

Having said this, Radagast raised his eyes to the black mountain range in the distance, and muttered: "Now, the evil power is about to move. A powerful Ring Spirit King has awakened and is heading to the Black Fortress... …This is definitely not a good sign."

Xuedi said in a deep voice, "No matter what that guy wants to do, it must be related to the remaining power of the main god in the black fortress. We must stop him."

Ruidagast nodded and said, "Yes, although the mana fountain has dried up, there may be a little bit of the main god's mana remaining in the ruins of the fountain! Well, it’s all because I don’t care about these things at all. I was asked. Guarding the northern border, but I am only busy taking care of the little animals. This is all my fault!"

Xuedi said: "Ridagast, don't blame yourself, let's go and take a look."

"Good! Good!"

"Wait! The corpses of these poisonous spiders must be disposed of, otherwise the entire area will be contaminated by the plague." Xuedi reminded.

"Hmm!" Rydagast summoned a flame immediately, completely burning the corpses of the four spiders.

As a natural mage, his strength is really strong.

The two immediately mounted the Griffins again, and the Griffins spread their wings, quickly lifted off, and flew towards the Black Fortress.

Chapter 119 Angmar Witch King

Griffins fly very fast.

The dense woods on the ground passed by just one click.

In the distance stood a sharp mountain, almost connected to the sky.

This is the highest mountain in the entire Green Forest. It is no wonder that the Alliance will arrange the first line to stop Morgoth here.

From the topographical point of view, this is indeed a fortress of formations.

The Griffin quickly flew over the black fortress.

There are still traces of human architecture, but there are broken walls everywhere, cracks in the walls and floor tiles are covered with weeds, and many buildings can no longer see their original appearance.

"Well, Phoebe, Cathy, just put us there!" Radagast said, pointing to a deserted platform.

The Griffins groaned and began to slow down and land.

Ruidagast introduced: "This was originally a war room. The walls were covered with maps of all kinds, and there were all kinds of sandboxes on the table. Unfortunately, the whole building is now falling apart. It's just the floor."

If he didn't say anything, Emperor Xue could not see that this was once a war room, only that it was once a room.

After landing, Rydagast asked the Griffin to stop here on standby.

This landing place is very good, with a wide view. If you want to fly away, you can just jump directly, spread your wings and fly away.

Ruidagast sniffed, frowned and said, "The taste here is somewhat similar to that of three thousand years ago, but it is still dark. We must be very careful here."

Xuedi nodded and showed his Thunder Sword and Belief Barrier Shield.

Her barrier of faith had been splattered with spider venom. The shield's original beautiful shield surface was not corroded, but it was still usable.

Of course, the barrier of faith can be repaired, as long as you return to the plane of survival and find a senior forge to repair it again, it will look like a brand new one.

Of course, the higher the level of equipment, the cost of shadow power to repair will also be more expensive, like the current situation of the barrier of faith, it takes about 200 shadow power points to repair it.

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