Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1011

As he said, Xuedi took a deep breath and tightened the Thunder Sword in his hand.

Angmar Witch King sneered, "I have no interest in fighting women, Rhidagast, surrender, and surrender your mana."

Ruidagast gritted his teeth and said, "No, never!"

Angema Witch King said coldly: "Okay, then I will kill you, and then use my Demon Cavern Sword to draw your mana from you!"

As he said, the figure of the Witch King Angmar turned into a chilly wind, and it rushed straight to Radagast.

Ruidagast didn't have time to shoot, he ran to the edge of the cliff anxiously, while the Snow Emperor was chasing after the Angmar Witch King, trying to attract the Angmar Witch King's attention.

But the Angmar Witch King has no interest in confronting women.

He still pursued Ridagast with all his strength.

After all, killing an unknown woman and the brown-robed great mage who killed a holy white council naturally made the latter more prestigious.

Ruidagast pushed to the cliff, and there was no retreat.

Angmar Witch King grinned and said: "Rhidagast, everything is over, surrender. If you return to the Demon Lord Sauron, the Dark Dynasty will have your place."

Ruidagast said angrily: "Go dream! I would rather die than surrender!"

Angmar Witch King said coldly: "Then you go to die!"

With that said, the Angmar Witch King pierced Ridagast's heart with his magic cave sword.Literary Dagast fell backward, and the whole person fell to the cliff!

"Ridagast!" Xuedi suddenly exclaimed!

This is not right!

The plot of "The Hobbit 1" is not like this!

Ruidagast, the brown-robed mage, shouldn't just hang up here!

The Snow Emperor slashed at the Witch King Angmar with a thunder sword angrily.

Angmar Witch King snorted coldly, and didn't even dodge.

The Thunder Sword swept across the emptiness of the Angmar Witch King's body, without causing any substantial damage.

Angmar Witch King smiled arrogantly: "Understood, woman? You can't hurt me at all! Since Ridagasta is dead, then I don't need to keep you in this world, but , As a woman, you are not worthy of letting me kill you with the Demon Cave Sword!"

As he said, Angmar Witch King raised his palm, and a sense of extreme cold condensed in his palm.

Xuedi couldn't help taking a breath, realizing that she could not fight a powerful magic swordsman, so she had to step back.

But her right leg was scratched by the cold air of the Demon Sword before, and it was extremely inconvenient to move!

With this palm, it is difficult for her to avoid it!

And the barrier of faith, even if it can stop the impact of the Angmar Witch King, it is difficult to stop the cold magic power!

"Go to hell, woman!" A smug grin appeared on the Angmar Witch King's face.

Suddenly, at this moment, a griffon chirp came from the cliff.

Immediately afterwards, a golden griffin soared into the sky, with a dirty man on his back!

It's the brown-robed archmage Ruidagast!

He is not dead!

He fell off the cliff deliberately, because he arranged for Griffon Cathy to follow him below!

As soon as Ruidagast lifted into the air, he used his staff to summon a large fireball and directly hit the Angmar Witch King.

The Angmar Witch King quickly blocked with the Demon Cavern Sword, but he was a bit slower, and was directly blown out by the fireball, and the body of the undead became extremely unstable!

Xuedi exclaimed excitedly: "Ridagast! Nice job!"

Ruidagast didn't dare to relax, "Madam, you are right. My fighting ability is too bad. If I want to drive him away, I still have to rely on you!"

As he said, Reda Gast raised his staff high and silently recited the magic spell.

Xuedi quickly raised his Thunder Sword!

Angema Witch King realized what they were going to do, and hurriedly struggled, raised the Demon Cave Sword, ready to hack the Snow Emperor!


A dazzling and scorching lightning fell from the sky, and the powerful force of nature was completely poured into the Snow Emperor's Thunder Sword, and the Thunder Sword flashed with lightning!

Xuedi's hair and cloak were completely upside down!

Xuedi said coldly: "Angma, now do you dare to use one hand to fight against me?"

Angma's undead face twitched, and did not answer, just raised his Demon Cavern Sword and slashed towards Snow Emperor.

Chapter 121 You...you all have to die!

Xuedi smiled coldly, she clenched the sword of thunder tightly, and directly cut across without skill.

What is a great skill?

This means that when you have the power to destroy the dry, there is no need to use those fancy moves.

One move can cut down a mountain, do you still need a fake move?

No, not at all.

The Snow Emperor just went straight to the Angmar Witch King!

The Angmar Witch King felt the strong electrical stimulation, and his undead body began to tremble in pain.

And this, before the two swords collided!

The magic power has already faced the two swords head-on!


With a sharp metal crash, the power of the thunder completely overwhelmed the cold of Netherworld!

Angmar Witch King suddenly wailed, his undead body turned into a group of ghost fire to escape, and his Demon Cavern Sword was left where it was.

The entire black fortress trembled and trembled, and the impact was so strong that even Xue Di himself could hardly bear it.

After the aftershocks subsided a bit, Emperor Xue stabilized his figure and looked around in astonishment.

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