Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1012

"Where is the Angmar? Are you dead?" Xuedi asked.

Griffon Cathy landed, and Ryda Gast jumped off Cathy’s back and shook his head, "No, Angmar is not so easy to be killed. The essence of the nine ring spirit kings is no longer They are themselves, but the nine Lords of the Rings with their power. Although these Lords of the Rings may also be destroyed, it is by no means as easy as just now. If I read correctly, Angmar has escaped, and you will He was seriously injured, and in a short time, he should not be making trouble."

Xuedi faintly relieved.

She knew in her heart that this short time should be 50 years.

After 50 years, Angmar Witch King, Kamel Ring Spirit King, and several other Ring Spirit Kings will all be re-summoned by Demon Lord Sauron.

"Not good!" Ruidagast ran to the wreckage of Mana Fountain in a panic.

He probed the last little bit of wet soil under the ruins of the Mana Fountain, then leaned under his nose and smelled it, "It's not good, it's bad, it's the smell of darkness! The smell of darkness!"

The Snow Emperor said comfortingly: "Ridagast, you are too nervous, didn't you mean that there is always a smell of darkness here?"

"Yes! That's right!" said Ruidagast: "There has always been a dark taste here, but that dark taste is a very old dark taste, and the current dark taste is indeed completely fresh! This shows! The Angmar Witch King has already touched this mana fountain! What did he do? He wouldn't be without purpose! Wait, this mana fountain has not been completely absorbed yet, and there is still a little bit of water, this It shows that Angmar’s ceremony is not over yet!"

Radagast took the faintly blue magic crystal from the staff and chanted a spell silently, and everything around him immediately rendered a blue halo.

Suddenly, a dark cloud appeared above the mana fountain.

Without a word, Xuedi grabbed the Thunder Sword and smashed it.

There is still natural power remaining on the sword of thunder, but it has been attenuated by more than half. Therefore, the light of lightning only split the surface of the black cloud.

A suspended doomsday eye immediately appeared in front of Xuedi and Ruidagast.

This eye of doom is very big, two meters long in diameter.Beautiful book, and this is actually only its smallest time, when Sauron's will is fully awakened, Sauron will use this doomsday eye to control his magic army.

Ruidagast exclaimed: "Sauron!"

The blood-red pupils of the Eye of Doom turned for a moment, and a low roar sounded simultaneously in the minds of Ruidagast and Xuedi.

"Unexpectedly, I was interrupted by you." Sauron said with thought: "I could have reshaped the human form, but now I only have this magic eye."

Xuedi felt a splitting headache, and her whole body was unable to support. She tried hard not to let herself fall to the ground, but in the end she was still suppressed to the ground by Sauron's powerful mind.

Radagast is naturally not much better.

Although Ruidagast is the brown-robed archmage of the Holy White Council, he used to be at the same level as the black-robed mage Sauron, but his strength is too far behind Sauron.

Sauron himself is a sub-god of Maya who is proficient in combat. In the first era, he absorbed part of Morgoth's divine power. Then, in the second era, he forged another twenty supreme demons. Quit!

Relying on these additional powers, even if he does not have his original physical body, his strength is undefeable even if the Holy White Council is united!

At the end of the Second Age, the Holy White Council united the elves, dwarves, and humans of Middle-earth. All the forces added together, and finally won with a tragic ending.

If Sauron hadn't been too careless at the time, thinking that he had cut off Esidor’s Holy Sword of Nasir, he would have peace of mind, and he would not have been cut off by Essidor with the blade of the Nasir Holy Sword with the Supreme Lord Ring Fingers up.

This is Sauron's own fate.

But in terms of strength, if Sauron was completely resurrected, then the entire Middle-earth world would not be his opponent.

Even if he only has a magic eye now, his dark power is enough to prevent the strongest person from standing up.

Not only was the Snow Emperor unable to stand, but even the Archmage Ruidagast was suppressed on the ground, and even the Griffin who wanted to take off was suppressed on the ground!

Sauron's cold voice roared in their minds: "This is the end of the interruption of my resurrection ceremony! You... all have to die!"

Xuedi tried to endure the pain of being crushed, and contacted Xufeng with the last thought.

At this time, the only thing she could rely on was Xufeng.

She didn't know if Xufeng could help, but she only hoped that she could say that to Xufeng before she died.

In a word, she has been hiding in her heart, but she has never had the courage to say something.

Not much, just three words.

After saying these three words, she can die and stare.

At this time, Xufeng was playing backgammon with Bilbo. According to the game they had ended, Bilbo had already lost 20,000 meals, but Bilbo still wanted to play with Xufeng.

The Hammer was chatting with Groin and other dwarves, exchanging forging skills with them.

When Xu Feng was bored, there was a sudden pain in his mind.

The moment his mind connected with Emperor Xue, he felt the pain of Emperor Xue, and also heard a cold and dangerous dark roar.

This sudden pain made Xufeng unable to hold the chess pieces, and the five-piece chess was scattered on the ground!

Bilbo didn't know the inside story, thought that Xufeng could not play him, so he laughed happily: "Haha! I won! I won this game!"

Chapter 122 I'm Still Dead!

How can Xufeng be in the mood to joke with Bilbo?

He pushed aside the chessboard, stumbled towards the hammer who was talking happily with the dwarves, and grabbed the hammer's hand.

The Hammer exclaimed, and as soon as he was about to question Xufeng, he immediately felt a strong pressure in his mind!

The Xuedi team’s thoughts are connected to Xufeng because of the arcane crystal core and crystal shards. Therefore, when Xufeng pulls the hammer's hand, the hammer’s thoughts are also connected with Xufeng. The Snow Emperor is connected.

All three of them have endured huge dark thoughts!

However, sharing by three people is better than sharing by one!

Xufeng held the hammer's hand tightly, and the hammer trembled uncontrollably, his expression extremely painful.

The dwarves all looked at Xufeng and Iron Hammer in surprise.

Bahrain asked with concern: "Two, are you all right?"

Both Xufeng and Iron Hammer were speechless, and their thoughts were all used to resist the power of Sauron's Eye.

Xufeng vaguely heard Xuedi say two words: I love you.

These two words are not very clear, but they can still be distinguished carefully.

Xufeng didn't have time to think about more, but concentrated his mind and said to Xuedi: "Hold on, I won't abandon you! You hold on to me!"

Then Xufeng quickly connected Yang Gong Zai and Lin Hai. Although this would cause both Yang Gong Zai and Lin Hai to endure great pain, at least the pressure of the three of them was divided equally into five.

Xu Feng used his mind to say to others at the same time: "Put your spirits...all together! Fully...support Xuedi! Fully!"

Iron Hammer, Yang Gongzai, and Lin Hai all concentrated their thoughts to the extreme. Coupled with Xufeng's thoughts, all the thoughts of the Xuedi team gathered on Xuedi!

Xuedi suddenly felt that his willpower was becoming immense!

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