Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1013

She roared, stood up with the sword of thunder that still had natural power, and then slammed a sword at the magic eye!

Sauron was shocked!

"How is this possible! You can withstand my oppressive power?"

"Well, after all, it's because I just recovered and my strength hasn't fully recovered yet!"

"Well, I'll let you go this time, but when we meet again next time, none of you can run away!"


The stinging laughter reverberated in everyone's minds in Xuedi team, shocking them almost to faint.

But before long, Sauron's laughter disappeared, and then the magic eye disappeared.

The pressure on the Xuedi team was completely relieved, and everyone was exhausted.

Xufeng was covered in sweat, and so did the hammer he held his hand tightly.

Xu Feng confirmed that Xuedi was okay, and directly interrupted the connection of thoughts.

They don't have the strength to transmit any word with their minds anymore, they all need to rest.

After cutting off his thoughts, Xu Feng lost consciousness and crashed to the ground.

The hammer also fell to the ground.49 e-books

The dwarves rushed over and carried them to a comfortable place.

Bilbo blinked and said, "Isn't it just losing a gobang..."

In the Black Fortress, Xuedi was also exhausted, unable to move at all.

Fortunately, there was Ruidagast beside her, and Ruidagast used his wand to apply a restoration magic to the Snow Emperor, and the Snow Emperor took a sigh of relief.

Rydagast said: "Just...cough cough...it was really too dangerous."

Xuedi panted and nodded.

Ruidagast said: "The Dark Lord Sauron has become stronger. Although he has not fully recovered yet, after more than two thousand years of dormancy, he has developed a large number of dark believers. These dark believers are considered to be Part of his power. I thought that we were dead this time, but I didn’t expect that you could stand up and strike him with a sword. In fact, with his strength, we can continue to suppress us, but he should be Frightened back by your courage, he was afraid that he would be beaten back into an unconscious form just after he woke up, so he gave up killing us and fled quickly. He should have fled back to Modo, However, we cannot attack Modo without our troops. Alas, I don’t think it will be long before Middle-earth will be enveloped by dark power."

Xuedi said wearily: "Ridagasta, don't... be pessimistic."

Rida Gast was taken aback, and then grinned: "Yes, there is nothing to be pessimistic. After all, it is a blessing in misfortune that we were able to survive under Sauron's power. By the way, you Do you know? I was really afraid of death just now. Don’t think I’m the archmage of the Holy White Council, but I’m also afraid! I even wrote the survivors in my heart, and my forest tree house is going to be given to the little hedgehog Sebastian, one of my cabinets will be given to twitter, and mine..."

The Snow Emperor listened to Ruidagast's chattering, suddenly a panic surged in his heart!

She thought she was dead just now!

So she said those three words to Xufeng!

I rely on!

It's okay if you die!

The problem is not dead now!

Isn't this embarrassing?

Didn't this become my initiative to confess to Xufeng?

I...I...I'm still dead!

Snow Emperor stood up and shouted loudly into the air: "Sauron! You trash! Come back! Come and chop Laozi! Come and chop Laozi!"

Ruidagast looked at Xuedi in astonishment. He didn't understand why a lady who was usually calm and steady was suddenly so violent.

"By the way, this must be a sequelae left by Sauron's dark magic!" Rui Dagast looked at the yelling Snow Emperor with distress, and said softly: "Madam, you have suffered. Don't worry, I It's not because of your irritable behavior today that you feel that you are an uncultivated lady, because all of this is forgivable."

The Snow Emperor yelled for a long time, his voice was dumb, and he didn't even call Sauron's magic eyes back.

She suddenly remembered that Lin Hai and Duke Yang should also be in a state of collapse, so she quickly said to Rui Dagast: "My two friends may have also been suppressed by the black power. Archmage, you have to Let your forest help them."

Rhidagast immediately took off his dirty brown hat, released the kingfishers to twitter and chat, and then spoke to them in bird language.

The two kingfishers immediately spread their wings and flew away, passing the news for Rhidagast.

"Don't worry, my forest will take care of them." Ridagast laughed.

Xuedi nodded now.

Ruidagast picked up the Demon Cavern Sword scattered on the ground, looked at it left and right, and handed it to the Snow Emperor, "Madam, the Angmar Witch King and the Eye of Sauron were all repelled by you, this The loot is now yours."

Xuedi wanted to scan to see the attributes of the weapon, but she really didn't have extra energy now.

She just reluctantly nodded at Radagast, and then fell asleep.

Chapter 123

By the time Snow Emperor woke up again, it was already noon the next day.

Her body was not injured, so from the perspective of life, it was not a major problem, but she was too tired.

When she opened her eyes, a little furry hedgehog was sitting next to her, looking at her intently.

Xuedi smiled softly at the little hedgehog, "What are you doing? Sebastian?"

The Snow Emperor would hardly smile like this to people, but he can to small animals.

However, she still wears the mask of Medusa, so even if she smiles softly, Sebastian the hedgehog still cannot feel it.

The little hedgehog squeaked and called, and the brown-robed archmage Rui Dagast ran in from the outside room.

"What happened?"

As soon as Ruidagast saw that the Snow Emperor was awake, he let out a long sigh of relief, "Great lady, you finally woke up, if you don't wake up today, I really don't know what to do! In fact, the condition of you and your two friends is something I have never seen before. You obviously have no injuries, but you have been sleeping all the time."

Xuedi said faintly: "Thank you for your care, Ruidagast, we have nothing serious, but we are too tired."

Ruidagast quickly said: "Oh, it turns out to be mentally exhausted! It doesn't matter, I have nectar that can restore my spirits, I will go get you some."

Xuedi hurriedly said: "No need for Ruidagast, we are bringing Xingyue tea ourselves."

"What tea?" Radagast asked suspiciously.

"Xingyue tea." Xuedi took out two cups of Xingyue tea from his spiritual table inventory, drank one cup by himself, and handed one to Ruidagast.

In any case, Radagast was a comrade in arms fighting with them, and while they were in a coma, Radagast was busy taking care of them all the time. His photo was not very good. She had two big dark circles on her smooth face.

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