Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1014

Drinking a cup of Xingyue tea for Ruidagast is also reasonable.

Ruidagast took the Xingyue Tea and shook his head first, "No, I don’t like tea. I prefer to drink pure and natural honey. Of course, with my own recovery magic, it tastes even better. Okay, I...huh?"

He smelled the unique herbal tea scent of Xingyue Tea, and couldn't help but leaned to his mouth, "Well, for your sake, I'll just have a simple bite."

As he said, he took a sip.

After a mouthful, he shouted in surprise: "What is this! What is this!"

Xuedi said helplessly: "Xingyue tea."

"Xingyue Tea!" Ruidagast took a deep breath and said excitedly: "I have lived in Midway for so long, why have I never drunk such delicious tea!"

Xuedi hurriedly said: "Oh, this is my friend's newly developed tea, which is specially used to restore physical fitness and energy, so most people have never drank it."

Ruidagast quickly said: "Where is your friend? Can I ask him to buy some? Oh no, I don't have money. Such a good Xingyue tea must be very expensive, but if he has If necessary, I can help him. After all, I am the brown-robed great mage of the Holy White Council!"

Emperor Xue said inwardly, you also know that you are the brown-robed great mage of the Holy White Council!Look at what you have never seen before.

Xuedi said lightly: "Of course it’s okay. My friend is very talkative. He is now with your old friend Gandalf. I am going to meet him. I wonder if you have this interest. ."

Radagast said in surprise: "Aha! Gandalf! So your friend and Gandalf are friends! That's great! Gandalf and I are also good friends, friends of friends are friends! And, since it's black The things here in the fortress are almost handled, so we can indeed go to Gandalf and the others, just...your bodies?"

Xuedi said faintly: "Our bodies are not in any serious problems. After resting for an hour or two, we can go on the road."

Ruidagast said happily: "That's great. I'll go and arrange things about the Green Forest. Two hours later, we can set off."

"Okay." Xuedi nodded.

Ruidagast held the Xingyue Tea and said, "I'll take it and drink it. I have to drink it slowly. A drop can't be wasted."

With that said, Ruidagast cautiously walked out holding Xingyue Tea.Searching for books, Xuedi smiled helplessly, then drank the Xingyue Tea in her hand, her physical strength and energy were further restored.

She wanted to communicate with Xufeng with her mind to see how things are going on at Xufeng's side, but...

She really didn't know what kind of mentality she should use to face Xu Feng.

What if Xufeng asked him about his confession?How should she answer?

Is it a shy admission?Still deny it?


Damn the Eye of Sauron!

When Xuedi thought about these "mess and mess" things, he couldn't help but feel big.

She didn't even want to see Xufeng, because when facing each other, it would only make her feel more embarrassed.

She could already imagine Xu Feng's grinning face.

She tried to calm her mood and drive Xufeng out of her mind, but the more she did this, the more the image of Xufeng would appear in her mind.

She suddenly realized something terrible.

That is, she is really in love.

This made her very conflicted.

She once vowed that she would not have feelings for any man, and all her mind should be on improving herself, so as to help her brother better.


Xufeng is in her mind, in her heart, lingering.

She didn’t realize that she loved Xufeng before. She could even deceive herself that she was the captain of the Xuedi team, and Xufeng was the most indispensable member of the Xuedi team, so she would care about him, and now , She can no longer use such excuses to deceive herself.

She began to realize that she really liked Xufeng.

really like.

Like it, at the moment she thought she was going to die, what she thought in her mind was not to talk to her brother, but to Xufeng.

The regret of her life is not that she failed to help her brother, but that she failed to say I love you to the person she likes.

This made Xuedi's heart messy and made her wonder how to face Xufeng in the future.

She only hoped that Xufeng did not hear those three words she said.

In this way, she can continue to pretend that she is not interested in Xufeng at all.

Although this is difficult to install, it can be installed after all.

She sighed faintly, opened the Medusa mask, and drank Xingyue tea in one fell swoop.

In any case, the reward task must continue.

If Xufeng asked about her confession, she would...don't admit it!

Ok!That's it!

Xuedi regained his spirits, put on the Medusa mask again, and restored his cold appearance.

Chapter 124

Two hours later, Ruidagast, the brown-robed mage, set off with the Xuedi three.

Ruidagast was still riding in his rabbit sled, while the Snow Emperor and the others got a wild horse without a saddle.

These three wild horses are very unruly, but with Ruidagast here, they are also willing to let Snow Emperor ride them.

Without Rydagast, these wild horses would not be ridden by humans.

Gong Yang rode on his horse back and bumped all the way, and he couldn't stand it before he got out of the green forest.

"Respected Archmage Ruidagast, why can't we leave on a griffin?" Gong Yang said seriously again, "I think if we ride a griffin, we should be faster."

Ruidagast laughed and said: "Yes, riding a griffin will definitely be faster. However, the journey from the green forest to the Kingdom of Yarnuo is relatively long, and the griffin will easily spawn when flying at high altitude. Tired, they are not suitable for long distance journeys. Oh, and one more thing, most humans in Middle-earth have never seen griffins. If griffins appear in human villages, they will probably be terrified."

Gong Yang said helplessly, "Okay."

Lin Hai cleared his throat, "Well, respectable Archmage Ruidagast, I am old and my physical recovery is slow. This wild horse is too bumpy again. Look, can I ride a rabbit sled with you? What?"

Reda Gast smiled and said, "Of course, my human friend, come on, come on."

Lin Hai happily said, "It's great, and thank you, noble archmage."

While talking, he rolled over and got off his horse, and happily jumped on the rabbit sled.

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