Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1016

But she immediately realized that she shouldn't be happy.

Xufeng is my brother!

I lie down with my brother, why should I be happy!

Hold it!Hammer!

No, right? Hold on!Murong hates snow!

Don't just think about it just because you are lying with your brother!

Iron Hammer quickly closed his eyes, but Xu Feng's iconic smirk was all that appeared in his mind.

Bilbo hurriedly went out to cook instant noodles. Gandalf and Thorin were naturally not happy to stay in the cave, and they walked outside the cave side by side.

"Fortunately, Ms. Hammer has awakened." Thorin opened the chatterbox and said, "In this way, the swordsman should also be awakened soon."

Gandalf took a sip of Shire tobacco, but did not answer.

Thorin asked strangely: "Gandalf, why have you been silent? Are you dissatisfied with my approach? But I didn't do anything to sorry the swordsmen and them."

Bahrain persuaded Solin to throw "Diedi" and the hammer here first, and continue on the road with his luggage, but Solin did not agree.

Thorin is a conceited person, but this does not affect him as an upright person.

From this point alone, Thorin is not too bad.

Gandalf took a sip of Shire tobacco, faintly spit out a big eye circle, and then looked at the mountains in the far north, murmured: "No, Thorin, I am not targeting you, but I am a little worried. Up."

Thorin asked strangely: "Worry? What are you worried about? Is the swordsman safe? Even Ms. Hammer has awakened, and the swordsman will definitely be fine." Ureader Gandalf shook his head, "I'm worried, of course. Not Didi, but...before Didi and the hammer fainted, I suddenly felt a familiar and powerful force."

Thorin's eyes widened, "What? Why didn't I feel it? What kind of power is that?"

Gandalf gave a wry smile, "...Forget it, it's nothing, it may be my illusion."

He wanted to tell Thorin the doubts in his heart, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed again.

First of all, he did not know why he felt oppressed by dark forces.

Moreover, he is too familiar with that dark power, that is Sauron's power!

But the problem is that the Dark Lord Sauron has been "dead" for almost three thousand years, how could he suddenly sense the existence of his power?And why did that power disappear in an instant?

Did you have hallucinations?

If it was an illusion, why did "Diedi" and the hammer fainted?

And if it is not an illusion, it means that the Dark Lord Sauron has been reborn in a certain sense.

Middle-earth will face a greater catastrophe.

This is far more deadly than the danger faced by the expedition team!

The danger faced by the expedition team is nothing more than an army of half-orcs, nothing more than an obstacle from the elves, and nothing more than the final anger of Smaug, the last dragon in Middle-earth.

But if Sauron has awakened, then the entire Middle-earth world will face an extinction!

If you tell Thorin about this concern, Thorin will only think that Gandalf wants to leave the expedition, and then dissatisfied with Gandalf.

Therefore, Gandalf finally endured it.

Before there is more evidence to prove that he is worried, he can't say such a scary thing.

...If only Didi wakes up.

Gandalf sighed.

If Diego wakes up, at least you can communicate with him to see what is going on.

"The noodles are coming!" Bilbo passed by Thorin and Gandalf with a bowl of instant noodles steaming with heat and aroma.

Thorin took a deep breath, and then said to Gandalf: "Gandalf, I'm going to have something to eat, do you want to be together?"

Gandalf nodded, "Okay."

In fact, as the great mage of the Holy White Council, Maya's secondary god, he didn't need to eat at all.

However, instant noodles are indeed too fragrant, even the sub-God can't help it.

The two immediately walked to the campfire outside the cave, where the dwarves were singing and dancing, eating instant noodles happily.

Bilbo brought the instant noodles into the hole and said softly: "Ms. Hammer, your instant noodles are here."

The hammer turned over and sat up, and took the large bowl of instant noodles with both hands, "Thank you, Bilbo."

Bilbo smiled ashamed. "You're welcome-I'm actually to blame for this. I will try to compensate you."

While eating instant noodles, Iron Hammer asked vaguely: "What is to blame for you?"

Bilbo said sadly: "It's all because I won a round of Gomoku against Diego that Didi fainted. I'm guilty and I shouldn't win."

The hammer flicked, almost squirting out the instant noodle juice in his mouth.

"Hahaha! Are you trying to laugh at me so as to take my instant noodles?"

The hammer chuckled and clutched his stomach: "Can you beat him? Stop dreaming. I have known him for so long and I have never seen him lose in anything!"

Chapter 126

Bilbo opened his mouth in embarrassment, blushing and defended: "But I really won. Otherwise, how could he faint?"

Hammer laughed and said: "He was not dizzy because of playing chess with you, but because we were working together to fight against a terrifying spiritual suppression. He is the focus of all our minds, so the spiritual suppression he bears The strength is also the heaviest, which is why I have regained consciousness, but he is so powerful, but he has not yet regained consciousness. However, don’t worry, he will be able to wake up soon."

Bilbo was surprised and said: "Ms. Hammer...Did you hurt your head? I don't understand what you are saying. What to focus on? What mental suppression?"

The hammer waved his hand, "Forget it, I can't explain it to you. In short, you only need to know that he didn't fainted because he played chess with you, and you don't have to blame yourself for it."

Bilbo breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good."

Speaking of which, he still feels a little disappointed.

After all, he hopes to win "Diedi" once.

And now it seems that "Diedi" probably didn't really lose that gomoku duel.

Hey, when can we win "Diedi".

Bilbo sighed inwardly.

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