Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1017

I ate all the instant noodles and drank the noodle soup.

She handed the bowl to Bilbo, "Trouble, give me another bowl."

Bilbo was startled slightly and nodded quickly.

This woman's appetite is so terrifying!

Bilbo murmured inwardly while taking the big bowl.

Bilbo himself can only eat half a pack every time, and half a pack is already very supportive for him. Although he wants to eat more, he can't eat it anymore.

The dwarves can eat one pack per meal, which in Bilbo's opinion is already amazing.

As a human lady, Hammer can actually eat two packs of a meal!

It's so... amazing.

The lady who has to eat two packs of instant noodles for a meal does not know who would dare to marry her.

Bilbo turned and walked out of the cave.

At this time, the sky was already dark.

The dwarves ate and drank, and they all lay half-lying on the campfire outside the cave.

The cave is naturally letting "Diedi" and Hammer live. After all, the two of them are sick and need a quiet and comfortable place. The dwarves are accustomed to sleeping between the rocks, which is nothing to them. .

What's more, all the supplies are outside the cave. There is no shop in front of the village, and they have to guard the supplies.

At this time, there was a team outside the valley quietly gathering.

"Report boss! I have completed the investigation!"

A masked human robber hurried back to report.

The bandit leader was the bandit leader who was planning to hijack Xufeng outside the town of Bray a few days ago, and even longer before, he took people to hide on the main road in the Shire area, preparing to hijack past merchants.

As a result, when he was in the Shire area, he was discovered by Xufeng, and in the end he had no choice but to flee. He fled all the way to the wilderness on the north side of Bray Town, re-recruiting troops and preparing for robbery.

Unexpectedly, he was bumped into by Xufeng passing by, and several newly recruited robbers were hacked and killed by Xufeng.

Of course, the loss of the bandit leader was not serious. He took off the equipment of the new bandits killed by Xufeng and sold them on the black market. He actually made some.Feiku can buy and sell!

Although he was beaten up by Xufeng, and it was still twice, he didn't lose every time!

So he continued to recruit troops and horses. This time, he recruited more than 20 new robbers in nearby villages and towns, and asked for a one-month trial period. Within one month, only food and lodging were included, and no sharing was included. Newcomers were also required. Robbers must bring their own weapons and equipment, and the value of weapons and equipment cannot be less than 10 gold coins.

In this way, the number of robbers in his hand has reached the scale of thirty people, which is considered small and powerful.

Of course, he didn't want to run into "Diedi" again.

After all, it is still uncomfortable to be labelled as a bereaved dog.

Therefore, he decided not to take the road this time, but to pick out the quiet paths and forests.

It's really the emperor who pays off!

The robber he sent out to investigate, accidentally discovered the voice of dwarves singing loudly in the valley outside Canyon Town.

The robber approached cautiously, then climbed to the tree to check, and found that the dwarven camp was full of supplies!

This is really a big piece of fat!

No, fat is not enough for a metaphor!

It should be said that this is simply a palace feast!

The robber in charge of the investigation immediately returned to the robber leader, and said with joy: "Boss, we are really rich this time! In the mountains not far away, there is a team of dwarves. Their supplies and horses are enough for us to sell thousands of dollars. Gold coins!"

The bandit leader was overjoyed, "Really? Did you see clearly? It's really a team of dwarves?"

The scouting robber said, "I pledged my head, this is definitely a team of dwarves!"

The bandit leader still asked uneasy: "No humans?"

The detective robber hesitated, "There is one."

The robber's heart trembled, "Who?"

The detective robber said quickly: "It's not Diedi! He's a lanky, gray-bearded old man. It looks like he should be in his seventies or eighties."

"Oh!" The bandit leader immediately relieved, "So, how strong are the other dwarves?"

The detective robber said quite contentedly: "Boss, I have thoroughly figured it out! There are 13 dwarves in total, two of which look older, the rest are considered mature, and two are younger. Plus Go to the old man with gray beard. There are 14 of them."

The bandit leader grinned and said, "Good job! They are only 14 people, and we have 30 people! They don't know our existence yet. We can approach them quietly and catch them by surprise! Brothers, rich! The opportunity is here! Are you all ready?"

The robbers all geared up, "Ready! Boss!"

"Well, take off your shoes, don't make any noises, we quietly approached, and then besieged them with bows and arrows!" the bandit leader ordered.


The robbers immediately took off their shoes, hung the shoes around their necks, and then took out their bows and arrows, in the form of encircling circles, quietly fumbled towards the resting place of the dwarves.

It is getting darker and darker.

The dwarves ate and drank enough, and after singing and skipping, they all went to sleep under the warm fur.

The robbers had already touched it quietly.

Although Gandalf does not need to sleep, he is a bit distracted at the moment. He has been thinking about the many possibilities of the resurrection of Demon Lord Sauron and the possible consequences.

Therefore, when the robbers came to him with bows and arrows, he realized that something was wrong.

Chapter 127

Gandalf exclaimed, and suddenly stood up to get his staff, but the robbers took the lead and pointed a sharp arrow at Gandalf's heart.

"Don't move! Don't move! Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you kill!" The bandit leader jumped on a raised rock and shouted.

The dwarves suddenly woke up and wanted to get their own weapons, but the bandits had tightened the encirclement, and none of them could move.

Including Thorin, who had just fallen asleep, could only frown and clenched empty fists.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Thorin asked in a deep voice.

He is a dwarf prince, no matter in terms of identity or strength, he should negotiate here.

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