Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1019

Xufeng suddenly felt a little bit dumbfounded.

He said that he wanted to protect Bilbo, not because of a good relationship with Bilbo, but to complete this reward task.

However, the situation is quite good now, with 100 more shadow power points.

There should be 100 more shadow power points on the hammer.

Chapter 128 Life Is Too Hard, Isn't It?

As Xufeng got up, he quickly turned on the Lingvision system and scanned Bilbo's information.

On the character relationship column, you can see that Bilbo Baggins's name is in a highlighted state.

Xufeng clicked on it with thoughts, and a row of character data was displayed in front of Xufeng.

Bilbo Baggins: Hobbit nobleman, writer.

Skills: Snitch, cooking, writing.

Relative level: level 45.

Relationship: Friends (cannot be summoned temporarily).

Recognition: 15%.

...It turns out that Bilbo's relative level is only 45.

This level is really low.

In the high magic plane of Middle-earth, this level not only lacks any combat power, but also does not have any defense power.

Once the enemy is stared to death, it is really bound to die.

No, the fighting behind is so fierce, Bilbo is so low-level, always relying on the hammer to protect, it is not a perfect solution.

It seemed that he had to find an opportunity to teach Bilbo how to defend himself.

Well, the crane shape is good.

After Xu Feng made up his mind, he took a deep breath, showed his sword of Triton and Boromir, and walked out of the cave.

Bilbo worriedly wanted to follow, but the hammer pulled him back.

"Why are you going?"

"I... see if I can help." Bilbo said blushing.

The hammer said unceremoniously: "You will be the biggest help if you don't reach a dangerous place."

"I'm sorry..." Bilbo said with shame, "I'm really useless."

The hammer comforted: "No, it's none of your business. The main reason is that the outside is too dangerous. I have to make sure you are safe."

Bilbo couldn't help asking, "Ms. Hammer, why do you and Diego treat me so well?"

Hammer thought for a while, "Probably, because we are friends."

Bilbo nodded gratefully, and he fully agreed with Hammer's words.

At this time, the robbers were still packing the supplies. They had put all the dwarves' weapons in the carriages, and were searching each dwarf for valuable things.

A robber walked in front of Thorin and said grimly: "Take off the ring from your hand! Shorty!"

Thorin clenched his fists angrily. "This is the relic left to me by my grandfather. He represents my pure Lonely Mountain bloodline and my right to be the King of Lonely Mountain! This mountain ring is better than mine. Life is still important! If you want to take this ring, unless it is taken from my body!"

"Don't you think I dare?" As he said, the rookie robber raised the big knife in his hand.

Thorin raised his head proudly and looked at the robber contemptuously.

The robber suddenly felt guilty and afraid.

He was obviously the one with the weapon in his hand, but he was scared to death for some reason.

The other dwarves also shouted angrily, and the situation seemed to be out of control.

The robber gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and severely chopped off the big knife in his hand!


A blood arrow sprayed out.

Yin Hong's blood splashed on the ground, and there was a trace of heat.

A head rolled down immediately

The dwarves present all exclaimed.

But soon, they all breathed a sigh of relief.Love Literature Network

Thorin also opened his eyes in surprise, a blood stain was sprayed on his body, but he himself was not injured.

The head that rolled down was the head of the robber who wanted to kill him.

The eyeballs on that head were wide, obviously, he didn't understand what was going on till he died.

All the robbers were stunned by the sudden change.

They followed the dwarves' gazes and saw a human holding two long swords standing not far away, staring at them eagerly.

The bandit leader was about to order all bandits to switch to fire, and suddenly saw the face of the human swordsman.

The heartbeat of the bandit leader missed a beat!

How, how could this be?!

Why are you again!Didi!

I obviously hid in the ravine!Just to avoid you!

I also specially selected a group of dwarves to rob!How can I still run into you!

Life is too difficult!

Every time your career gets a little better, you will run into a big nemesis!

The novice robbers who knew nothing about life and death did not wait for the robber leader to give orders, and immediately aimed their bows and arrows at Xufeng.

Whoosh whoosh!

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