Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1020

More than a dozen arrows shot at Xufeng.

Xufeng smiled coldly, and immediately activated the crane-shaped body technique, easily avoided those arrows, and then rushed directly into the robber pile. The two long swords in his hand formed a meat grinder, which was instantly chopped to death. Five robbers were killed.

The bandit leader woke up like a dream, "Retreat! Retreat! All retreat! No, wait, take the dead man's weapon and run!"

While shouting, he ran away frantically.

The robbers suddenly became confused, and the dwarves seized the opportunity to fight the robbers with bare hands.

Even if they don't have weapons, but when they really fight, these bandits are not their opponents at all, they just lack a chance to involve the bandits' firepower.

The battle started quickly and ended quickly.

In less than three minutes, the robbers fled, dying to death.

Of course, the robbers who escaped also took away most of the robber weapons by the way.

For them... it is also a profit.

It's just that it wasn't earned by robbing others, but by dying gangsters.


The two young dwarves, Kili and Fili, jumped out, ready to pursue them.

Xufeng waved his hand, "Don't chase."

Thorin also nodded, "Well, a group of mobs did not cause us any loss. Let them go. We have more important things, and that is to protect our supplies."

Kili and Fili can only stop.

The current state of the dwarves is indeed not suitable for chasing. Jungle warfare is not their strong point, and it is dark now, and their weapons are put in the truck compartments. When they all have their weapons, The robbers have long since escaped without a trace.

Therefore, saving a little effort is the best choice.

Gandalf walked up to Xu Feng and said with a smile: "Diedi, you saved us all again."

Although Thorin didn't want to admit it, if Xu Feng didn't wake up in time and rushed over, he would probably die in the hands of an unknown robber.

"...Thank you." Thorin owed Xufeng slightly, "I owe you once, swordsman."

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "It's nothing, we are all members of the expedition team, this was originally my business."

Gandalf couldn't help asking, "Diedi, you have been in a coma for a day. What caused your unconsciousness without warning?"

Xufeng scratched his head, "...I can't remember."

Chapter 129: Who Wins?

"Can not remember?"

Gandalf had imagined countless extremely bad answers, but he had never thought that "Diedi" would say so!

Gandalf said eagerly: "Diedi, this matter is important, you must remember it!"

Xufeng smiled and said, "I know, Lao Gan, you just woke up, your body is still very tired, and your brain is in chaos. If you let me think about it for two more days, I should almost be able to think of it."

Gandalf sighed helplessly, "Then... OK."

Now that the matter is over, he is not easy to force it.

Besides, he could see that Xu Feng was really tired.

Thorin immediately said: "Anyway, it's great that you can wake up as a swordsman. We have already lost a lot of time. We should have been on the road right away, but your physical fitness has not fully recovered, and it is too late now. , We will leave early tomorrow morning."

Xufeng nodded and said, "Okay, let me rest for one more night. I won't take part in today's night watch."

Thorin said: "That's natural-today is the night, and I and Gandalf will be the first half of the night, Ouli, Noli, Doli, you three will be the second half of the night, and the others should take time to rest."


The dwarves responded in unison.

Xufeng smiled and said: "Who will cook me a package of instant noodles? It's best to cook two packages together, I'm super hungry.

"I'm coming!" Qi Li offered to invite Ying.

"Thank you then." Xu Feng put away two long swords, turned and staggered back to the cave.

Gandalf looked at his back, frowning slightly.

Is Xufeng really unable to remember?

of course not.

However, in front of so many dwarves, he couldn't tell Gandalf about the Eye of Sauron.

Besides, the Snow Emperor and the others are meeting here. It would be more natural for the brown-robed great mage Rui Dagast to tell Gandalf the news.

Otherwise, Gandalf will inevitably suspect Xufeng and their true identities.

When Xufeng returned to the cave, Bilbo greeted him in surprise, "How is the situation outside?"

"Solved." Xu Feng said lightly.

Bilbo said in surprise: "Solved? So fast?"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Well, it's just a group of mobs, it's not difficult-the bandit leader is a bit familiar, seems to have seen it somewhere, forget it, no matter what, anyway, they suffered heavy casualties this time. Come to harass us."

Bilbo breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good. I have read in the book that the robbers are terrible, they have no way to fight, but now it seems that the knowledge in the book, It may not be reliable either, at least the group of bandits we are facing is not so terrible."

Xufeng smiled and said, "That's because I am here."

Bilbo opened his mouth and wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he finally nodded, "Well, you are right. It is true that we are so safe because of you."

"Come on," Xufeng sat in front of Bilbo, "play chess."

Bilbo said in astonishment, "What?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "We were only halfway through the previous game, and we haven't decided the outcome yet."

Bilbo laughed, "That was all a day ago, who can remember where it was at that time?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "It's only a few dozen moves, of course I remember it."

As he said, he took the chessboard and slapped the black and white chess pieces on it.

Bilbo was completely stunned. "...Yes, this is the previous game. I just finished a pawn and I will win soon."

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