Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1021

Xu Feng grinned, "That's it, you dare to say that you are going to win?"

Bilbo said, "You have nowhere to settle!" Weichang

Xufeng picked up a white chess piece and easily landed in a place that Bilbo could not imagine.

Bilbo's pawn connection was immediately severed.

Not only that, Xu Feng's move also connected the original loose white pieces to four straight lines with five pieces!

Bilbo looked at the game with a stunned face.

Xufeng smiled and said, "Speak, who won?"

Originally, Bilbo was short of a chess piece and could connect five pieces in a straight line. Even if Xufeng could bet on one side of him, he could not stop the other side.

But he didn't pay attention. In fact, Xu Feng had already become four pawns in a row, and these pawns were hidden and scattered, it was impossible to guard against!

Bilbo sighed, "Diedi, you are... amazing."

Xufeng smiled and said, "So, you lost me another hundred meals?"

Bilbo smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid I won't make it in this life, or I will give you a discount."

Xufeng smiled and waved his hands, "No, we are all friends. In short, you will be responsible for the food and drink of Hammer and I in the future."

Bilbo smiled: "That's absolutely fine."

After speaking, his face became stiff.

He had thought that a woman with a big appetite like Ms. Hammer could not be supported by ordinary men. Now he suddenly realized that he was the one who raised Hammer and Diego.

This is really...

Bilbo laughed suddenly.

Xufeng asked: "What's wrong?"

Bilbo waved his hand, "It's nothing, it's nothing, it's just that I'm happy from the bottom of my heart to see you both wake up."

What he said is absolutely true. After all, as the heir of the Baggins family, Bilbo is definitely not bad for money.

For those who don't need money, friendship is the most precious.

Of course, true friendship is even more precious to those who are short of money.

At this time, Kellett walked into the cave with a bowl full of instant noodles.

"Master Diego, here comes your face."

"Okay, thank you."

Xufeng smiled and took the sea bowl, picked up the chopsticks, and ate it with big mouthfuls.

In a short while, he ate all the instant noodles in his bowl, and even drank the noodle soup.

After eating, he returned to the bed, and Bilbo and Kili both left wisely.

"Hey, stay away from me," said the hammer blushing.

Xufeng grinned, "Why? My feet don't smell."

The hammer frowned and said: "I'm afraid you can't hold it!"

Xufeng said: "Don't worry, I treat you as a brother, unless you don't treat me as a brother."

The hammer said quickly: "Of course I take you as a brother!"

"That's it?" Xufeng smiled: "Come on, brother, let's hug and sleep together."

"I don't want it!" The hammer's heart throbbed.

Xufeng yawned, "Don't forget it, if you want to hug, just climb over by yourself."

With that, Xu Feng rolled over and closed his eyes.

The hammer was left aside, and his face burned, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Chapter 130 Canyon Town

Xufeng did not fall asleep immediately.

He still had the Snow Emperor in his heart.

He had been busy before, but now he was finally free, and he could also communicate with Xuedi's mind.

"Snow Emperor."

Xu Feng's voice passed into Xuedi's mind.

The Emperor Xue who was lying among a bunch of rabbits suddenly opened his eyes, and his heart jumped to the extreme in an instant.

……How to do?

He wants to communicate with me!

What should I say!

Xuedi's heart was completely flustered.

Seeing that Emperor Xue hadn't responded for a long time, Xufeng quickly increased his mind and asked: "Xuedi, how are you? Why didn't you reply? Is there trouble?"

Xuedi quickly replied: "No... I just fell asleep."

"Oh, I'm sorry to disturb you." Xu Feng said apologetically.

Xuedi paused for a while, "It's okay."

Xufeng continued to say with thoughts: "Then since you have been woken up by me, let's talk for a while."


"Why are you so slow?" Xufeng asked with thought, "Are you injured?"


"Oh, that's good." Xu Feng said with thoughts: "By the way, when you communicated with me with thoughts before, it seemed to say something to me, but the voice of Demon Lord Sauron was too noisy at the time. Listen clearly, what were you talking about?"

Xuedi's heart was about to stop beating.

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