Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1022

"I... didn't say anything, you got it wrong."

"No!" Xu Feng said with thought: "I seem to hear something about you, two words, too you? Take you? Or... love you?"

Xuedi hurriedly denied: "No! I don't!"

"Aha." Xu Feng said triumphantly: "There is no silver here, little sister Xuedi."

"I'm not your little sister!" Xuedi roared deliberately with angrily.

Xufeng smiled and said with thoughts: "Yes! I can't call you little sister, but should call you eldest wife, right?"

"Xufeng! Go to death!" Xuedi roared angrily with his mind.

Although she didn't make a sound, all the rabbits beside her trembled with fright.

Xuedi quickly comforted them with his hands.

These rabbits were summoned by Rydagast from the surrounding forest to keep warm with them.

Ruidagast believes that making a fire is a destruction of nature. If you want to keep warm, you can find a group of suitable animals to surround you.

This method is really good. There is a group of warm animals leaning on them, which is much warmer than a campfire.

Xuedi was leaning on more than 30 fluffy little rabbits, Lin Hai was leaning on more than 30 little squirrels, and Yang Gong was leaning on more than a dozen...foxes.

To be honest, being surrounded by a group of foxes is indeed very warm, but... it just tastes a bit bigger.

No matter how miserable Yang Gong was, he dared not move.Egg pain

As for Rhidagast, he is not human, so he doesn't need warmth at all.

Xuedi comforted the little rabbit beside her, and at the same time replied to Xufeng with his mind: "Xufeng, you really heard it wrong, I never told you that! You are a member of my Xuedi team, I respect You, you have to respect me too! You can't influence the relationship between our teammates in this way!"

Xufeng smiled with thoughts: "Wow, you are so fluent in these words, have you been thinking about it for a long time?"

"...You!" The excuse Xuedi thought up after racking his brains was suddenly seen by Xufeng.

Xufeng smiled with thoughts: "Okay, on formal occasions, you are still my Captain Xuedi, but in private occasions, I will call you the eldest wife."

"You are not allowed to call that way!"

"What are you afraid of? No one else heard it." Xu Feng shouted loudly with thoughts: "Big wife! Big wife!"

Xuedi roared angrily with his thoughts: "Xu Feng! You are not allowed to call me the eldest wife! No! No! No! No!"

Xufeng smiled with thoughts: "Who told you to confess to me first? It's not that easy to take back your confession now."

"You..." Emperor Xue was upset.

"Haha, it's okay, I just want to make sure you are okay, now you go to sleep." Xufeng yawned with thought, "I want to sleep too, good night old wife, we will have time tomorrow. Chat."

With that, Xufeng interrupted the connection of mind.

"Hey! Don't call me..." Xuedi said weakly with a thought: "...Big wife."

It's a pity that Xufeng could not hear it.

Of course, even if he could hear it, Xufeng would not agree.

After communicating with Xuedi, Xu Feng fell asleep beautifully.

But Xuedi was tossing and turning, completely unable to sleep.

On the second day, Xuedi was exhausted and followed Ruidagast on the road, while Xufeng was full of energy, riding on a horse chasing the shadow, and following the dwarf expedition to the canyon town not far away.

Towards noon, the expedition team arrived at the arrow tower in Canyon Town.

The guard on the arrow tower saw a dwarf squad appear, and immediately shouted: "Stop! Who are you! What are you trying to do in Canyon Town?"

Thorin frowned slightly, "Please inform me, I am the prince Thorin of the dwarf Lonely Mountain Kingdom. I will take my people to the Lonely Mountain. Your prince Arsson is my friend. He promised that I will go along the way. Courtesy."

The guard was startled suddenly, "Well, please wait a moment, I will report!"

"Yeah." Thorin leaned slightly, which was a courtesy.

After a while, the gate of the arrow tower opened, and the guards lined up in two rows. A captain in armor and a middle-aged man in a silk robe walked out together.

Thorin and others also turned over from the horse.

The captain of the guard saluted to Thorin and said, "His Royal Highness Thorin, underneath is the captain of the guard Thomas of Canyon Town, and this is the mayor of Canyon Town Crane."

Mayor Crane hurriedly saluted Thorin, "Hello, Your Royal Highness, we are very happy to receive guests like you."

Thorin quickly and politely said, "I didn't want to disturb your town, but we are going to Gushan. Your town is the only way to go."

In fact, it is indeed the case.

If you don't go to Canyon Town, you have to climb over the high mountains of the Canyon.

The dwarves have never been worried about climbing mountains, but the problem is that the dwarf expedition team still carries a lot of supplies and luggage, which cannot climb over the steep cliffs.

Mayor Crane said with a smile: "We received an urgent official document from Prince Arsson a day and a half ago, telling us that we must receive Lord Diedi and Prince Thorin seriously-oh yes, may I ask, Lord Died? Yet?"

Xufeng smiled and walked over, lighting up the Smurf ring on his finger, "I am your Diedi."

Mayor Crane and Captain Thomas immediately knelt down towards Xufeng.

When the other guards saw this, they all knelt down towards Xufeng.

Chapter 131 The Other Side of the Canyon

The Ring of the Smurf is the ring of Prince Arsson.

Seeing this ring is like seeing the prince deity.

Prince Arsson is the first heir of the Arno kingdom, which means that Prince Arsson will inevitably become the kingdom of the Arno kingdom.

Therefore, Canyon Town treats Prince Arsson with the same respect as a future king, and those who wear Arsson’s ring can enjoy the same courtesy as his Royal Highness.

Xu Feng said quickly: "Don't don't don't, I'm not a real prince. Get up, get up quickly."

"Yes! Lord Diego!"

Only then did Mayor Crane and Captain Thomas stand up.

Thorin frowned slightly.

Anyhow, he is a real prince.

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