Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1023

But he didn't get such courtesy in Canyon Town.

"Diedi" is obviously not a real prince, but he enjoys the same courtesy as a prince.

This is really unbalanced.

However, Thorin knew in his heart that after all, this is the territory of humans, and it is natural for humans to be close to humans, just like dwarves will also hug dwarves.

This is race.

Mayor Kelan said to Xufeng politely: "Master Diego, we have all heard of your actions in Bray Town. You are really the hero of our human race!"

Xufeng smiled, "It's nothing."

Mayor Crane smiled and said, "Master Diego, please come into the city. We have prepared a grand welcome banquet for you and your friends."

Xufeng smiled and said, "Mayor Kelan, you are too kind."

"Yes! Yes! Please—" Mayor Crane led the way, and Captain Thomas was escorted by the side, and the group entered the arrow tower of Canyon Town mightily.

When I arrived at the hall of the arrow tower, I saw a clean long table. There were some plainly dressed town servants, busy at the table, preparing for a dinner.

Thorin wanted to refuse, saying that they could just eat instant noodles by themselves, just like the last time they were in Bray.

However, Mayor Crane and Captain Thomas both revolved around "Diedi", and this banquet was obviously to welcome people "Diedi". If Thorin said that there was no need to prepare a dinner party, it would be a bit embarrassing.

But Xufeng didn't mean to refuse to eat instant noodles at the dinner party.

Soling suddenly didn't quite understand that instant noodles are so delicious on earth, why would Xufeng choose to eat the reception dinner of the human race?

Oh, I really don't understand.

Thorin could only sit in one corner, frowning silently.

After a while, the table was filled with dazzling food.

Although these foods are not as good as the court level, for a town, they are definitely full of sincerity.Mayor Kelan of Electronic Chinese Network said with a smile: "Guests, please sit down."

"Okay! Then I'm not welcome."

Xu Feng sat down carelessly, and the other dwarves followed suit.

Looking at the table full of food, the dwarves have no appetite, they just want to eat instant noodles.

But for Xufeng and Iron Hammer... there are meat, vegetables and wine, and they also eat chicken feather instant noodles!

The two grabbed food and feasted on it.

Mayor Kelan sat with him and said with a smile, "Master Diego, I wonder if these dishes are to your liking?"

Xu Feng said as he ate, "Yeah, it's delicious! It's delicious!"

Mayor Kelan breathed a sigh of relief, "Master Diego, as long as you like to eat, as long as you like to eat. Uh, I would like to ask Master Diego for something."

Xu Feng waved his hand, "Don't call me an adult, I'm just a civilian mercenary, you can just call me Diedi."

Mayor Kelan grinned and said, "Yes, Lord Diedi, no no no, Diedi."

Xu Feng said as he ate, "If you have anything, just ask."

Mayor Crane said: "It stands to reason that the town of Bray is only a day's journey away from our town. Why did Lord Diedi come to our town after two days?"

Xufeng smiled and said, "Oh, nothing, it rained first, and after the rain stopped, we ran into a robber halfway."

They did meet the robbers, but it was not the mobs of robbers that really delayed their trip, but because Xufeng and Iron Hammer fell asleep for a full day!

Of course, this kind of thing, there is no need to explain to a passing mayor.

Mayor Kelan's eyes widened suddenly, "What robber is so indifferent, who even robbed you, Master Xufeng!"

Xufeng smiled and said: "Yes, so they are just blind robbers, but it's nothing. We killed half of his people. I don't think they dare to wander around your Canyon Town."

Captain Thomas said apologetically: "I'm so sorry, Lord Diego, this is our mistake, but the pressure on the east side of the town is even greater. We don't have extra troops to patrol the surrounding areas outside the town, so just..."

When Xufeng heard something in Captain Thomas's words, he asked, "East of the town? What's the matter?"

Captain Thomas said helplessly: "Originally, we shouldn't have troubled Lord Diego with this kind of thing, but... if this continues, we are afraid we will really be unable to hold it."

Xufeng frowned and said, "If you have something to say, just say it, what's the matter?"

"Let me do it." Mayor Crane cleared his throat. "This is how things are. Not long ago, our hunting hunters in the mountains were attacked by monsters, so we organized a group of townspeople volunteers to go. Round up monsters, but when we found those monsters, all the volunteers were frightened. We saw four huge ogres. The lowest of these ogres was two and five meters tall! The leader had two heads. These ogres originally lived on the other end of the canyon, and lived in the dark dense forest by hunting wild animals in the dark dense forest. Because they are stronger than wild animals, they It is the master of the dense forest, who has no worries about eating and drinking. For hundreds of years, he has not set foot on the other end of the canyon. But now I don’t know why they came to us. Within the scope of human territory."

"Our volunteers discussed it and prepared to negotiate with them, but as soon as they showed up, they were discovered by the ogres. They chased us with big sticks and we had no choice but to flee."

"A few tripped over the vines, unfortunately they became their dinner." Mayor Crane sighed sadly.

Xufeng frowned and said, "Why don't you report such a big thing?"

"We reported it!" Captain Thomas said quickly: "We reported it to the fortress of Neinhahn, but the commander didn't believe that there was an ogre invasion. He asked us to show evidence. So we organized the town. The guards of China, but the strength of our guards is completely unable to compete with the ogres. The ogres can crush the hard armor of our guards with a single stick!"

Chapter 132 Delicious instant noodles!

"so smart?"

Philip, who was across the table, couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is the ogre so difficult to deal with? Even the regular army of your human race can't beat them?"

Captain Thomas said with lingering fear: "It's nothing to be ashamed of. Our team of 50, and some rangers recruited from the private sector, organized a team of about 70, but we were still beaten by four ogres."

"What's more terrifying is that after the ogres have eaten human flesh, they have further expanded their territory. Now they are stationed in the woods on the east side of our town, and the townspeople are completely afraid to enter and exit through the east gate. Up."

"And the east gate of Canyon Town is the only way to Rivendell. Rivendell is the territory of King Elrond of the elves. Unlike other elves, King Elrond is half of the human blood, so Elrond The king’s elven kingdom is also open to the human race. Many of our townspeople in Canyon Town do business there. Now, the east gate cannot enter and exit, and the lives of many townspeople have been affected."

"When we took the shields and armor smashed by the ogres to call for help from the commander of Neenhahn, the plague broke out in the town of Bray, and everything was postponed because of this. Everyone was trying to protect the town of Bray. Security, and we must also take care of our west gate to stop the infected in Bray Town."

"Fortunately, there were no infected people in Bray Town, and Lord Diego was here, and the plague was quickly eliminated. Otherwise, we really can't last long." Captain Thomas sighed heavily.

Xufeng asked in a deep voice, "How is the situation at Dongmen now?"

Captain Thomas said helplessly: "We can't beat the four ogres, but it is not so easy for the ogres to attack. After all, we still have arrow towers. As soon as the ogres get close, we will use a strong crossbow. Shooting. The skin of the ogres is thick and thick, and the strong crossbows can't shoot through their tough skin! We spent a few days in fear, but in the past few days, the four ogres have become cunning. , They smashed down the rocks in the canyon, and used the rocks to smash our arrow tower. In the past few days, many of our soldiers have had their hands on the arrow tower and damaged many places. If there are two or three rounds of attack, the east side The gate of the arrow tower is about to be blown open by the ogres."

Gandalf frowned and said, "The ogres here are so arrogant? What is the reason?"

Mayor Crane asked, "This one is?"

Xu Feng patted his forehead, "I forgot to introduce it to you, this is Lao Gan."

"Old Gan?" Mayor Crane and Captain Thomas looked at each other.

Xu Feng smiled and said: "Old Gan, that is Gandalf, the gray-robed great mage of the Holy White Council."

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