Unlimited movie world

Infinite Movie World Chapter 1024

Mayor Crane and Captain Thomas immediately jumped up and saluted Gandalf in a panic.

"Sorry Archmage!"

"We didn't recognize you!"

Gandalf waved his hand graciously, "It's okay, you think the Archmage of the Holy White Council should be aloof, no one thought I would be like this. You continue to talk about ogres."

Mayor Crane said cautiously: "It's almost like this. In short, if we don't have reinforcements, at this time tomorrow, the ogres will be able to break through our Canyon Town—there are more than 1,000 in Canyon Town. The townspeople have a population of about three or four thousand. If the ogres come in, it will be an unthinkable situation! Please Lord Diego, please Grand Master Gandalf, save our Canyon Town!"

With that, Mayor Crane wanted to kneel down again.

Xufeng hurriedly helped Mayor Kelan up, "My lord, I can understand your painstaking efforts, and I also want to help Canyon Town very much. However, I belong to the Gushan Expedition, my actions, You must discuss with the captain of the expedition. Only when Thorin agrees can I help you."

All the people present focused on Thorin.

Thorin was startled slightly, and quickly cleared his throat and said, "The ogres...are the enemies of our alliance. Our alliance has an alliance contract for offense and defense. The ogres invade your Canyon Town. It is reasonable and reasonable. Time to help."

Yes, this is a favor, he must help.end

First, this is an agreement between the alliances. As a member of the royal family of the Lone Mountain Dwarf, of course he must take the lead in complying with this agreement.

Secondly, if they want to cross the Misty Mountains to reach the Lone Mountain, they must first go out from the east gate of Canyon Town.

If the ogres were still outside the east gate, they would definitely be attacked if they rushed out of the city.

Three years... "Diedi" has pushed him into full view. Of course, he can't disappoint everyone. In that case, his prestige will be gone.

The dwarves clenched their fists in excitement, they had long been eager to fight the monsters.

Mayor Crane said with gratitude, "Thank you, Prince Thorin! The people of Canyon Town will always remember your kindness from Your Highness Thorin!"

Thorin quickly said: "No, no, it's all right, Bahrain, after you have eaten, you take the dwarf brothers to guard the east gate, so that the wounded human soldier brothers have time to take turns and rest."

Bahrain said immediately: "Yes, let's go!"

Mayor Kelan said quickly: "Everyone, you haven't eaten much yet!"

Bahrain smiled and said: "The rotation is important, besides, we can eat instant noodles!"

Thorin also stood up immediately, "It's important, I'll go too."

Mayor Crane said quickly: "His Royal Highness Prince Thorin! You have nothing to eat either!"

Thorin said with a serious face: "The rotation is important! The rotation is tight! Dwarf brothers, let's go!"


The dwarves got up immediately.

Captain Thomas quickly said: "I will take you there!"

"Okay, let's work!"

Thorin followed Captain Thomas, and the dwarves happily went to the east gate of the arrow tower.

They can finally eat delicious instant noodles instead of eating these ordinary dishes!

Mayor Crane gratefully looked at Thorin and the others from the back, "Dwarf brothers, it's great! I don't even care about food, so I went to help us defend the city. I'm so touched."

Xufeng grinned, "It's nothing, Mayor Kelan. By the way, do you have a topographic map here? Show me."

"Yes!" Mayor Crane summoned a guard immediately, and the guard ran up holding a thick parchment map.

Mayor Kelan unfolded the map, pointed to a town marker on the map and said: "This is our Canyon Town, this is Twin Peaks Canyon, and the entire virgin forest here is the dark and dense forest. The original land of the ogres was At the other end of the gorge, but for unknown reasons, they suddenly came to our place."

Xufeng looked at the topographic map roughly, frowned and said, "Are you sure, there are only four ogres?"

Chapter 133 Don't be kidding me!

"This one……"

Mayor Crane frowned and thought, "Should it be? Because we have only seen these four since we discovered the ogres. It stands to reason that if there were more ogres around here, they would have been Gathered and attacked our city defense."

Xu Feng nodded slightly.

Obviously, the mayor still has a brain.

However, as the mayor, his ability to think at the strategic level is still somewhat insufficient.

These four ogres came from the other end of the canyon. They gave up the territory they had lived in for thousands of years. They were definitely not wandering without reason.

It is very likely that something is wrong with their territory.

Xufeng looked at the map carefully, and finally clicked on a shadowy place on the other side of the canyon, "We have to go here to take a look."

Mayor Crane was taken aback, "What? Go deep into the dark dense forest? This...too dangerous! There is the hinterland of ogres!"

Gandalf sipped the Shire tobacco. "Diedi, do you think there is a problem?"

Hammer blinked and asked, "What's the problem?"

Xu Feng smiled faintly, "I don't think it's because there must be a problem."

This is the so-called strategic level.

It takes one step and three steps, or even a little further.

The crisis of the ogres to Canyon Town is not a serious matter, and the four ogres are not difficult to solve, but if only the four ogres are solved, then it seems that there is no problem on the surface. But maybe, you will miss more serious problems.

Gandalf spit out the smoke ring and said faintly: "Okay, then let's go."

The hammer sighed helplessly, "Although I don't understand what you are talking about, it's a good thing to be able to get out and get some air."

Mayor Crane said eagerly: "Several adults! Canyon Town needs you! Without you, how would we deal with the four terrifying ogres!"

Xu Feng said lightly: "It doesn't matter, there are dwarves. Ogres can't break the city defense in a short time."

The mayor of Kelan said eagerly, "But..."

What he needs is not a dwarf!

What he needs is "Diedi" and Gandalf!

Xufeng smiled and said, "Don't worry, Mayor Kelan, we are just going to investigate. We will be back before dark."

Mayor Klan sighed helplessly, "...Well, Lord Diego, how many people do you need to bring?"

Xu Feng smiled and said: "No, just the three of us will do."

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